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June 10th, 2014

[info]magichorn in [info]portland_net

This city is rough in a way I do not understand and everyone in it moves far too fast. I find I already do not like it. To have the calming presence of my home once more is all I dare hope for on this long night. I beseech you, denizens of this Land of Port, how may I return to it?

[info]crayonbreaker in [info]portland_net

Harry Dresden

So a baby? That's new!

[info]echoesoftime in [info]portland_net

It seems like lots of people have questions about how I was born. Reproductive technology gets a lot more important when colonising planets becomes viable. Seven billion people on one planet is awfully crowded but seven billion people in the universe is almost nothing. And fuel for a ship large enough to transport a large enough seed population and samples for all the plants and animals they might need is much more expensive than assistive reproduction technology. By my time humans are using progenation machines that only need a DNA sample from one parent. It's not cloning because the constituent parts of the DNA strand are separated out and recombined in a different pattern to produce an entirely new person. Then it incubates them until they reach maturity and embeds a packet of useful information relating to one of the occupations that are required in a new colony. (I don't know exactly how it does it. I only know basic hardware engineering, and almost no genetics.)

So that's how I don't have any mother and how I'm only five months old. It's just going to be the normal process for founding a colony, then after there's enough people to reach critical mass the equipment gets shut down and put into storage in case there's an emergency and they revert to traditional methods. But they were still using it on Messaline when my Dad landed there and they took a sample from him to make me. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them here, then I don't have to explain too many times.

[info]19_53_88 in [info]portland_net

[Scott & Stiles]
I think maybe I should move out. So, you know, this is cool and all, but maybe I should like... give you guys back your bachelor pad. Coz this is I mean, I know it's this really stereotypically Asian thing, but even though they're not here and as much as my dad is all over my lovelife I don't think my parents would like me living alone with boys.

Even if I can kick both of your asses in a sword fight. At the same time. :-P
[/Scott & Stiles]

[Girls not from Beacon Hills]
I think maybe living with my maybe-ex-maybe-boyfriend is pretty much a bad idea so I'm going to move but before I do I just want to see if anyone wants a roommate?

[info]rubyrides in [info]portland_net

Is it rude to brag about having an awesome boyfriend? That's really all I wanted to say, actually, that Barry is amazing. I'm done now.

[ barry ]
Thank you for the flowers. I'd like to see you tonight, if you're not busy.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

[Dean, Sam, Charlie, River, Claudia, Ja Jack]
So, have I missed anything fascinating over the last few days?

[Dean, Sam, Charlie, Jack]
I found baby pictures.

Pic )