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May 7th, 2014

[info]hidethedamage in [info]portland_net

There is nothing in the world like going to sleep beside one's husband in a TARDIS and waking up to bright lights in some random city in America. I'm not sure I approve. But then, I'm not really sure I have much choice in the matter, do I?

Anyway, I'm River Song. Professor River Song, that is, since I've been given a job at the University, which I'm hoping fills up my days, as I doubt I'm going to get in nearly as much trouble around here as I normally do. Pity, that.

[info]eosphoros in [info]portland_net

I read a little about "Cinco de Mayo" and found it very interesting. It's a celebration of a battle that took place in another country, but as a holiday it is more popular here than it is there.

It's a little easier to settle in if I work through discrete subjects, rather than looking at the whole. At the moment I'm trying to get an eye for the subtleties of fashion. Luckily there seems to be a rather large number of people specifically writing on the subject, so at the same time I'm learning about magazines and the internet. I suspect being able to instinctively know, when you search for something, which options are the best is an important skill in itself. And all these new words are like learning another language.