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Jul. 14th, 2014


But there isn't anything I want. At least not that comes out of a well.

[The Doctor]
I would love to get some ice cream with my favourite dad though! Jack's come back so I'm not working late anymore this week.

How come Donna thinks she remembers me if she doesn't remember me?

Jul. 12th, 2014


[ filtered against SPN demons (crowley & ruby) ]
So. Anyone who's been here for more than a few weeks should be aware that sometimes, the people-- or beings-- that come through the wormhole aren't always friendly. Some of them are very hostile, and we seem to be in agreement that we deal with those by defending ourselves. There's also a mostly unspoken agreement that anyone who doesn't pose a direct threat to anyone's health gets a second chance or a clean slate, even from a horrific past, a chance to have a different life in a new world.

I'm not going to argue with that, and from the things I'm about to write, it's going to be obvious why I won't. It'd be hypocritical. But there is someone that's arrived through the wormhole that's made me conflicted over whether that clean slate is a good idea. I'm not going to break the agreement, but I do want to warn you. I wasn't sure if I should do this, but since two of my friends, coming at this from two different angles, have encouraged me to do it, it's what I'm going to do.

cut for leeeength but still under the same filter-- there's a lot of canon history here to cover and sam is sparing none of the details )

That's all. Well, it's not all, but it's enough. [...] If you've made it this far, thank you for hearing me out. And if you've skimmed to the end, my point was: never trust a demon. As Ruby herself put it, lying and manipulation are in the demon job description.

[ team free will ]
I'm coming home now.

[ ruby ]
Getting comfy yet?

Jul. 11th, 2014


Private to Sam Winchester:
Hello! Long time no chat. How you been?

Listen, I know things ended a bit awkwardly between us, and I'm sorry about that. I haven't wanted to bother you since, but I happened notice certain things over the network lately, like that demon thing. I just wanted you to know that even though we may not have the same opinions about certain things, I'm still here for you if you need me.

I'm just putting it out there. I don't want to pressure you into being my friend, but I still care about you. I never really stopped, and I will never forget everything you did for me.

I hope you're alright. And sorry again.

Private to Melody:
I'm inviting myself over, because it's been an afternoon of feels and I want to spend the night with My Favorite. Do you want Chinese takeout or a pizza or McDonald's? Sorry. Those are the closest things to me.

Also... Jack said to ask you about the 456? He sounded a bit upset over the network, and he didn't really want to tell me. He said to ask you. Has he told you? It must be something really hard to get Jack down. He's usually all smiles all the time.


Holly claims to be a hologram but she's a demon, right?

Where's Grant? Somebody answer me or I'm going to tear this town apart looking for him.

Jul. 10th, 2014


Private to Sam

Are you okay?

I saw that Ruby, the demon, arrived. I'm guessing from all that was said that this is her; the girl that hurt you so?

I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you, if you need help or a place to get away from it all. Or if you just want to go to see a dumb drive-in horror combo and forget about your troubles.


Central library's reopening tomorrow, if anyone's desperate for something to read that isn't on the internet. Also (for the influx of people from different worlds who might not be aware) music, movies, tv shows and video games, though you need a games console to play those.

Do you D&D by the way? Charlie Bradbury runs a game on Wednesdays. 4th edition, not 3.5, because we had new players and it's less complicated.

I talked to him, it's fine. And I hear you've acquired dog.


Are we really going to fight between ourselves? That's idiotic.

Jul. 9th, 2014



Sorry, I couldn't help but notice what happened with that girl Ruby on the network.

Are you okay? Do you need help? Do the rest of us need help?

Jul. 8th, 2014


[ team free will ]
So. Ruby.

I don't

Jul. 9th, 2014


Anyone know where I can get some decent french fries around here? Not fast food. The good stuff, at a place where they change the oil in the fryer more than once a week. I've had a bitch of a day and I need a pick me up.

EDIT: Screw the french fries. Which of you have the Winchesters pissed off?

Jul. 6th, 2014


I never quite thought I'd want to go back to my own world.

Jul. 5th, 2014


Someone should be entertaining. Or put up a hammock. Or both. I am le tired and do not want to fire zeh missiles.


Seeing as it's July 4th and I've finally gotten most of the blood stains out of the floorboards of Bar Fly, I'd like to invite you all down for a drink. On the house, obviously.

I'm hope you're all safe and I look forward to seeing some friendly faces out partying tonight.


Why does everyone do fireworks in summer, anyway? July here, November back home, even though it doesn't get dark until well after 9. Sounds like a recipe for cranky kids the next day to me.

Whatever, I'm going to eat a lot of BBQ steak and be quietly weirded out by all the gaudy patriotism. Pity I don't work at a butchery anymore. They used to hook me up with the best meat at Whenua.

This is a really weird question, but you said gloves aren't optional for your outfits. Normally I'd assume skin condition or pretentious hipster, but given how fucked up this place is... why is that?

Jul. 4th, 2014


Happy 4th of July, everyone. To all of you who celebrate. You might as well at least eat some good food, even if you don't. I think we've all earned it.

[ matt ]
Hey. Thanks for the gift basket, it was appreciated. Especially the soup.

Got any plans for today, or do you want to join us? We're grilling over at Jody and Charlie's.


Team Free Will + Co.:
I'm up, I'm kicking, and I'm totally human. I know you all pulled it out for me. I was a real douchebag at the time, but I appreciate it. I'm proud to call the bunch of you my family.

I won't do that again if I can help it.

So, this new squiggle on my arm. Lay the rules on me.

Finn Hudson:
Sorry for ditching you. It's been a rough few weeks. Did all your friends pull through?


Filtered: Team Free Will (expanded edition)
I have burgers, hotdogs, and barbecue for us today. I'm grilling. There's cold beer in the fridge and apple pie baking. Afterward, there's sparklers and some small fireworks just for us. We done good. Lets celebrate it.

Jun. 28th, 2014


[ team free will ]
So, if the monster invasion is done with at least for the moment, then it's time to deal with our other problem. You don't have to be involved if you don't want to be, but I figure you should be in the loop anyway.

I want to cure Dean.

Jun. 27th, 2014


I'm at the

I'm okay.

Jun. 25th, 2014


Private to Blaine's Friends + TFW:
Blaine's in the hospital, but he's not hurt. He's not possessed anymore, and an Angel was able to heal the injuries that the demon caused him. It's probably still too dangerous out there for anyone to try and come out and see him, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind the visitors. If you do decide to visit him, you should probably take it easy around him. He's been through a really traumatizing experience, and he's gonna be freaked about this for a while. Just be patient with him.

TFW Only:
I'm gonna be taking up some extra shifts at the hospital. It's still crazy here, and being home is only going to give me more time to think I'd rather be helping out where I can instead of doing nothing. Don't worry I'm fine. Everyone still okay?

Oh... before I forget... Hey Crowley? Fuck you.

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