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December 30th, 2014

[info]damagedgenius in [info]portland_net

Apparently the earthquake in the alien city has ripped some sort of hole in...in...

A hole in the -

In the space/time continuum. A wormhole of sorts, which is fascinating, really.

Or I'm hallucinating, which is, um, equally possible.

[info]19_53_88 in [info]portland_net

Household/general acquaintances

Leftovers and Back to the Future marathon? We could pretend like we're normal for once.

[info]helishly in [info]portland_net

Yes, the Bar Fly is open on New Year's Eve. As usual, last call is 1.45 and the cleaners would appreciate if you keep your naked times out of the bathrooms and ideally off the premises entirely. Go leave your biohazard bodily fluids elsewhere no matter how excited you are. I wouldn't be surprised if we get spot checked by the cops either so no ID, no service.

I'm working 9.30 til close on Wednesday but if you want, stop by about nine or quarter past and I'll buy you a drink since you're new in town and not completely insipid. Bring your friend if you want.

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]portland_net

Private to Emma and Rue

A friend of mine that just arrived here is going to stay with us for a while. I just wanted to give you two the heads up.

[info]narvinthespy in [info]portland_net

What joy it is to find yourself waking up out of nowhere in a hospital only to be patronised and find yourself on Earth of all places.

I might as well get the introductions over with. My name is Narvinectralonum, Narvin for short and I'll be a new... 'guest' of Portland. I am so very delighted to be here, I couldn't tell you.

[info]letstalknumbers in [info]portland_net

So, where does a girl ring in the new year in Portland? Does the ball drop here too?