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December 28th, 2014

[info]itspsychology in [info]portland_net

So this might be coming a bit late, but I was finally directed towards this network. No real questions now as I've been thoroughly briefed among other things as to what's going on here, and I can't say I don't believe it as it matches with my experiences for the last three years...

My name is DI Alex Drake... though here I suppose it's simply detective. I'll be joining the local police. Nice to meet everyone.

Perhaps someone could answer one question, is there any sort pattern with this wormhole? Or is it random chance?

[info]howconvenient in [info]portland_net

private to melissa, jake, adam, stiles, caleb, chase, nico
So, I want to have a party. I'm thinking New Years at Jake's house. You can bring who you want, I don't care.

private to melissa, jake and adam
Any luck on the crystals?

private to diana
How's it going?

[info]ascending in [info]portland_net

Chase Collins

Hey, you got a sec?

[info]manc_lion in [info]portland_net

There are three battles that shape our lives: Nature versus nurture, freewill versus destiny, and City versus United. And now thanks to Bolly teaching me a bit more about how the internet works, I can officially declare that Sam and Ray were both wrong! Not only is City the current Premier League champs, but they were runner-up last year (blasted United!), and champs the year before that.

[info]myownfate in [info]portland_net

Private to Melissa

I wasn't sure who else to talk to about this, but do you remember my grandpa's lucky coin? I found it in my room on Christmas.

[info]igotsrageyo in [info]portland_net

fab four filter

So this place isn't so bad. I woke up with Princess Sparkles on my pillow. And apparently I got a job as an event planner. Someone sure has a lot of faith in me, but I'm accepting this challenge for the sake that I have nothing else to do.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

private to Damon
Was Santa good to you?

private to Serena
Hey, are you doing alright?

[info]withbloodshed in [info]portland_net

Chase S, Karolina, Molly
There's a guy around somewhere called Malachai who's a witch, except he doesn't have his own powers, he has to steal them from other witches. I don't think he'll have any reason to even look twice at you guys but you should probably, like, know he exists. We all know to be on the look out for him and as far as I know he's still got some power from this other witch in Faye's circle so for now I think he's laying pretty low. There's a lot of people gunning for him though, not just the witches, it sounds like he's not too popular with all the vampires and their lot too. I'm not too worried but I'm being careful anyway.

Chase S, Karolina
Do you guys have New Years plans yet? Faye's having a party at Jake's place but I don't know if you'd rather hang with the girlfriends' people.

Chase C, Caleb
I haven't seen hide or hair of anyone suspicious. I'd have thought he'd have found out who broke in, so unless I'm wrong he's either biding his time or isn't up for a confrontation. I'm keeping my guard up either way.

Going to Faye's on Wednesday? Now there's a place I'd like to see him try and attack.