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November 7th, 2014

[info]johnmitchell in [info]portland_net

This place really isn't so bad. Once the dead stopped jumping off their gurneys and attempting to eat the rest of you, obviously!

So, what is there to do in a post-zombie-apocalyptic Portland?

[info]doctorjohnsmith in [info]portland_net

Private to the Whovians/Torchwoodians

Are you all alright? After... well... everything?

[info]idisi in [info]portland_net

Guess it's time to get back to being an adult again. Something gives me the feeling that police work here is even more messed up than it is back home.

[info]slaypire in [info]portland_net

I've heard stories before but I never thought a hot shower would be so amazing. And grocery stores. You have grocery stores.

[info]idontwantpeace in [info]portland_net

Private to Ric

I need a favor.

[info]nightingalesway in [info]portland_net

Happy to say that everything at the hospital has finally checked out and we've been given the go-ahead to finally leave and go home. I have to say that being cut off from the outside world for two weeks because of outdated lock down procedures is NOT fun. I do not want to do that again. Hospital being transported to the moon? Fine. But not this.

But yes, quarantine is lifted. And I really really am looking forward to my own bed. Thank god for the washing machines in the basement or this would have gotten really messy... and I don't want to think about it.

Everyone says thank you Jack, for running supplies. I think they all want to treat you to dinner of some sort. At least the department heads do.

I'M GOING HOME! Does anyone want to come and get me? I'm exhausted.

[info]halfqueen in [info]portland_net

This week at the Underground, Halloween is extended.

Come and get your kicks and drink the things that go bump in the night.

Half price from 6 to 7!

[info]transgenic in [info]portland_net

private to Max

Have you talked to Jondy?

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

private to Damon

Got any plans tonight?