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October 24th, 2014

[info]letstalknumbers in [info]portland_net


Hey. So, I know you've probably heard different versions of this all before, but I have a friend who may be infected. I say may because he says that he wasn't actually bitten - he was injured in a fight against some of them, and it's possible that he's been exposed now. The difference with him is that he's not exactly human. He's a werewolf and I don't know if it's his body reacting differently to the virus or he's trying to fight it off. Normally when a wolf is hurt or injured they heal very quickly, but this time he's not. He doesn't have all of the usual symptoms we've been seeing in others who become infected, so we're hoping that his healing factor may just be reacting more slowly since it's working in overdrive.

You're the only one here who knew the virus existed in your time before the wormhole brought you here. You know more about it that anyone else. Has anything happened like this before that you know of? The doctors haven't found a cure yet, so we don't know what else to do except wait. Is there anything else that we can do for him?
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[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net

I'm home. Sorry I didn't write sooner but I.

Thanks to everyone who went out looking for me. My boss, he Everyone okay?

[info]letstalknumbers in [info]portland_net

Laura and Derek

I just spoke with someone who came from a world where the zombies already existed. She called the virus the Green Flu and said that so far they hadn't found a cure - but that she and some of her friends were known as carriers and are immune to the virus. She's offered a sample of her blood for us to have, and as soon as I meet her I'll bring it to you. There were no werewolves in her world, so there's no known cases of a wolf having the virus that she knows of. There's also no way to predict what the blood might do if or when it's used.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Are you I'm going to bring supplies from one of the food drops to the gym. Are you keeping track of what each of the shelters has etc? If not it might be worth doing, along with how many people are there and so on.

You guys all good over there? Not sure what weapons you have (aside from Cas)tiel) but it's starting to hit Peak Zombie.

Friends/Warm Acquaintances + Chris Argent
If you're going to look for food drops, avoid the city limits. It sort of goes without saying but just... extra emphasis. I've been listening in on their communications and they're not letting anything get closer than a hundred feet or so, and usually further.