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October 7th, 2014

[info]johnmitchell in [info]portland_net

Where the fuck am I? Is this hell?

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Finally having a car = avoiding public transport hell while everyone's being weirdly aggro. If this is gradually getting worse though I might have to bring my taser grocery shopping.

(That's a joke. Mostly. I'm pretty sure the follow up would be a total pain in the arse.)

[info]littleeverdeen in [info]portland_net


Katniss, do you think you can come pick me up at school please? My teacher just got into a fight with another teacher over a pencil sharpener. The Peacekeepers of this place are here.

[info]coyotebound in [info]portland_net

No school No school Noschool Noschool Noschoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

I mean, I really don't feel good you guys.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]portland_net


Hey, Cowboy. You think you're some pretty hot shit, don't you?

[info]deputyparrish in [info]portland_net

Is there a full moon? What's with this sudden burst of criminal activity? I realize this is a big city, but the amount of arrests coming into the precinct just this week alone tops anything I've ever seen.

That said, if anyone witnesses any violent or suspicious activity, do not try to engage. Find a safe place and contact the authorities right away. We don't need anyone else getting hurt out there.

Also, there's a Roy Harper here at the station. He says he's from the wormhole too. Anyone want to come and claim him?

[Beacon Hills]
Is it just me or is the atmosphere around here changing?

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Text to Martha Jones

>> Are you at work? Can you check whether a Steve Rogers or any John Does have been admitted? Tall, blond, very all-American. Ta, will non-literally shower you with coffee sometime.

>> NVM, he is located.

[info]withbloodshed in [info]portland_net


I gave you the benefit of the doubt when I got here but I guess that was a massive mistake. Everyone who's gotten hurt since the fire is on you if you've known everything for that long and didn't tell anyone who could actually do something about it, which FYI does NOT include girls who aren't even old enough for high school. The last thing Molly needs is another lying adult putting her in danger. I don't care how sad you are or how guilty you feel, she could have been killed, so if you can't sort your fucking shit out and learn to be a fucking grown up who takes care of her own problems then you need to peace out right now, because the only reason I'm not moving her things out of there right now or magicking you so you physically can't lie anymore is because for some reason she actually still thinks you're okay.

[info]pepperandpotts in [info]portland_net

Private to Harry
Hey. I think I've got the flu. Lucky me, right? Anyway, I'm gonna go pop like twenty Advils and watch a chick flick. Probably won't be in tomorrow either.

Private to Tony
Don't come over. It's like I've got the plague over here. I saw about Steve. Is he okay?

[info]poweraddict in [info]portland_net

Private to Faye


[info]alwaysbetrayed in [info]portland_net


We need to talk.

[info]humane in [info]portland_net

private to robin
How's he doing?

private to bonnie
How are you doing?