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September 10th, 2014

[info]zoosophy in [info]portland_net

Anyone for NEWBORN LION CUBS? No one's allowed in because Kya's never been a mother before but I've been watching them on the camera all morning.

It feels sort of weird to not be back at school after the summer. When I'm on my way to work I see all these kids heading to school and I get this jolt like I'm forgetting that's where I'm meant to be before I remember. It's not like I'm not learning anyway, though. I got hold of some first year science and zoology textbooks to go over during downtimes and in the evenings.

[info]onmygypsyshonor in [info]portland_net


I know dreams can feel real but this takes the fucking cake.

[info]wearmetotheprom in [info]portland_net

Private to Wanda
You weren't at the university last night, were you?

Team Free Will
Classes at the university were cancelled today. Apparently, there was a fire in one of the sorority houses. All the girls inside died except for two. According to the news, they somehow slept through the fire that killed everyone else. Anyone else find that weird?

[info]firstimmortal in [info]portland_net

Something tells me that the cat is out of the bag.

Oh well, I guess.

[info]cannottouch in [info]portland_net

Hey, sugar, I know everything's kinda crazy right now because of the fire but I was wondering if maybe y'all had some extra time for sparring? I really need to be distracted right now.

It's not quite dinner but Molly has a soccer game tomorrow, and we'll be there to watch it. I was wondering if y'all wanted to join us? I figure it's a good way to get to know the girls and I need them to like you if i can't take care of them anymore.

[info]boltofbarry in [info]portland_net

Team Arrow
Sorry for all the posts, but I got in early this morning to head over and examine the bodies at the sorority house. Guys... the fire didn't kill them. They were all dead when the fire started. First of all, there was no soot in the air passageways after I did a quick, preliminary swab test. But what's most disturbing is that none of the victims had a single ounce of blood left in them. They died from complete and total exsanguination. That doesn't happen from a fire. Actually, that doesn't happen at all.

This wasn't just an accident. It's a crime scene now. And the fire is the cover up.

I think we need to tell someone. I have to write in my report that the girls all died of extreme blood loss. It almost makes it look like suicide, which will be even worse for the parents to hear. But even if they did try to bleed to death, the body would retain at least some of its blood. They were completely dry, which made it easier for the bodies to burn.

So let me be the first to say what everyone is thinking here.


Private to Hunters (and Steve/Team Arrow)
We might have a situation. There was a fire at a sorority house last night, and all the victims died because they were drained of their blood. The fire wasn't what killed them. Something (or someone) else did.

[info]jeremyhunts in [info]portland_net

Private to Mystic Falls
Anyone have anything to explain to me about a sorority house fire last night?

Added later...
Private to Hunters
So I know everyone's sort of dealing with what happened at the university, but we've also got an issue with this immortal named Silas. He's a major douchebag, who's impersonating Stefan and definitely trying to stir up some shit here in this city. He really is immortal, and he really can't be killed or hurt. But, he has been stopped before.

There's something called the Cure, which can turn him back into a human (well, a witch), and he can be killed. But we don't have it. Magic can also immobilize him but still not kill him. The third way is by using dopplegangers, and there's no way I'm letting that happen unless it's to Katherine. If anyone in interested, I can give you the whole history on him. He killed me once, and he's been causing grief for a while now. So if anyone's got any ideas, I'd be happy to hear them out.

Private to Matt, Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and Damon
Meeting of the minds tonight at 8 in our living room? Discussion topics include: how to save Stefan and how the hell to shut Silas up in a coffin and keep him there for the next twelve eternities. Everyone in?

[info]vigilantecop in [info]portland_net

I'm Detective Max Hardy. The Portland PD respectfully requests that all civilians steer clear from the damage of last night's fire. You are tampering with evidence if you go inside or touch any of the remains. Students should check the university's website for updates on how this might impact you.

Thank you.

[info]buffythevampire in [info]portland_net

Private to Santana
Now, when someone promises me that if I remove their compulsion they will be on their best behavior, I take them at their word and expect just that. A promise is a promise and I do not like people who break their promises, especially in such a radical fashion.

If there's something you'd like to tell me, I recommend you do so.

[info]helishly in [info]portland_net

Something... I don't feel right.

I'd better not be coming down with something. I don't think I've been sick in years, I was really hoping to keep that going.

[info]its_starlord in [info]portland_net

Heard about the fire, you holding up alright?

Hey gorgeous, how are you doing?

Please tell me you weren't at a sorority house last night.

[info]therogueslayer in [info]portland_net


What's the deal with this fire? Heard it might be arson by vamp. Any truth to that rumor?

[info]itsallinfunlove in [info]portland_net

Private to Rogue

How are you this lovely Wednesday, friend?

[info]alwaysbetrayed in [info]portland_net

Private to Elena
If there's anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask.

Private to his siblings
It's apparent that last night's fire is being blamed on a vampire. And more over, it feels as though the finger will be pointed in our direction. Do not entertain such claims.

Private to Viktoria
Are you well?

Private to Allison
What have you heard about the fire?

Private to Hayley
Would you mind relocating yourself and Clara until this Silas and fire situation has, well blown over?

[info]all_my_lives in [info]portland_net

I'm sorry for anyone who lost someone they knew in the fire last night. None of the girls were in my class, but I had seen them around campus especially during Rush Week. I know the police are still investigating the scene, but I would like to begin a small memorial nearby where anyone can leave flowers or other objects of remembrance for the girls. I will also be available in my classroom after class if anyone needs to talk, and I would be willing to leave anything at the memorial if it is too difficult for anyone to come and see it.

[info]pondoflife in [info]portland_net

Private to River
Are you okay? You weren't at that school when the fire started, were you?


Where's Rose?