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September 3rd, 2014

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

FYI -- Karaoke at the Teardrop is pretty much an all age thing. You wanna come sing, do it. But let's be real here, just because you get in doesn't mean you're drinking. Oh yeah and, if you suck, I'll probably throw things at you.

[info]jackofboe in [info]portland_net

Since the Wormhole's mandatory naked time is done and summer's officially over, it's time for one last bit of fun before the weather turns on us. BBQ at my place on Saturday, roughly 2pm until whenever. For anyone who needs the address, just PM me. If you want to have some fun and good food, be there. If you show up and act like an arse, I'll show you to the door.

Gwen and Ianto:
No excuses since naked time is over. I expect to see you both there.

[info]rubyred in [info]portland_net

Private to Barry Allen

How do you feel about karaoke?

[info]finny_bear in [info]portland_net

Private to Hanna Marin

Hey, are you doing the karaoke thing at the Teardrop tomorrow? My friend Santana runs it and I thought it might be fun. If you wanted.

[info]seniorityrules in [info]portland_net

I have to say, I never really thought about going to Portland, but coming here through a wormhole? Not how I would've pictured that happening.

[info]lovelikemine in [info]portland_net

Somebody better tell me what in the hell is going on here. I am not going to believe a single word that holographic woman said. Wormholes. Other dimensions. I wasn’t born yesterday. None of that stuff is real. Also, do they really think I’m going to live off of 200 dollars a week? 200 dollars… that’s not even enough to buy a really nice outfit.