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August 20th, 2014

[info]fairysookie in [info]portland_net

Private to Liv

Is the girl on the network, Rebekah, the vampire you told me about?

[info]hidethedamage in [info]portland_net

To The Doctor
Another envelope with 'Hello Sweetie' on it, filled like the last time, tucked on the console of the TARDIS, left for when he's got time to peruse at his leisure )

[info]its_starlord in [info]portland_net

Well that was fun while it lasted and wouldn't have minded another week.

I never got around to thanking you for bailing me out mostly cause you were pissed, thanks.

[info]jackofboe in [info]portland_net

Delivered to Ianto Jones on August 19th )

[info]boltofbarry in [info]portland_net

Private to Ruby
Hi! It's me Barry. I'm back to my regular self now, and you make me nervous again. Just wanted to check up on you and make sure you were doing okay.

And... maybe we could meet somewhere to talk if that's okay with you?

Private to Malia and Roy
Ruby's back. And she doesn't remember me. And it freaks me out.

What if she doesn't like me? How am I supposed to tell her that I've seen her naked we were dating? She's gonna think I'm some sort of freak. Especially when I tell her how fast I can run.

I think I might throw up.

[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net


Now to see if I still have a job.

[info]mrknockknock in [info]portland_net

I am so happy right now. I can reach the top shelf again!

[info]technoboy in [info]portland_net

Finally!! I'm so happy to be back to normal and I can finally go back to work. I can also hang out with people my own again.

(Private to Faye)

Are you free this weekend at all?

[info]shiftingromeo in [info]portland_net

Guess who's a happy little shifter today.

Well... not little.

[info]fullmetal_ed in [info]portland_net

Guess I'll just have to wait and grow the old fashioned way. Figures I wouldn't stay taller than Al

Mind coming over to adjust my prosthetics again?

[info]barnesbucky in [info]portland_net

That didn't last long.

[Nat & Steve]
Are you two back to normal?

[info]moonshined in [info]portland_net

So, it looks like everyone's back to normal.

Private to Allison and Isaac

[info]imanactress in [info]portland_net

Serena + Robin

Oh my God, we should go to Vegas after work on Friday. Girls night? Yeah? Sounds good, right? Thought so.

Private to Sam + Steve
How are you boys holding up?

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

Thank God. I never want to deal with that pretty much ever again.

[info]montgomerystyle in [info]portland_net

Private to Friends (if she's talked to you before, she most likely considers you a friend)
So, it's official. I've been let go.

I can't say I wasn't expecting it, and it's not as if my boss was exactly mean to me. He does have a point. He said he wasn't sure if he could count on me when it really mattered, and even though I told him it was a condition that was entirely out of my control, he didn't believe me. Maybe because I look healthier than ever.


Anyway, Serena, I know you offered to help, but I still feel bad asking you for a favor so soon. You don't even know me, but I swear that barring wormhole-induced regression of age, I will show up to work every single day and whenever I'm needed. I hope that's enough.

Private to Stiles
I need more M&Ms. I might have actually cried. When do you get out of work?

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net

Wow, it is great to be me again. I did enjoy being a little older than usual, but I needed to get back to normal so that my life could go back in working order. Now that my classes have begun and students are back at the High School, I think that I'm going to have a great year.

Sam Evans
So hey, if you're back to normal would you want to help me out with something?

[info]bewitchment in [info]portland_net

What's going on? Did I...did I bring myself here? There is no way I can believe in wormholes...

Did Expression do this?

Is there anyone here?