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August 9th, 2014

[info]nightingalesway in [info]portland_net

...no this isn't right. Not at all. I can understand being pulled out of a vortex, but not a wormhole. Of course we don't really know how this bloody thing works, but this isn't my mum's, and this isn't Germany. And right now we don't have the technology to do much with holograms other than celebrities making appearances on the telly. So the idea of there being a holographic doctor that actually can give an accurate prognosis?

If I am in that other reality - the one with the zeppelins... No. I haven't seen any zeppelins and I apparently have a room in a house-

I don't know exactly what's happened. But apparently I can't get out of here the way I got in. It isn't working. And I need to get to my destination. This flight was not supposed to have a layover!

Alright Martha... Think it through. Indigo isn't working. You have the key but it's useless without the other three and the command computer. Figure out where you are, specifically. See if HQ can send someone in... The General is going to be very disappointed in the-

Wait... is that the Sun?

[info]adarkerdiana in [info]portland_net

This place is starting to get to me. Am I just supposed to sell books and go to high school and pretend everything is normal?

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Teen Wolf (the ones who commented publicly on Jody's post)

I am so sorry for my universe-mates. They have a tendency to charge in that isn't always entirely admirable.

[info]technoboy in [info]portland_net

I've been here for two days now I'm still not sure how everything works.. However, I definitely need a drink after getting told we get sucked through wormholes. Does anywhere sell drinks to minors?

[info]zoosophy in [info]portland_net

So in completely non-violent news, we're on ZooBorns. Baby hedgehogs are called hoglets. There's your animal trivia of the day. You can't see them for another couple of weeks though, they have to be weaned.

Everything okay now?

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net


So I wanted to thank you. You were completely right.

[info]notapilot in [info]portland_net

Private to Stiles

Hey. I don't think we've met, but my name is Sam. I know a lot has been going on, and I'm sorry it's been so...well. Dragged out into the open. But I just wanted to say, if you ever want or need to talk to someone that isn't directly involved with what happened and is open minded, I'm free. I don't have experience with the supernatural, but I am experienced with a few other things. Like guilt, and regret. Not the best introduction, probably, but the offer is there in case you ever need it.

[info]finny_bear in [info]portland_net

Private to Sam Evans and Blaine Anderson

Hey, do you guys feel like going to the gym? I really feel like I need to hit something.

[info]helishly in [info]portland_net

Alright, karaoke didn't suck. Even you, Gaia. Skepticism shelved. And, dare I say it, the Teardrop does have better mixed drinks than us.

[info]keepingbees in [info]portland_net

Dean Winchester, I am calling on you.