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July 30th, 2014

[info]detectoroflies in [info]portland_net

This is...different. Did the Warehouse move?

[info]echoesoftime in [info]portland_net

Where is Jack? He was not at work yesterday, and now he's not here today either.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Phone messages to Jack Harkness

**Phone call straight to voicemail**

Text message:

>> Where are you?

[info]isanopendoor in [info]portland_net

why are so many women wearing pants?

i mean, i can see how they might be easier to do some stuff in... horseback riding in a dress has always been a pain

how is everyone else making their letters big?

[info]zoosophy in [info]portland_net

Private to Spencer

So I guess you can see your friends again now?

[info]killedtwice in [info]portland_net

Private to Damon, Stefan, and Caroline

Hey guys-
I think I might need your help investigating something. I was walking around town near Natasha's Dance Academy when I found a girl who had tripped and triggered some arrow that ended up in her stomach. Anyway, I saved her and made sure she got home safely. Do you guys mind helping?

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net

So I want to do a karaoke night somewhere. I think everyone needs to let loose and have a little bit of fun. So does anyone know a place that would want to host a karaoke night? Please let me know, if enough people are interested I can see a very fun night ahead of us, just need a place and then I can set a date for this event.

[info]notfireproof in [info]portland_net

Hospital staff really are the same everywhere, aren't they?