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July 12th, 2014

[info]alex_millar in [info]portland_net

Private to T.J.

So, seeing as you've never actually met a ghost it seems only fair to change that. If you want to, obviously. We clearly share an interest in perving, so we could go to the beach, throw sand in the faces of some hunky surfers...or, you know, something.

[info]beyondtwosouls in [info]portland_net

If I'm here, what happened to my world? I needed to be there. Nobody else would have been able to stop the Black Sun in time.

[info]japansbigguns in [info]portland_net

So, anywhere I can get a car without a license? I don't exactly carry it around with me.

[info]worry in [info]portland_net


So when the hell did A start being able to screw with time and space? Last I checked it wasn't part of her skill set.

[info]19_53_88 in [info]portland_net

How many actual young people are there here? Like, under 20ish? I don't really have any reason, I'm just wondering. It's sort of weird suddenly not being able to go to parents for anything. Even if you moved to a different city you could call them to get advice or something but this is more like they've died, without actually being dead.

[info]broadway_berry in [info]portland_net

I am really loving my job here. I mean its not being on Broadway or anything, but it will do. I think I'm really going to enjoy this place.

Filtered to Finn
Can we meet somewhere and just talk? I have a few questions.

[info]bornunder in [info]portland_net

[ filtered against SPN demons (crowley & ruby) ]
So. Anyone who's been here for more than a few weeks should be aware that sometimes, the people-- or beings-- that come through the wormhole aren't always friendly. Some of them are very hostile, and we seem to be in agreement that we deal with those by defending ourselves. There's also a mostly unspoken agreement that anyone who doesn't pose a direct threat to anyone's health gets a second chance or a clean slate, even from a horrific past, a chance to have a different life in a new world.

I'm not going to argue with that, and from the things I'm about to write, it's going to be obvious why I won't. It'd be hypocritical. But there is someone that's arrived through the wormhole that's made me conflicted over whether that clean slate is a good idea. I'm not going to break the agreement, but I do want to warn you. I wasn't sure if I should do this, but since two of my friends, coming at this from two different angles, have encouraged me to do it, it's what I'm going to do.

cut for leeeength but still under the same filter-- there's a lot of canon history here to cover and sam is sparing none of the details )

That's all. Well, it's not all, but it's enough. [...] If you've made it this far, thank you for hearing me out. And if you've skimmed to the end, my point was: never trust a demon. As Ruby herself put it, lying and manipulation are in the demon job description.

[ team free will ]
I'm coming home now.

[ ruby ]
Getting comfy yet?

[info]hammondtj in [info]portland_net

Private to Doug

What are you doing?

[info]alrighttoo in [info]portland_net

Oi. Just oi. That Holly reminds me of someone, but I can't quite put my finger on who.

I'm Donna. I'm just a temp, but I can type over 100 words a minute, so if you know anyone looking for a good secretary, point them my direction.

[info]onlydarcy in [info]portland_net

Bored bored bored bored bored. Who wants to go grab a drink?

Reading about that avalanche at Mt. Everest oddly makes me want to climb a mountain. I get winded walking up right flights of stairs. You'll find my perfectly preserved frozen body deep in some crevasse.

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]portland_net

I need a better job. I'm already bored with the one that Holly gave me. I miss SHIELD and all of the crazy that went with it.