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June 6th, 2014

[info]19_53_88 in [info]portland_net

Is it just me or are things really quiet? Maybe I'm just too used to coming home and having homework to do still. And not having parents around so I have to actually motivate myself to do things.

I feel like I'm waiting for something, but I don't know what it is.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Teddy enjoyed being brushed so much this morning she decided to find a way to make me do it again.

Very good, dog, but I still have to go to work.

Completely unrelatedly, are there any good movies from the last few years that I absolutely must see? I'm not too fussed about genre, I just want to download a whole bunch of stuff I can watch all in a row without having to think about it too much. (For that matter, really awful movies would probably qualify as well, as long as they're actually truly terrible rather than just plain bad.)

Just stop, Hollywood. They're looking at remaking The Neverending Story.

[info]eosphoros in [info]portland_net

I think my lack of sleep lately is starting to catch up with me. I foresee an awful lot of sweet tea in my near future and hopefully I'll be less tired tomorrow. I'm planning to see some of the theatre playing during the Rose Festival and it's difficult to enjoy when you're struggling not to fall asleep.

Welcome to all the recent arrivals. My name is Aurora.

[info]echoesoftime in [info]portland_net

There's a mountain near here where they put you in a harness attached to a metal wire 15 metres off the ground so you can use gravity to speed down 800 feet. Which isn't really very long. The longest ones are over two kilometres, but they're all quite a distance away in comparison to the size of the planet, which is a pity. I don't think an 800 foot line would be long enough to get up to the speeds recorded on those. I suppose you'd need to find a way to either support the line at points between each end without interfering with the pulley connection or set it up high enough to counteract the sag from the weight of the wire, which would definitely increase your production costs.