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May 10th, 2014

[info]shinessobright in [info]portland_net

Private to the Glee Peeps (Minus Santana)

Hey! So, I loved the idea of a video that Sam suggested. However, I thought maybe we could just all get together and just have a night amongst friends. I was thinking that next Sunday since the Teardrop is closed, we could transform it into a comfortable setting and throw a small gathering for Santana. I know she's dealing with her control, but I did talk to Rebekah and there are measures that we could take to prevent any accidents. She told me about vervain, which she'll provide us with. It's supposed to repel vampires and make us less tasty to vampires. Which is great.

I was thinking that we could all maybe sing a song for Santana and also maybe one for Rebekah considering she's taken on Santana so generously and protectively. I talked briefly with Santana tonight and there was a moment that I felt where she really missed us. Sam, I'm in no way trying to dismiss your idea, but I think if we all try and come together, it would really help her out and maybe help us out as well. Maybe it could lessen our fears if we try and associate with the vampire's that are taking care of her and guiding her. I do understand if it's too much, but I really believe that if we're accepting despite our fear of being killed that it will help Santana with her transition and maybe help her deal with this better.

We will need a theme. If you're wanting to do a song, that's perfect. I'd love to get a set list made and of course, we're all included in the group number, I think that's really important. Any and all idea's are welcome, I'd love to hear them. I really want this to happen. This is important and I think we should all be involved. We're only stronger together. If we can get through this, I want to believe we can face anything because we have eachother.

Rebekah will be inviting her vampire family. If we get to know them, that will only help us have a better understanding of what Santana will face and what we will face as well.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]portland_net

Went and met a dog this morning who I'm pretty sure is actually more fur than dog. She's also nearly ten, just because that seems a little bit less like tempting fate. I mean, it's still pretty much the equivalent of yelling "I dare you!" in Holly's face, but I have a theory about I'm not going to live my life constantly expecting to disappear. No one ever knows everything that's going to happen, it's a stupid reason to miss out. At any rate, they're pretty sure the dog was being emotionally abused and probably has PTSD, so they've started her on, well, doggie Prozac. She'll stay at her foster home for a few weeks and I'll visit her some more until they see how she does on the drugs and if they think she likes me enough. She basically just needs a quiet home where she's treated consistently.

Charlie, I have a thermos to drop off on my way to the library. Work or home?

[info]thanksbutyuck in [info]portland_net

Anyone know of any good jobs for a computer geek like me? I can't stand just sitting around anymore. I need something to do.

[info]betterarmed in [info]portland_net

I heard some people still don't have jobs, and Holly hasn't hooked them up with anything. If you're one of those and wouldn't mind, I'd be interested in hearing more about what's going on. And if people need help getting jobs, we are a community here. We can help each other out.

Filtered: Winchesters & Castiel
I don't know if either of you boys have seen this before, but with all the talk about Castiel speaking with dogs and rabbits, this passage caught my eye in a book you're lending me. It's about speaking with animals, really speaking with them. It doesn't seem like it would be too difficult. And it'd sure be one way to learn more about them. I know spells have to be done right, so I wanted to see what you thought. Are you only willing to do spells when you need to for a case? Or is it something safe enough to do other times too?

[info]thisismuchworse in [info]portland_net

Private to Ruby

This is belated and redundant, but I need to say it not in passing or as an afterthought.

Thank you for what you did during the snowstorm. From everything I've been able to find out, I think it helped, a lot, and whatever it took for you to do that, I'm afraid I don't really know exactly, but...it was a good thing you did.

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

Okay, listen up people, because I'm only gonna say this once. If someone wants to say something to me, then you need to fucking say it to me instead of being the little bitch you are and saying stuff to my girlfriend(s) behind my back. In fact, you needs to keep your damn mouth shut about things you know absolutely nothing about.

I'm talking to whoever the hell this applies to, but mostly this is for you, Prancy Smurf. You don't know anything about what the hell I'm dealing with right now. You haven't even bothered to fucking speak to me since any of this happened so don't you dare pretend you know what's going on with me. Because if you thought I was a bitch before? You have no idea what I'm capable of now. Got it?

Consider this your PSA.

[info]bornunder in [info]portland_net

[ jess ]
In the middle of everything else, I'm not sure I've actually asked you this, yet. How's school going, here in Portland?