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April 27th, 2014

[info]alex_millar in [info]portland_net

Private to Hal

I can't help thinking about something Jack said to me. In his world ghosts are echoes - repeating things over and over until... fuck, I don't know... until they fade away?

Is that going to happen to me here, Hal? There aren't any doors in this world. Am I just going to fade into nothing?

[info]romanoffnat in [info]portland_net

Private to T.J.

Hey. How're you holding up over there? I see your brother went Krakatoa with your personal life. Can't say I blame him, or disagree, but that can't be easy to see.

[info]holysweethell in [info]portland_net

Private to Quinn

On a scale of one to Rachel Berry clingy, how much do you miss me?

[info]moonshined in [info]portland_net

Portland, Oregon. My dreams are getting more and more weird. But hologram Holly was kinda cool.

[info]betterarmed in [info]portland_net

I’ve seen people appear out of thin air from another time, so I suppose this just takes the crazy one step further. It still feels a shake unreal, but that’ll settle down in a night or two. Message boards have cropped up from time to time before, that I’ve seen, but I haven’t used them much myself. There wasn’t too much point in a town where I know almost everyone. But I don’t know everyone here, and I’d like to. My name is Jody Mills, and it’s a pleasure to meet all of you.

[info]seanreeves in [info]portland_net

This job I was given... Can I get out of it or does Holly have final say in what I do? 

[info]idontwantpeace in [info]portland_net

Private to Elena

Are you still alive? I haven't seen/spoken to you since you came over to The Red Rooms.