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February 27th, 2014

[info]thecat in [info]portland_net

Clara, Matt, Castiel & The Winchester brothers:
Did anyone go through the portals? Are you all okay?

[info]shinessobright in [info]portland_net

Private to Finn
I'm sorry. I feel so foolish. And now I feel even more foolish because instead of coming to you and telling you this face to face, I'm messaging you. But, I am, Finn. I'm so sorry. These past few days have been wasted and I should have been with you.

Private to Kurt
Hey, you.

Private to Santana and Quinn
Would it be too much to ask if we could possibly have a girls night and catch up?

[info]lunitation in [info]portland_net

Is there a Statute of Secrecy here? Or can anyone out there among the mechanically perfect letters tell me if there's any other reason public or private, not to decorate the outside of my house with a charm? I would like to make moving patterns across the front. (I can't decide whether to make them tell a story: I know loads of brilliant stories but not a lot that are easy to tell in shadow mime. Or maybe I could have good luck symbols. I know loads of those too.)

But then I had a realization: some of the people walking by could be muggles, and I don't want to make them uncomfortable. I don't think it would make them angry though of course there's a reason that witches and wizards keep magic a secret...but that was a long time ago and everyone here seems quite nice and some of you are muggles too, aren't you? You can't do magic?