
Posts Tagged: 'jaime+dorny'

Nov. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

So hey. In case you guys missed a memo or whatever, the rescue train's supposed to be here tomorrow. For the people going home. At least that's what the guys in the office seem to think.

I will actually miss some of you

We'll be there to see you off. I mean, I think we should all be there. Since it'll be the last time some of us will see each other. Ever.

Also, I want to see if they tear apart the train. Because that would make my fucking year.

Nov. 16th, 2012




Oiy, just because a person doesn't generally wear her wedding dress more than once does not make it okay for someone to take it.

Has anyone seen a wedding dress? Because, seriously, it's a wedding dress. You can't miss it.

Nov. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

Has anyone by chance come across a small book with a jewelled heart on the front?

[Private to Emma Swan]

Miss Swan, I don't know if you are aware but Henry is gone.



[No Subject]

Oh train, if I ever needed more of a reason to hate you than the ones you've already armed me with ...

If anyone happens to come across any stray wands, let me know? It emptied out my entire drawer. My primary, my two spares, the ones we made in the forest, the ones I collected when their owners got their own ... I'm not happy. At all.

Nov. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

There is a definite stillness on board these days. The train has gone through another purge and the echo unmistakeable now. Not to mention its current scheme of making passengers younger.

Nov. 6th, 2012




This isn't exactly how I expected to spend my honeymoon but I guess it could be worse.

So, are we in space and has anyone, by some chance, seen an Egyptian goddess?

Nov. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

This damn train is now taunting me with sugar? Has anyone noticed the change in scenery outside?

Nov. 1st, 2012



Private: Harry, Lily Luna

Your mum Lily's 7. FYI.

Ray's 16.

I'm not impressed.

Oct. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

The train is so empty now...

Oct. 27th, 2012



Private: Raymond Leon

I very sincerely hope that by "rescue" she didn't mean "we programmed the train to send everyone back home" because if that is the case and if I ever see her again? It won't be pretty.

But my god. It's like, every time I walk through a sleeper, there's another name gone.

You're still here, right? =P

Oct. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

Guess the train decided to send a whole bunch of people home. I knew I shouldn't have allowed myself to become attached cause now he's back to being dead. I guess that's life on the train. At least Henry is still on the train.

Oct. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Well, this would be the right kind of scenery for them. Has anyone seen anything ... unusual, on the train? I've seen plenty outside, but anything on board yet?

Oct. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Happy Christmas, according to the outside world!

We're out of here tomorrow, according to our dealies. Though I'd rather stay here than have Dem I'd say make sure you're on board, but given what happened in China, I don't think it matters.

Oct. 20th, 2012



Private: Raymond Leon

Want to go play in the snow?



[No Subject]

More bad news, yay!

So, anyone who hasn't eaten their chocolate yet, don't we suggest you don't. We strongly suspect it's the train arming us for something really horrible it's going to throw at us. It's something from our world, like the chocolate is, and we hope we're wrong. We really, really hope we're wrong. We hope we go through the next scenery without this thing showing up, and everyone can go, "wow Jaime you're so paranoid!" and I can go "yes, yes I am" and we'll all be relieved. I just know the train too well and if history is any indicat

We -- the witches and wizards from my world -- are working on our defenses, and if this thing shows up once we're moving again, we ... will do our level best to keep everyone alive safe with their souls in their bodies.

Edited for clarification The chocolate will make you feel better if you get touched by a Dementor.

Oct. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

All violations of the laws of motion and inertia out of the question, I didn't expect Winter Wonderland here, though to be fair, I don't think I was expecting anything but the traffic heading into Jersey.



Filtered: HP-verse witches & wizards

So. Please tell me, oh please tell me, I am the only one who thought 'Dementors' when I saw we were all gifted with chocolate. I want to be that jaded and that paranoid and just not right about this.



[No Subject]

One- it is highly unamusing that not only did the train lock us out for 48 hours but that my room is now gone and I've been given another. Did anyone else find chocolate in their nightstand?

Two-I met a woman from the Möbius Corporation last night. They have a solution to getting the train back under control and she's all ready implemented it.

ETA: I am only the messenger and have only the smallest amount of information. It is up to you whether to believe it or not. But the first person who knocks on my door or tries to break it down will get shot. If you think I'm joking, try me.

Oct. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

i need someone to

if anyone should so desire, i am going to break back into the train. you may follow but do not slow me down.

Oct. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Awesome. Totally called this.

If anyone found some really great places to find shelter from the cold, I'm all ears.