
Posts Tagged: '%7Bbuffy+summers'

Oct. 6th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't understand people who have tons and tons of shoes in their closets. I only have 13 right boots and they're taking up all the space.

Anyone with the left boots, wanna compare?

Next stop we're at, we're going to organize a game of capture the flag with anyone who wants to play. We're splitting ourselves up so we don't beat up the mortals. Annabeth and Nico, you're on my team. Percy and Luke, Jason's team.

In the meantime, there's a possibility that we can get tickets to go outside if Jason hasn't completely broken the machine. Seems to be pretty temperamental. I got mine, but it won't give one to Jason.

That thing yesterday never happened. Understood?

Oct. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

Just to add to the ..we're going to be quite cold relatively soon assumption, I've found a stash of coats in my cupboard.

Given we've no idea when we're going to be arriving in the North Pole, or Father Christmas' magical winter wonderland ..or whatever particular frozen delight the train has in store you're welcome to drop by and collect one, from R 101-B or I'll get them to the baggage car if someone wouldn't mind giving me a hand?

Oh and I'd suggest you be quick if you want to avoid being left with the ones that look as though they've clawed their way back from the 'height' of 80's fashion. Or maybe some people really do like neon?

Oct. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

We're back on the ground!

Sep. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

So far, no rabid pandas, no zombies, no virus. Anyone else notice any catches around?

[Filtered to witches/wizards of her world]
Also no magic. Not our England. A very nice England, but not ours. In case anyone was thinking of hopping across the water, I'll save you a trip if that was your purpose.

[Filtered to Ray]
Have acquired nice, empty cabin. If Lily's not interested in venturing this way, I'll come back and get you =D I'm sure whoever owns this one won't mind if we borrow it for a little while.

[No Subject]

So happy for another stop! I really could use some time to stretch my legs even if I got off in the last world as well.

Sep. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay. Question. Who on this train can swim?

And does anyone have one of those little water-volleyball nets? And a ball?

Sep. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Not really a fan of the underground. Feels a bit too much like the pit.

[Private to Keleios]
Do you think maybe we could try that sleeping potion now? Maybe I can sleep through the cave?



[No Subject]

I have to say that I'm kinda pleased with the whole dark cave thing! It's always good to know that your friends, and loved ones, aren't going to burst into flames accidentally.



[No Subject]

I would never have said I was claustrophobic but between the train and this cave or whatever it is I'm starting to think it could be possible. It's highly disconcerting. Here's hoping that something goes well and we're not in here for too long.

Aug. 30th, 2012




[Sent Train-Wide]

So I got cornered by a empousa vampire in the observation car last night. Are there a lot of them on board? Do they normally just come up to you and ask to eat you? Anyone know if celestial bronze destroys them?

[Private to Thalia]

Hey. So, yeah, there's at least one empousa on the train. She didn't know what I was but she kept asking if she could taste me. My blood, I guess. So, um, just keep your eyes open.

Aug. 26th, 2012



/word replacement/

So hey. Do a lot of people speak /Shih Tzu/? I mean, if we're stopping in /limbo/, we're going to have to know how to speak /pizza/.

Aug. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

First zombies, then strange babies I have this odd desire to wear yellow, and now ghosts?

I really don't understand how people find this train bad. I've been nothing but entertained by these events.

Ghosts aren't much of a challenge, though. I think I preferred the zombies.

Aug. 11th, 2012


[No Subject]

I don't know what's worse all the babies screaming or the view outside the window. I think I might go hide in the gym car.

Aug. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

Let me make this clear to you mundanes and Downworlders:

You touch my brother, Alec Lightwood, and I will break every vow and promise I have made before my fellow Shadowhunters and the Clave. You will not lay a hand, arm, leg, foot, claw, wing, or weapon on him, and may the angel help you if you do.

Aug. 5th, 2012



[ Filtered Away from the Shadowhunters ]

So the boys Jace and his friends? No they are definitely not friends associates have been making a competition out of this whole zombie killing thing.

I'm not much of a gambling girl but I'm willing to be that they could use some healthier healthy competition other than themselves. Any teams of two in?

[No Subject]

In the real world, it would be my mother's birthday today.

But I haven't seen her for years.

I miss her.



[No Subject]

Two-hundred and twelve.

Aug. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Blah blah the importance of conveying information blah blah.

There are a dozen flamethrowers in the baggage car. Some very large guns that would knock me over if I tried to use them, and holy water.

No, not really holy water. I just thought that'd be funny. I mean, unless water from a church faucet is holy. Is it?

We've also made a rough map of the area, and marked the locations of the places we found weapons within reasonable distance for anyone inclined to have an adventure of their own. The map is in the front kitchen, and should stay in the front kitchen. Make a copy if you're walking out or use the coordinates on it if you're apparating.

IT IS NOT FUN OUTSIDE. I just wanted that out there, in case anyone had any delusions it was.

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Awesome. Something I can fucking kill.

I don't even care what the damn things are. Slice off their fucking heads and they die, right?

Jul. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Marian is gone. How can she just be All her things are gone. I don't understand this train.

I need a drink