
Posts Tagged: '%7Blady+marian'

Oct. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]


Can others see what I have written here?

These devices are still very foreign to me.

My name is Lady Marian, of Knighton.  I have been told that I was here before, though I do not remember it.

This is very strange.

I am pleased to meet you all.

Sep. 10th, 2012



Private to Marian

Do you want to leave the train, when we get to China? Are you feeling well enough?

Aug. 31st, 2012



robin, logan, dr tam, public

[Locked: Dr Tam/Marian]

I'm feeling much better now.  Thank you for assisting me.

[Locked: Robin/Marian]

I think I'd like to explore the train for a while so don't be surprised if I'm not in my room.

[Locked: Logan/Marian]

Thank you, for sending Doctor Tam to me.  [...] He told me I've been here before, that we were friends.


I was informed that I have been here before, despite only recently arriving.  Is there anyone else who knew me here?

Aug. 25th, 2012



Voice Post

Her voice is soft, but strong, and it's fairly obvious that she's in pain

Robin? Jhaq? Where....where am I?

Jul. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

I believe I may have died Annie, I believe you were a ghost, perhaps? I think... I'm not entirely sure, but I think that is my 'swapped skill set'. I haven't had to... do things that I would normally do, all day.

And I can't seem to change my clothes.

Jul. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

I suppose it serves me right for being curious. I have joined the ranks of the candy colored hair. Or hair that has been colored because they ate a bit of candy.
[image cut] )

Jun. 30th, 2012


[No Subject]


On one of the end tables in each parlor car is a large, empty Kleenex box, a stack of blank paper slips, and markers. Quinn has used the craft supplies in the baggage car to decorate the boxes so they say PROM VOTING.

Tristan has enchanted the boxes so they can neither be stolen nor emptied. Otherwise, it's free game - there is no protection against shenanigans such as ballot-stuffing, voting by those who won't be attending prom, or write-ins. Your character can comment here to vote or engage in monkey business; voting is open until prom on Friday night.

Taped to the front of each table is a list of the nominees:


Tristan Werewolf
Matt Prept


Quinn Morgendorffer
Lily Luna Potter
Sophia Peletier

Jun. 23rd, 2012



Filtered to Marian

I know how hard this is for you, more so than it is for me. Worse still is that it affects a day that should be a happy one.

Happy Birthday, Marian.

Jun. 22nd, 2012




I know things are strained between us, but...I thought I would send you best birthday wishes.

Jun. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

Seems like maybe the train's learning, don't mess with me and mine.

Matt Prept )

Jun. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't understand this.

Jun. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

I wonder if the stop in Nashville will allow for time to go shopping for wedding gowns.

There is no England to save, no reason to wait for King Richard to return. I don't have to worry if one of us will die first


I have an odd request. And you may say no, and no offence will be taken. And I hope it isn't too weird of a request...

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Filtered to Logan

Seems the unicorns have followed us. Though they've hidden their horns.

Meg said they have horses.



[No Subject]

There is a stable! There are horses!

Who the hell here knows how to ride a horse?! Can somebody show me? I know vaguely which end I'm supposed to face. . .


Come down to the pool.

May. 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

This isn't normal, is it?

May. 26th, 2012



Filtered to the women

Some time ago, I had mentioned to a few that we should taunt the men, with leather trousers, and white shirts. And arm each other with water balloons.

Since the train seems to have nothing too nefarious in mind, I think it is time to launch this plan. Perhaps get some minds off of power losses, and have some general teasing fun.

Is anyone else for this venture?

Edit: I do have a few spare pairs, if anyone is interested and simply lack the article of clothing.

May. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Considering the sudden and significant increase in passengers over the last week, I was wondering if there would be any interest if I was to offer some classes in first aid?

May. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

Huzzah! I have my aim back! And it seems even better than before. Or perhaps it feels that way

May. 18th, 2012


[No Subject]

Hello, passengers of the rogue Mobius.

I'm a recent victim. Mercedes King, but Mercy works just as well. I can honestly say I never expected to be here, but here I am. If I could get a few answers to a few questions, I'd appreciate it.

How long has this been going on, roughly?

How many realities are represented, as far as anyone is aware?

And before anyone asks, no, it doesn't matter. I'm just curious.

May. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]
