
Posts Tagged: 'nina+pickering'

Oct. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

Just to add to the ..we're going to be quite cold relatively soon assumption, I've found a stash of coats in my cupboard.

Given we've no idea when we're going to be arriving in the North Pole, or Father Christmas' magical winter wonderland ..or whatever particular frozen delight the train has in store you're welcome to drop by and collect one, from R 101-B or I'll get them to the baggage car if someone wouldn't mind giving me a hand?

Oh and I'd suggest you be quick if you want to avoid being left with the ones that look as though they've clawed their way back from the 'height' of 80's fashion. Or maybe some people really do like neon?

Sep. 20th, 2012



[Private: Jaime]

Hi Jaime,

I've heard you and a few others are going to stay behind. I think I've got to - really can't go on assuming I'll be sent home before that utter bastard of a train throws something truly horrible our way, if ever. This could be the closest to normal we see again for some time. I've got to think of Eve.

I know we've not really properly met, but would you mind helping us out of the city for now?

Sep. 17th, 2012



[Private: Lily Evans]

Hello Lily. I just thought I'd let you know Annie's among those sent home.

I realise she's not been in the Kitchens quite as often lately, not since Mitchell left. But I'm sure her help will be missed there, that and tends to make an impact on anyone she meets, so I thought you should know.

Aug. 30th, 2012



Filtered: Prim, Alex, Nina, Rory

If you haven't seen yet, it appears Dr. Watson and Mr. Holmes have been sent back. At least they went back together

So we're a little shorter staffed than usual.

[If you have a character that's part of the medical staff, let me know and I will add them to the filter. thanks!]



[No Subject]

I am so fucking done with this train.

Aug. 22nd, 2012


[No Subject]

Hd helo p


Aug. 17th, 2012


[No Subject]

Where's a donor when you need it?

Aug. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

For the record? No, I didn't leave a baby anywhere, she's here with me.

Is this going to be the latest train saga then? Randomly abandoned helpless children left in an occasionally dangerous environment? And right after all the mass of generally unprovoked, frankly disturbing levels of violence that just ensued in Nebraska. Poetic.

Having said that, I have baby related supplies if people are in need? Possibly not enough for the entire train, but we can see what happens.

Aug. 8th, 2012


[No Subject]

My body hates me right now. :(

[filtered; medical staff]

So um...is there anything I should be doing for prenatal care? I've been reading some books from the library car, but since we're in different circumstances being stuck here...

[filtered; Damon]

While you're out there punching zombies, can you search for some...baby things? Like pills for prenatal care, stuff like that. Oh, and painkillers.

Aug. 7th, 2012



[Filtered to Annie, Mitchell]

The full moon is definitely tonight. I wish I could just ..handle this alone With George

This is the first time I've changed in ..close to five months. What if it's worse? Cooped up all this time. I don't want to chance the chance car. George ..wouldn't be comfortable so close to so many people either, with other options available. His instincts when it came to this were better than mine. I trust that.

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Filtered to Annie, Mitchell, Grey – All Werewolves.

Possibility a tad superfluous, seeing as Tristan already put it out there.

But, I can feel it too. There's most definitely a full moon approaching. I don't know anyone else's particular approach to changing, but I'm going to need to find somewhere to go, somewhere that isn't on the train.

George did mention that there is a potion some of you use, though he was cautious about trying it. What exactly does it do?

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Right, here's the plan.

Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.

.... Too soon?



[No Subject]

So. Apparently if you're quite new and tiny and you're pretty much used to your world constantly rocking in a lulling sort of motion – you get exceptionally cranky and confused when it suddenly stops doing that. At least so I suspect.

Contraception boys and girls! No amount of several hour binge-drinking sessions, hangovers, or .. pre-exam all nighters prepare you for the new levels of exhausted you'll achieve with parenthood. Trust me. I don't even know why I'm sharing all this. See, practically delirious.

So ..how long is that since we've last stopped and what do you suppose Nashville has to offer? I'm about ready to park here for good; that's if it's virus, dinosaur ..whatever-free. I somehow doubt the possibility. Watch your brain? Not promising.

Jul. 26th, 2012


Private to Nina

If you need anything please don't hesitate to let me know.

You've been so good to me and I think it's more than time I repaid you.


Jul. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

I was really hoping the train was done with sending people home, but I was wrong. No, looks like the train decided to send my sister back home. Her name is off the door and all her stuff is gone. Well, this evening is turning out great.



[No Subject]

I don't know what else to say. George did like to involve the netwo

But in regard to all the speculation as to why train this exists and exactly why we're chosen to appear, or stay, or go. I think I can safely say it goes well beyond simply being sadistic. That's putting it lightly.

Perhaps we're supposed not to take it personally when so many people are affected at the same time? How benevolent.

Jul. 16th, 2012



[Filtered to Annie]

While this train does some really shitty things, apparently it's also capable of a kinder turn too, in your case.

I'm honestly glad for you. Enjoy it, because you deserve it.

Jul. 15th, 2012



Private to George and Nina

Annie's alive. Don't bother us.

Oh and Nina, try not to kill anyone. Especially us.

Jul. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filtered to all doctors]

i need to discuss a rather private matter with one of you. immediately.

[Filtered to all downworlders; vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches, wizards, warlocks, ghosts... and demons.]

as much as it loathes me to speak to any of you, i am sure one of you has the resources or abilities to obtain a substance for me. your reward will be that i won't kill you and that is a gift if you ever had one. i am willing to bargain.

Jul. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

Pregnant lady left alone with chocolates. There is was other outcome possible. I've no one to blame but myself.

So, if it's not already out there? The unassuming peppermint creams with the dark chocolate cause you to hallucinate dozens of pink elephants, tiny pink elephants – dancing and singing around your head.


Is it just me or is that scene from Dumbo as scary as fuck?

And Disney. Underage drinking, really? Since when did cheap Champagne have side-effects similar to bad LSD trip? Perhaps that's only in juvenile elephants.