
Posts Tagged: '%7Bpiotr+rasputin'

Aug. 2nd, 2012



Private to Piotr Rasputin

Are you getting off the train?

If you are, I want to go with you.



[No Subject]

Really not what I planned for my leave

Would someone care to explain how I got here?

Jul. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

Well, at least this time they aren't claiming we're headed to Mordor. Although, I don't think Tortuga was that much better.

[Private to Anna]

Yay for no rescue?

[Private to Castiel]

You okay with the whole. . .train message? I know you actually have crap you think you need to do back home.

Jul. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

I'm back to myself.

Thanks again for the help, Piotr.

Jul. 15th, 2012


Private to Rose Weasley

Private to Rose W )

[No Subject]

Ah. So my own power is gone, but I seem to have another. I think.

I fell and twisted my ankle in discovering my power was gone. I got frustrated and wanted to get my scotch after falling, and it literally burst from my closet and slapped into my hand.

I have tried to want something, or get something to come to me since, and nothing has happened. Does this sound familiar to anyone?



[No Subject]

Piotr...I think I have something of yours.

Jul. 12th, 2012




I was wondering, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, if anyone would be interested in letting me sketch them? I've done a lot of scenery pieces lately and I'd like to practice with people.

Jul. 10th, 2012



Text messages


Daddy, would you like to meet to play chess sometime? I know it's weird and you don't have to, but I'd really like to if it would be okay. I miss you.


How the painting coming? Need me to sit for you again?

Jun. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

I did NOT sign up for any naked sleepovers, especially not on a train, and someone better tell me what's going on soon before I shoot something! And why do I suddenly have boobs And how did my hair get longer and stuff??

Jun. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

I have my magic back! I woke up this morning and everything's back to normal. Finally! Not that it wasn't interesting seeing how muggles live, but...I'm not a muggle and it's nice to feel that everything is working again.

So...since the train stopped and kicked us off, I guess that means we're stuck here for a while? At least it looks like a beautiful place, right? Silver linings and all?

[Filtered to Piotr]

So did you still want to meet up today for a sitting? Even though we apparently can't get into your room? I'd...well, I'd really like to see you, anyway.

[Filtered to Lily Luna]

Uh, would you be willing to help me shop for a swimsuit? I know I usually get boring ones, but I'd kind of like to find something...you know...cuter.

May. 19th, 2012



Private to Piotr Rasputin

Private to Piotr Rasputin )

May. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Being human normal ain't so bad. I guess. Even if I still feel like I have managed to get important things cut off. And... I've become a klutz.

I didn't realize how high my pain threshold was as a mutant, till I don't have it anymore....

I changed my mind, I don't like it. But I'll endure it, by stealing borrowing a t-shirt, and hiding under the covers. Listening to the Dinosaurs would have been cool

May. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

Somebody...I...I need help.

There's something wrong with me, I'm sick, or I've done something...

I...I was just trying to do a simple cleaning up spell, and I can't. I can't do any magic at all. Nothing.

I feel fine, I was actually...happy...but then...Merlin, does anyone know what's wrong with me?

Apr. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

So strange, I was sure I heard Spike but realized it was a bird of all things.

If anyone is curious it was while I was working in the parlor car.



[No Subject]

This is like we're right inside one of Hardison's dvds.

Apr. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

I feel no shame, I'm proud of where I came from, I was born and raised in the Boondocks.
One thing I know no matter where I go, I keep my heart and soul in the Boondocks.

Anyone else getting the ache for home? The only part I don't miss is getting shot at. I even miss the feel of crushed shale under my feet.

I wonder what the chances are we'd get to go somewhere like it, or go before shit hit the fan.

I need a drink

Apr. 10th, 2012



Truth or Dare time!

Alright Boys and girls, there are some youngin's that have been deprived of any sort of immature fun! So! I'm going to corrupt them (namely you Cato!).

SO I thought I'd start a game of Truth or Dare, now. And when the train stops misbehaving and making people want to hump other people's legs, Hide-N-Seek.

Who's gonna be first?

Truth or Dare!

Mar. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, I do believe we need a role call, to make sure no one got stuck in, (how'd you say it Robs? Poxy or Pocksy?), ol' Nebraska. Our cranky canucklehead accounted for? What about sexy British men?(You know any of you fella's that have that delicious accent can say here). What about loooovely Irish fellas? The Cheeky Chicks and Hot Momma's? And I leave the last, but certainly not least, Sexy Southerners? Because you know a girl's got to save the best for last.

But no, for real. Daryl? Guy? Bruce? Mattie? Mitchell? Dalek you and Laura accounted for? Marian? Robs? Annie? Poitr? Chuckieee(did you even leave the train?)? I'd especially love to know yall didn't stay back behind with Flagg and crew.



[No Subject]

Hey roomie, you like beer right?