
Posts Tagged: '%7Balbus+potter'

Mar. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

So I'm not quite sure how I should be taking my arrival here. Help me figure it out.

These are the options I've come up with so far:

1. I could blame my cousins. They are quite talented and would find this sort of thing hilarious, but I'm not sure they're capable of this. So a little denial on my part would be necessarily.

2. I could accept that I appear to be on a runaway train through time and realities. This feels like it might require madness or ... alcohol. Haven't decided which.

3. I could haughtily demand to be sent home right this moment and get annoyed when it doesn't happen. This option seems like a lot of work for little reward.

Right then. That's all I've got at this point.

Mar. 3rd, 2012


[No Subject]

So, this is fairly impressive as pranks go, and I've been on the receiving end of some great ones. I'd start throwing accusations but I don't think even James is this creative, so instead: can anyone direct me to the kitchen? I think I need a cup of something hot and caffeinated to go with my mild panic attack.