
Posts Tagged: '%7Bcaroline+forbes'

Aug. 14th, 2012



filtered; Damon

You said you would never hurt her. Liar.

Aug. 8th, 2012


text; Caroline

>>I don't think Damon is coming back...
>>Can I stay with you?

Jul. 31st, 2012



text; Elena

>> Hey. How are you doing?

Jul. 29th, 2012



Filtered to women only. (No kiddies or guys)

So, um, during the whole power fiasco switch thing I became human. I made a bad choice and I was wondering if anyone has or knows where to get a pregnancy test from? I'm worried and scared. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jul. 25th, 2012


[No Subject]

Thanks for making me a boring old doppelgänger again, Thomas. I appreciate it. :) Even though now I have too many problems from that power swap...


I'm going to lay off the liquor until I'm sure...I mean, if I'm not, you know. I guess I can just tell Damon I'm tired of bourbon.

Jul. 20th, 2012


text; Caroline

>>So...I might have done something stupid now that I think about it.

Jul. 19th, 2012


filtered to women 18 and older;

[ooc: posted in the morning]

Awkward question...but does anyone have a few condoms I could have? I'll owe you a huge favor in return and any I don't use, you can have back?

I don't usually need them, but Thomas has made my boyfriend...erm, you know.

Jul. 18th, 2012


[No Subject]

I actually bruised Damon on accident... This is so weird. I want to be human again before I break him. I don't know my own strength like this!

Jul. 15th, 2012



Filtered to Caroline Forbes

Hey, Barbie.

You aren't human, by any chance?

Jul. 11th, 2012


[No Subject]



Jul. 8th, 2012


[No Subject]

Oh Thomas. I have no complaints about you right now. ...That probably won't last long.


Wanna go watch some movies? :D

Jul. 5th, 2012



Filtered away from Nina

So um, this post has two purposes. First, it is to say, my girlfriend Nina hasn't got much longer before we welcome our little furry bundle of joy onto the train. So... I hope the doctors are, er, prepared for that. Not entirely sure I am, but

Secondly, I was curious, since I can't be sure if the train is going to stop before she has it... Is anyone authorized to perform a marriage ceremony? Mere curiosity of course!

[No Subject]

I sometimes have this problem with snacking...

I can't help it. )



Voice Post

(Yes there's singing)

To lie in your pale arms
as tired as if sleeping
pulse rushing but calm
my face wetted with your kissing

Yesterday's clothes on
All undone and missing
your tongue hits me and then
your faults are so exciting

Oh, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Come on, stay here, forget outside.
Oh, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Come on, stay here, forget outside.

I'm suckered by your charms
I felt the earth moving
Hearts beating a song
wont stop until the next breaking.

Last night plays in dreams
I'm sleepy and aching
You turn touch me again
Your fingers are enchanting

So, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Oh can we stay here, forget outside.
You and these walls is all I need
I couldn't be more happy.
Can we stay here, forget outside?

Closer than summer,
it's this marriage of pleasure
Don't need rings or suits,
this time it's not made to measure

So, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Oh let's here, forget outside.
So, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Oh, come on stay here, forget outside

Oh, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
Oh, come on stay here, forget outside
Oh, can we stay here til the sweat dries?
So, come on stay here, forget outside
and get inside me

Get inside me

Get inside me
oh, oh, oh, oh

(And then the singing stops and she sounds resigned and annoyed.)

This fucking train!



[No Subject]

A runaway train. How did I get here? I didn't board a train. This train has to turn around. Take me back. I have to go back to Mystic Falls.

Dec. 14th, 2011



[No Subject]

Cow is in the kitchen. Repeat, cow is in the kitchen.

That was an adventure.

Dec. 12th, 2011



[No Subject]

The good news is, we can get off the train. Well, some of us. People who can teleport or apparate or ... something. The bad news is, there's nothing out there but what we can already see. Like, seriously. I checked out both sides, as far as I dared because I didn't want to lose the train.

So, we can add that to our list of useless (useful?) information. I can totally take someone out, but no promises. I mean, we could get stuck in Cowland if the train decides to actually hop. I don't even want to imagine what that would be like. Cows cows everywhere and me without a grill.

Also, the first person to say that was really dumb ... yeah, I know. Epic stupidity. That's just the Jaime way.

Dec. 11th, 2011


[No Subject]

Private text: Sam, Logan, Dyson, Hale, Caroline, Jo, Jack Harkness. )

[No Subject]

Hey, everyone. On the theory that it never hurts to plan ahead:

If we stop before the train-builders find a way to get us home, we're going to need supplies. I'm willing to go into town, but Lily had a good point about being separated or stuck off-train. If there are psychics or others on board who could serve as a link between the explorers and the people who stay on the train, I'd be really grateful for any help offered.

Also, I'm going to put a 'needed items' list up in the kitchen. If there's something beyond food and water that we need, please add it? We can keep a look-out when we go on the supply run.

Dec. 8th, 2011


[No Subject]

Train needs to stop somewhere, like, yesterday. In addition to being a train of crazy, this prolonged isolation is making me look like crap. No manicures. No pedicures. No quality conditioner. I think I'm actually drying out all over. because i'm actually drying out ewwww And I'm starving, too. Those stupid cows are starting to look delicious.

It's official. Complete. And utter. Disaster.