
Posts Tagged: 'harry+potter'

Nov. 3rd, 2012



Private: Harry

Your mum's seven.

You have no idea how hysterical this is to me.

Have you met her yet? The tiny her?

Nov. 1st, 2012



Private: Harry, Lily Luna

Your mum Lily's 7. FYI.

Ray's 16.

I'm not impressed.

Oct. 20th, 2012



Private: Harry & Hermione

So should we run some sort of refresher course on patronuses for everyone? And how do we want to handle it for the train? Let Dorny announce it since I seem to recall she's an expert at that? Or are we keeping it quiet until we've got more confirmation than chocolate? (By the way, Hermione, you should probably hide my chocolate so I don't accidentally eat it some night).

Oct. 19th, 2012



Filtered: HP-verse witches & wizards

So. Please tell me, oh please tell me, I am the only one who thought 'Dementors' when I saw we were all gifted with chocolate. I want to be that jaded and that paranoid and just not right about this.

Oct. 9th, 2012



Private: Ron & Harry


So you've both come back.. it's absolutely bizarre how this place works. But you're not- it's probably taken you away from

You're not at all who I

It's really good to see you both, still I'm sorry you're stuck here. Again. I don't know y-

Where exactly are you two from? You both look so much older different.

[ Ron ]

Do you really remember everything?

I'm sorry it's brought you back here- I know, it's different for you now. But, it's still

Oct. 7th, 2012



Private to Lily Evans


Are you really here?

I guess this must be old hat for you, but I have no idea what I'm doing things are still sinking in for me. But I wanted to say hi.

I'd love to chat in person sometime soon.



Private: Harry Potter


I saw you were here.

Whatever you know about my future, I'm not interested in hearing it. And I know you know things. The last you knew things, but you probably know more things. If I'm dead or married or have a billion kids, I don't want to hear it. I'm from 1998. So ...yeah.

Also, I'm your mum's best friend.

Doesn't that thought terrify the hell out of you?



[No Subject]

Brilliant. It's been ages since I've been on this thing.

Who's still here? How long has it been Has it been going on for thirty yea

Sep. 11th, 2012



[Filtered: Lily Evans]

Hey Mum.  How're you Do you feel like going exploring a bit?

[Filtered: Lily Lu]

Are you and Don still going to England?

[Filtered: Hermione]

How're you doing Mione?



[No Subject]

It sure is nice to have fresh air. I haven't seen anything that can hurt us but has anyone else? Is this actually a decent stop?

Private to Harry

Sometime during the night we stopped. Do you, maybe, want to come explore China with me?

Sep. 10th, 2012



[Private: Harry, Rose, Percy, Lily Luna, Neville]

Ron's been sent back home.

I thought you ought to know before you see his name gone from the door.


I'm sorry Rose. He'll get to see his family again. After the war is done That counts as you too, eventually.


This is almost like when we were travelling. He didn't have a choice this time, but I think this place was nearly as bad for him. Perhaps worse. That doesn't mean I'm not going to miss him terribly.

[Lily Luna]

I'm sorry Lily, I know the train has been particularly unkind to you when it comes to family.. and that we really don't speak often enough.

Sep. 9th, 2012



Private: Harry

Before you hear it around, Sev Snape's been sent back.

Sep. 4th, 2012




Filtered to Everyone

There are brownies and chocolate chip cookies in the mini kitchen for anyone who wishes for something sweet.

Private to Harry Potter

The train removed your charm and the creatures keep going across my window. Can I bribe you, with the cookies I didn't leave in the kitchen, to place the charm again?

Sep. 3rd, 2012



Filtered: HP-verse witches & wizards

So hey.

Tiny Potter learned a translation spell from older Potter, and I think it would be in the train's best interest if we all learned this spell. You know, for the Muggles that don't have means of leaving China quickly.

I'm going to England whenever this damn thing stops, and speaking English. And if the reality doesn't suck, we're staying

So, tomorrow after breakfast, anyone interested can meet up in the library. We'll pass the spell around, talk strategy, fun things like that. Again, if you don't care or think it's a rubbish idea, well, keep your negativity to yourself and don't show up.

Sep. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

[Private to Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Lily Evans, Hermione Granger, James Potter]

So...what is the best way to deal with your adult children when they arrive here? I'm finding it rather difficult to know what to say. Should I try to act fatherly? Or would it be more appropriate to attempt to act as a peer, since we are close in age?

Sep. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

[Private: Myka/Harry]

Doing okay with the change of scenery?


I wonder if we can charm the barrier on the open air observation car to look a bit more cheery.  Thoughts?

Aug. 26th, 2012



Word Replacement, Filtered Against Ron and Hermione

Merlin, I'm so /horny/!!!

Aug. 19th, 2012


don and lilylu

[Private: Don Draper]

I think it's clear that I'm not happy with your relationship with my daughter.  That being said, I realize I over reacted. And that's the closest I'm getting to an apology. It wont happen again.

[Private: LilyLu]

I'm not doing this just because Victoire told me to, but I am sorry.  I reacted without thinking and I am sorry.  I just needed time to adjust to it.  You're my daughter and I love you. Your choice in boyfriends isn't going to change that.

Aug. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]


So the train won't room me with my husband (too easy, right?) and instead it rooms me with a vampire and some human tramp named Sookie.


So I'm guessing the empty rooms are up for grabs?

[No Subject]

Er, hello. Luna's explained a bit to me. I'm TR Lupin, wizard, from 2019. It was Christmas Day. At Shell Cottage. You probably don't need to know that.

Luna assures me that 'Tonks' is on the train as well as a Remus Lupin.

Does anyone know if Victoire is here as well?