
Posts Tagged: '%7Bsantana+lopez'

Jul. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

I am most curious about this place, the note I found did not provide much information unfortunately. Either way I do not appreciate being taken just like this.

Jul. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

It's not just me and Ray and Lily, right? Everyone has that scrolling message on their phones?

And my magic's gone again. I think I'd rather have hallucinations.

Fucking train.

Jul. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

So, an announcement should be made, because not a living soul on this train should miss out on the most perfect baby to be brought into the world.

[Image cut] )

Her name is Eve Sands. She weighs 7 pounds 5 ounces, she is 19 inches long. And she was born at 6:30 this morning.

Isn't she beautiful?

(OoC: Edited the name to suit canon.)

Jun. 26th, 2012


[No Subject]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

here is the thing: I'm bored. Terrifyingly bored.

So, who is up for a prank war?

Here are the rules: don't hurt each other and if there's anything you do not want to be done to you, comment it here. (See, Lily, I've got rules, I'm mature!)

Moony, don't be a spoilsport!

Come on, guys, it's fun!

Jun. 24th, 2012




[Private to Ginny]

Don't fall apart there, okay, Ginny?

And I know Perce is a git, but don't get yourself all rumpled over him. He isn't worth it.

Oh, and hey, would you mind having a roommate? I can sleep on the floor if you've just got one bed. Or the sofa. I'm flexible.

[Private to Nathan Young]

Hey there, apparently I'm your roommate. Hoping to get a room with my sister, so hopefully I shouldn't be bothering you much longer. Not that I'm a bother, of course.

[Sent to the Train]

Just a public service announcement that - yes, my family is taking over the train.

Jun. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]


What is going on? Where are we, how long have you been here, and where can I find you?



[No Subject]

Well, this is certainly getting old fast.

I'm trying to decide - did we prefer the singing?

Jun. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

I-- can anyone tell me where I am, exactly? I feel rather silly, somehow ending up on a train and not remembering how I got here. I'm supposed to be heading to an important experiment this morning. I really can't be late for it.
