
Posts Tagged: '%7Bjo-nah'

Jun. 4th, 2012


Filtered to Bethany

Filtered to Bethany )

Jun. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

It's a good thing underwear can double as a bathing suit.  Next time I'll remember to be prepared for this shit.


You know we're sharing a room while we're here, right?

May. 23rd, 2012


[Voice Post]

My bending is BACK!

[Some dull clangs can be heard followed by a scraping noise - like the edge of a broken piece of metal being scraped against another hard surface.]

Who wants footrests? They'll disappear overnight. They always do. But I can make 'em again. Because my bending is back!

May. 21st, 2012



I'd have to say, teleportation to a train is a new one. Quite the trick. I liked the note though, it was a nice touch. Very...cheery.

If there's a Nick Burkhardt out there, I'd like to have a word.

May. 18th, 2012


[No Subject]

It's weird. I haven't been without my powers in years, but all the old reflexes come back, quickly. Very weird.

May. 13th, 2012


Private to Bethany Saunders

Private to Bethany Saunders )

May. 12th, 2012


[No Subject]

[Private to Jo-Nah]

Hey. Thanks for the other night.

[Private to Dr. Snowden]

Juliet told me you were here. How're you doing Doc?

May. 8th, 2012


[No Subject]


Fuck yes! I was helpful today.  Maybe I don't hate this train as much as I should.

[Private to Jo-Nah]

I'm going to kiss you the next time I see you.  Just FYI.

Apr. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]

Dude. We are in an enchanted forest. I'm excited. Is there any way to get off the train?

EDIT: Apparently I'm looking for witches and angels? Will some one please take me off this train? And bring me back? Pretty pretty please with sugar on top?

Apr. 10th, 2012



Truth or Dare time!

Alright Boys and girls, there are some youngin's that have been deprived of any sort of immature fun! So! I'm going to corrupt them (namely you Cato!).

SO I thought I'd start a game of Truth or Dare, now. And when the train stops misbehaving and making people want to hump other people's legs, Hide-N-Seek.

Who's gonna be first?

Truth or Dare!

Apr. 7th, 2012



Sent to All

Are you fucking serious?



Now??? Son of a bitch!

[Some time later]

That reader thing that was in my room? I need a new one. It broke. And the light fixture. That too. And...I need another pillow.

And who the hell is Hal York and why is his name on my damn door?

Apr. 5th, 2012


Filtrered to Juliet

Filtered to Juliet )



[No Subject]

That was kind of strange! And not strange in that "that multi-colored shirt you're wearing is crazy" strange, but in that super creepy something-is-going-to-get-me strange. I don't even remember which car it was, but when I went to pass through it? Whoa! It was like I didn't want to; like I couldn't bring myself to do it! So, so, so weird. And I thought having weird dreams about Sir Laguna was weird!

Mar. 27th, 2012



[No Subject]

Yeah. This is not the sort of thing I'm going to get used to. The corpses are really starting to-- How much longer til we start moving again?

So...Hot chocolate?

Mar. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking...

Except I guess I'm not your captain. I'm a captain. Captain Martin Crieff of MJN Air...but right now I'm not on an aeroplane I'm...locked out of a...train. But I thought-- I mean I was flying an aeroplane until...Erm. Until I landed it. I certainly wasn't brought here mid-flight...that would be...that would be...

Oh dear.

Mar. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

The more time I spend in this area, the more I realize I miss New York. Never thought I would think or say that that considering I was always wanting out of New York. I'm actually starting to miss my jail cell. I knew I could see my daughter if my ex was being nice when in jail where here it's impossible.

Mar. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Whoa, whoa, whoa! This most definitely is NOT Deling City. It's not Galbadia, either! I don't really know where this is! Well, I mean, it's a train obviously. It's a nice train! I love trains, did you know that? Trains can take you any where and every where! I took a train from Trabia to Balamb, once. It was pretty rad and went through mountains and under the water; totally amazing! But, I don't think this is that train. Or the train I was on. This isn't the SeeD cabin. It's pretty swanky, but the Weapons Monthly I was planning on reading is now missing. Unless Zell took it? OH! That bonehead! This is Zell's doing, I bet. Him and Irvine! Why are boys so dumb?! Except for Squall. He's pretty quiet, but he's not dumb. Man! Quistis is totally gonna give it them when I tell her about this. After me, of course! You hear that you two? WHAM! BAM! In your FACE! Don't think I won't do it!

Also...um...infections? A superflu? Whatever prank they're pulling? GROSS.

Mar. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

I hope if we ever go home that... We remember this.

I... this is amazing. Entirely amazing.

I think I just saw a mermaid swim past my window.

Oh and also, even though the soap isn't made of the same stuff it was, if you have a bar of soap you can rub it across any areas that are leaking until it gathers and the leak stops. I just tried it in mine and Peter's room to be sure it would work.

Mar. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

I think some sort of mass-effort levitation is in order. We could do that, couldn't we? If we all put our wands together and simultaneously levitated the train?

I don't fancy the idea of being under water. Not with leaks. And fish staring at me. I mean, the starfish that showed up on my window was all right, but then there was this shark thing behind it, and I don't think that spells good things.

Mar. 12th, 2012


Filtered to Juliet

Hey, are you settling in okay? This is one weird train, huh?