
Posts Tagged: '%7Bparker'

May. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Finally can knock something off my to do list: stealing from pirates. Those swords can easily fetch a ton in antique shops so instant cash.

So going to have some serious fun!

Apr. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

Now its personal.

Those birds had to mimic both Eliot and Hardison! At least they did not try for Nate, Sophie or Archie just yet. Used my tazer (picked one up back in NYC) and got rid of them.

If anyone is keeping track this was in the front kitchen.

Apr. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

What in the fresh hell is this shit?

What am I doing on a train?



[No Subject]

This is like we're right inside one of Hardison's dvds.

Apr. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

I wish the nightmares would stop
Dreaming about home has made me homesick

What am I still doing here?  Where would you be if you weren't here?  Is this a pointless pursuit because I bet everyone would rather be there than here...

Apr. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

I feel no shame, I'm proud of where I came from, I was born and raised in the Boondocks.
One thing I know no matter where I go, I keep my heart and soul in the Boondocks.

Anyone else getting the ache for home? The only part I don't miss is getting shot at. I even miss the feel of crushed shale under my feet.

I wonder what the chances are we'd get to go somewhere like it, or go before shit hit the fan.

I need a drink

[No Subject]


Apr. 9th, 2012



[No Subject]

So the next stop's Tortuga, which means pirates, right?

I'm so getting me one of those swords.

Apr. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

[after she's checked her totem, oh, a good dozen times, as well as half-panicking to herself]

Right, okay. Does anyone here have some kind of...anything that might convince me I haven't lost touch with reality?

[for those familiar, yeah, she's a bit concerned she's gone the way of Mal]

Mar. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

This doesn't look like the base for the 2nd mass. Where are the skitters, the mechs, or even the overlords? All I know is I'm not in Boston anymore, but where am I and why am I here? Is this place safe? Cause I really could use a shower if the water works here. I can't even remember the last time I had a shower.

Mar. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

On the heels of the supply runs being hatched I'm hatching one more.

Given my unique skill set and finding a still running car while on a casing I'm seeking 2 to 3 people to come with me to the next largest town for a grand scale round of heisting. Someone good with weapons would be useful as well.

The general goal besides basic supplies is basically anything that could be useful. But if there is a run already being set up for nearby I'll volunteer as well.



[No Subject]

Lovely. I suppose that's one way to get me out of my room

To those of you who can teleport or apparate or ... phase? Is that the word I'm looking for? We've created a list of likely cities to check for any sort of supplies. If they're close enough, we can arrange for transport of larger things, and if they aren't, we'll just carry back what we can manage.

If any of you would like to volunteer for this, let me know? I'd prefer people to go in groups of three, just in case there's some sort of trouble wherever you go to. If you have a preference of a city to go to, just let me know.

[included: a list of 15 major-ish cities across the States]

I apologize for

I'd like to than

Mar. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Ahahaha. I so fucking called this. I told you we'd need a backup place to sleep. Good thing we have a hotel, HUH?!

Fucking train.

Mar. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Since Lily is bein

I don't do this organizing bullshit

So right. There's a town, not that far if ... you guys haven't already found it. There's a hotel, mostly clean. By which I mean, mostly free of bodies. No power, but there's a generator if one of our mechanical types can get it going?

I assume it's a generator, anyway. It's big and clunky and in a utilty-looking room. Fucked if I know though.

Some stores, but I think if we want to find perishables that aren't already rotted and gross, we're going to have to find a bigger town. Anyone up for a game of Pop Around the States?

Mar. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

Since we seem to have gotten another rush of a new crop of several newcomers, I thought I would post another notice about the vaccine syringes the train that showed up in the infirm ten car.

For everyone new, I'm Simon Tam, one of the doctors on the train. To clarify a little so you don't have to dig back through the posts, several syringes arrived in the car we're using as an infirmary, and to the best of our knowledge, they contain a vaccination. We don't know what it's intended to vaccinate against, but the option to take it is there.

If you're interested, just stop by or leave a message and one of us will help you out. Even if you're new, the ... odds are good there's one here for you. There were more in the basket this morning, so I can only assume they'll continue to show up as new arrivals do.

Mar. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

Waterproofing supplies are going on my growing shopping list.

Mar. 3rd, 2012



/Was Not Supposed to Voice Post/

Not again! We trashed you Rand, you had to pull this now when I'm without the team. *sounds of crying could be heard*

Mar. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Did they say something about Mordor?

I don't want to go to Mordor. It's all rocks and ash and. . .North Dakota.

Feb. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

Not quite essentials. But, there really are some exceptional book shops here in the city, and seeing as it seems there are still funds available to be spent and we’re leaving tomorrow evening, I thought I might attempt to locate anything that might be of particular interest before we do head off.

There’s already quite a decent collection in the baggage car; some classics, American and British Literature, general fiction and natural history as far as I’ve seen and I’m not going to spend a lot of stolen money. Anyone is welcome to come along, of course.

It also leads me to wondering if anyone would be interested in a study group? Nothing formal really, or structured so to speak. But perhaps you’ve left school back home, or are just from a different time/world, it'd be a chance to meet up and learn something. It’s always nice to have some company for these things, at least I always thought so.

Of course, being able to schedule things would be a lot easier with some sort of way to track dates, I hear there’s some thought of charming calendars? A excellent suggestion and I'm quite willing to help. I suppose year is less vital. Hopefully less vital. Given the mix of dates and realities perhaps we just start from 1. Call it A.T. - After Train

Still it is a little odd to think by the current date I’m a few days short of turning 30

[Filtered to Hogwarts students - past & present]

I’ve got a few magical theory texts as well as a couple of spellbooks - would anyone be interested in the occasional meeting where we might practice? Again no formal lessons, but just the opportunity to keep in good habits, well versed in defensive spells so that we’re prepared or even to learn something new?

Feb. 28th, 2012



Filtered away from Robin and Guy

So in 29 days, if we go by what today is... It will be Robin's birthday. I would like to do something grand, but I will need some help. Does anyone have any ideas?

And I'm not entirely sure which I want to celebrate it as, his 817th birthday, or his 27th.