
Posts Tagged: '%7Bgwen+cooper'

May. 1st, 2012


[No Subject]

Well- I'm going to need a big hat if I'm going outside.

Does anyone have a big hat? And maybe sun cream. But that's not as big a concern.

Be wary of the galloping syphilis as well, boys and girls! I'm only saying this because I care. And because it's gross.

Apr. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Drs Tam, Watson, Grey, Banner and Nina: How are you guys doing on the coffee supply in the infirmary?

*Private to James*

I had an idea actually. I can fill you a themos of tea when you come to the kitchen so if your not feeling so great it can at least save you a trip?

Apr. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Brilliant, this is exactly what I need.

Apr. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay, so. . .magical train that travels through time and space, yeah?

STILL not the strangest thing to happen to me lately.

So, what are we doing in between trying to find a way off? (We are trying to find a way off, right?) I mean, I see the woods and I'm sure the. . .unicorn. . .is lovely, but what exactly are we meant to be doing?

[Private to Robin Hood]

Your name is on the same door as mine. I think this makes us roommates. Normally I wouldn't be so concerned, but there's only one bed. That could get awkward.

Apr. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

I admit that this week has been most interesting - I've seen plenty of interesting things in my time but the Dragons and other creatures are most fascinating to watch.



[No Subject]

There better be a damn bar or something along those lines in Tortuga. I'm tired of this train and I need a few drinks or two that are off this train.

Apr. 16th, 2012


Private to: Molly Hooper, John Watson, Gwen Cooper

I've relocated myself on a temporary basis to room 805.

Just in case you need to find me.

I didn't want to take up too much room in the infirmary.


- James



[No Subject]

So I heard those birds screaming finally...sounded a lot like my mum. And my dad. And my first Doctor. Probably shouldn't let that get to me, yeah?

Apr. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

Birds just invaded the back kitchen! I was sure I was hearing Ianto but then saw those birds.

*Private to James*

You ok given all this?

*Private to Nick*

These sound like anything from your world? Its not ringing any bells so I think its not Rift related.

Apr. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

Another query for the tea drinkers on board: does anyone like the flavored tea? I'm just trying to keep my list updated.

For the coffee drinkers: I preset the pots before going to bed but anyone is free to refill them during the day.

Apr. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

Minor thing but since I'm helping in the back kitchen during breakfast I need to know: any tea drinkers on board? But the coffee maker will be refilled throughout the day as well.

Apr. 6th, 2012


[No Subject]

This is a rather lucid dream.

Apr. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Fucking hell. This is a first... Never had a locating spell backfire like that before.

Right then.

Please tell me someone on this train has got some fucking nicotine because I'm on me last Silk Cut and something tells me the bloody pyramids outside aren't going to have any in stock.

Apr. 1st, 2012



Private to Piper Halliwell

Lily suggested I get in touch with you about a shift in the kitchen.

To be honest I'm not a great cook but can handle a coffee maker and basic breakfast foods. So I would like to lend a hand with breakfast?



[No Subject]

Since we have two kitchens now, and an extra dining room, is anyone interested in taking over cooking duties in the back kitchen? We've still got the front one covered, but I wouldn't protest at all splitting meal time duties and spreading out the workload slightly. I've already ensured the back kitchen is as stocked as the front one, and moved some of the extra supplies from the baggage car into both of them.

Mar. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

Hang on, this isn't right. Unless 1851 London's suffered a drought of epic proportions, this isn't right at all. Wait... those are pyramids out there. Brand new pyramids.

Would anyone mind telling me why a train is making its way through the desert of ancient Egypt?



[No Subject]

Has anyone else has really strange dreams this stop? An older woman kept popping up in mine for some reason.



[No Subject]

Hello? George?

Annie, assuming you can read this; that tea you made this morning? Was it ..just Earl Grey? Or some sort of new LSD blend? Because I walked out of our front door.. and now, I appear to be on a train with some very bleak scenery in front of me.

And when I say it appears bleak, I think it’s very important I stress that I do live in Wales. If I'm going to have a frighteningly ludic trip and or dream about going on holiday, you'd think it would be somewhere nicer.


Mar. 29th, 2012


[No Subject]

This might seem like a petty issue, considering, but I don't suppose anyone who's recently on board happens to know how Chelsea's doing.

In March, 2012, I mean.

... Actually, any year after 2012 would be fantastic, too.

Mar. 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

I think I've lost my banana. Has anyone seen it?