
Posts Tagged: '%7Berica+reed'

Sep. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

You think the dark can scare me? The bugs are a nice touch, though. Did you think of them all on your own? I'll eat them for breakfast!



[No Subject]

Christ almighty! Not singing again!



[No Subject]

Bad enough I have to deal with the whole being trapped on a train, but now a cave? It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the no idea how long we will be here cause that has me starting to feel like I'm trapped. I don't do well when I feel trapped and closed in.

Aug. 26th, 2012



Filtered to Cato

Still want to get your ass kicked by me or you done being a little punk ass bitch? I was going to hit you up sooner but I was saddled with a baby so it had to wait. I understand if you want to chicken out though.

Aug. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

Of course the train would take her away when I had gotten to like having her around.



[No Subject]

Coco is gone so I guess the train is done with the babies, which means I can catch up on sleep. I miss the little one just a tiny bit. But great, back underwater once again. Maybe the train is thinking about sending me home or some shit like that since when I showed up here it was underwater. Hey, a girl can hope. But do I really want to go back home?

Aug. 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

How can something so small smell so bad?!

Aug. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

It has been way too long since I've dealt with a baby, but I must say I picked it back up rather quickly. I didn't think I would remember much considering I wasn't around much for my own daughter. I guess even when only watching a friend's baby it does come back slowly and proving helpful with this baby I have.



[No Subject]

I'm joining the crowds of people who have found a baby. According to the wrist band mine is called Tutankhamun.


Surely they don't mean the Ancient Egyptian Pharoh?

Does anyone know anything about babies? I know a bit from Naomi and my sister but I don't know if it is enough to raise one. How many of you have the babies? Perhaps we could all help each other, from the look of it not all of us have any idea how to care for babies.



[No Subject]

Awesome. Another reason not to leave the room.

I hate children.

Nice, train. NICE.

[Private to Castiel]

Stay AWAY from the babies.

I don't need your biological clock kicking in.



[No Subject]

For the record? No, I didn't leave a baby anywhere, she's here with me.

Is this going to be the latest train saga then? Randomly abandoned helpless children left in an occasionally dangerous environment? And right after all the mass of generally unprovoked, frankly disturbing levels of violence that just ensued in Nebraska. Poetic.

Having said that, I have baby related supplies if people are in need? Possibly not enough for the entire train, but we can see what happens.

[No Subject]

So how do you get a baby to lie still long enough to put eyeliner on her? I mean, God, she's named after the girl who invented it, you'd think she'd want to wear it!



[No Subject]

What the hell kind of joke is this? Who the hell thought it would be funny to leave a baby in the room? I haven't taken care of a kid since my daughter and I wasn't even around that long for her. This is just making me sick You can take back this little girl now. I don't need to screw her up, but she's adorable. The name is weird enough considering it's some old chick that's dead. Who knew listening to stuck up bitches in school go on about fashion would pay off some day?

Aug. 7th, 2012


[No Subject]

Didn't think that eating a couple tomatoes would suck me on the express way to zombie world, but girl's gotta get used to strange things happening to her.

Since I'm wide awake now, and bored, I think I might see if there's any food around here. Maybe do some zombie killing, Anyone want to accompany the new girl?

I'm Marceline by the way.

Aug. 6th, 2012



[No Subject]

Zombie target practice is pretty therapeutic. Who would've thought?

If anyone still needs guns or can't find one they like in the baggage car, I've got a good-sized selection. Plus extra ammo.

Aug. 4th, 2012



[No Subject]

Take note, any head doctors we got on board. Zombie target practice is good for the soul. Would make good therapy even if it don't bring nobody back or nothing.

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Private to daryl dixon

Haven't heard from you and wanted to make sure you were alright? Or you busy enjoying this stop?

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Awesome. Something I can fucking kill.

I don't even care what the damn things are. Slice off their fucking heads and they die, right?



[No Subject]

Finally! I didn't think I could take much more of a moving train.

Jul. 28th, 2012


[No Subject]

The fridges are looking pretty bare of vegan-friendly options. I really hope there's a health food store or something at the next stop, because I really really don't want to have to resort to eating omnivorously again.