
Posts Tagged: '%7Bjuliette+silverton'

Oct. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]


Can others see what I have written here?

These devices are still very foreign to me.

My name is Lady Marian, of Knighton.  I have been told that I was here before, though I do not remember it.

This is very strange.

I am pleased to meet you all.

Oct. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

For those curious, the machine in the observation car is no longer not working. I assume that means that some people might be able to get it to spit out tickets. If anyone wanted to go frolic with the goats and sheep.

Also? Don't sniff the honeysuckle. Unless you want antennae growing out of your head. So disturbing

Private: Sirius Black


I don't know if you're settled in enough yet for me to be making requests, but if you're ever inclined to attempt to teach someone? One of the prior yous and the last James was trying to teach me how to animagus myself.

If you were ever interested. Or inclined. Or ... whatever. It's a way to kill time, you know? And at the rate I'm going, you'll be killing a lot of it.

Sep. 20th, 2012



Private to Dean

If you haven't looked at the view yet, don't! I'm so sorry since I really didn't think the train would fly, but I love ya and if you need anything tell me! How you doing? Just try not to think about it, okay?

Sep. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Private to Juliette

Still wanna go hit Shanghai where it hurts?

Sep. 13th, 2012



Private to Nick Burkhardt

I know they are not your Voodoo Donuts, but I found a donut shop and was wondering if you wanted any? I know you have been missing your Voodoo ones so I wasn't sure if you would be happy with any kind of donuts or not.



[No Subject]

Da Jia Hao!

Welcome to China folks! Little announcement for those lookin’ to do supply runs for the train.

Me’n Claudia rigged you folks up some ‘trigger cards’. Only got a half dozen so far, but anything with a magnetic stripe’ll do, so if you got a card you ain’t usin’ send it our way.

All you gotta do is use one of ‘em at any atm in the city, follow the screen prompts the card’ll bring up for ya using the keypad and you’re laughin’. - I’ll be hangin’ back in the front Kitchen if you're lookin' to shop. Be sure let Claudia or me know if it does somethin' wacky.

Don’t fret we ain’t stealin’ no old folks life savin’s or such, this don't take money from any account -- just hackin’ the machines with a bug to pony up, so’s we can stock up and go on eatin’ for however long the train keeps on running and bringin' in more folk needin' to eat along for the ride.

‘Course this ain’t a call to be greedy, but if someone wanted to take their girlfriend out for the best xiǎolóng bāo the city’s got, pretty sure you ain’t gonna get smote for it.

Sep. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

Please let this be a decent stop. I'll probably wait for a bit before I get off the train. Give others time to say whether anything bad happens or not.

Sep. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

Anyone else hoping for a nice, normal stop?

[Doctor + Companions = Team TARDIS]
Do you think the TARDIS' translation circuit will work for us there?  I haven't had a stop anywhere that the natives didn't already speak English, so I haven't been able to test it.  It'd make Shanghai a whole lot easier if it worked.

[Amy Pond]
So.  Hello.  Shanghai.  We're going exploring, aren't we?

Sep. 1st, 2012



Private: Medical Staff (Rory, Nina, Prim, Juliette)

Doctor Snowden was sent back today. I thought you all should be aware.

[No Subject]

Waking up and seeing that we're underground was awful. All I can think about is the mines. I tried to go back to sleep, but then I dreamed about my father and the explosion. I'm afraid to close my eyes. I just hope I didn't wake anyone up with my screaming. I don't want to explain anything.

The nightmares are getting worse. I wish I could talk to Peeta about them. I...guess I could talk to Finnick, but he seemed almost haunted when we talked. I don't know if that's worrying over Annie or something else. If Prim and Gale aren't already thinking about the mines, I don't want to be the one to remind them. If I could, I wish I could erase the memory altogether, but

How soon until we're above ground? I hate this.



[No Subject]

So now we’re in a cave? I guess that’s better than under the damn water.

Aug. 30th, 2012



Filtered to the medical staff

I've heard that you guys are short staffed and where I wasn't a people doctor, I'm happy to help where I can. I was a vet back in my world, but I can do minor things for people so I'm happy to fill in when needed considering it gives me something to do. I figured I would toss out my ability to help out.

Aug. 27th, 2012



Failed filter to Dean Winchester

Failed filter to Dean Winchester - filtered for strong imagery )

Aug. 25th, 2012



Network Fail - Backwards Text

.dnalyensiD ta edir enirambus eht dna noisnaM detnuaH eht fo xim depraw emos ekil leef ot gnitrats si sihT

[Translation: This is starting to feel like some warped mix of the Haunted Mansion and the submarine ride at Disneyland.]



[No Subject]

Underwater again? When will this train learn that it isn't a submarine?

Aug. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

I just ... It can't be ... No, I refuse to believe this ghost was Pete. I don't need anymore emotional pain.

If anyone needs me I will be in the back kitchen drinking.

Aug. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't want to cause a train-wide panic or anything - though something tells me I might - but has anyone seen a small, incredibly cute little drummer-baby?

He was asleep in his crib when I went to take a shower, and when I came back he'd vanished. It might be the train taking the babies back, but unless it's leaving the cribs as a really, really major hint to us all then I suspect not.

He goes by the name of Ringo, and he's about seven months old. He really likes banging his rattle. Any ideas, please let a really crappy guardian know!

Thanks all!



Private to Nick Burkhardt

I wanted to wait on sending you a message until I had a yes or no. How would you feel about a guest in our room for a night or two?

Aug. 16th, 2012



Private to Dean

You should let me babysit the little boy for a bit. I'm sure he's got you all tired so I'm happy to watch him for a while. I promise to bring him back maybe.

Aug. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't think I should be trusted to take care of a baby when I can barely take care of myself.