
Posts Tagged: '%7Bnatasha+romanoff'

Oct. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

Admittedly, this isn't the first time I've woken up in the middle of a frozen wilderness with no memory of how I got there. It is, however, the first time I've woken up in such a situation fully clothed and on a train.

Anyone want to tell me where I am?



[No Subject]

All violations of the laws of motion and inertia out of the question, I didn't expect Winter Wonderland here, though to be fair, I don't think I was expecting anything but the traffic heading into Jersey.

Sep. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

They're gone. All of their names are gone from the train.

Bruce, Steve, Tony. Even Pepper.

Sep. 12th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Jo]

Up for some Shanghai exploring? Or Shanghai Shenanigans?

[Filtered to Tasha]

How you holding up?

Sep. 10th, 2012



private to Natasha Romanoff

I don't mean to bother you ma'am, but I remember you saying that you know me from the [...] future. Would you be willing to tell me some of it? I'd really appreciate it, the not knowing is pretty much killing me.

Sep. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

What's happened? Where am I and what the hell is this thing on my arm?

Where's Steve?

Христос всемогущий, что, черт возьми, происходит?

[translation from google translate: Christ Almighty, what the hell is going on?]



[No Subject]

I'm working on living out the childhood I never got. Tell me what your favorite childhood game was and why. I might wind up asking you the rules if I'm not familiar with it. Sorry about that. You could say I don't have a lot of practical experience with games.

[filtered to the avengers + pepper potts]

How would you guys feel about playing a game of Truth or Dare while we're still stuck on the train? It's still some time before we reach freedom at the stop in China and I'm getting cabin fever. No one wants that, right? Right.

EDIT: [filtered to avengers, pepper, and jo harvelle]

Hey, Jo! You up for a game of Truth or Dare to try to beat the boredom until this thing decides to stop in Shanghai?

Sep. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]

Testing. Testing. One, two. Testing. One. Two.

Okay. I want a high precision mass spectrometer to show up. I'm fully expecting it. Don't let me down, train.

EDIT: It appears I have no special wishing rights with the train. Let down all around. I think that means you can't blame me for being here, Steve. Sorry. Looks like the train couldn't resist your charm.

Sep. 6th, 2012



[No Subject]

Well.  This isn't Brooklyn.  Or the subway I intended to board.

Sep. 3rd, 2012


[No Subject]

Right. In hopes that I haven't blasted myself into some alternate dimension, can someone tell me what's going on here?

Sep. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

This scenery makes me feel even more closed in than usual. I don't like it.

Aug. 27th, 2012



/word replacement/

I saw a /Chitauri/!

This underwater world is so neat! Definitely beats the upside down world we just left.

Aug. 26th, 2012



/word replacement/

So hey. Do a lot of people speak /Shih Tzu/? I mean, if we're stopping in /limbo/, we're going to have to know how to speak /pizza/.

Aug. 25th, 2012



network malfunction/upside down text

¿ɔıʇdʎɹɔ puɐ ʎdǝǝɹɔ ǝɹ,ʎǝɥʇ puoʎǝq ƃuıɥʇʎuɐ ʍouʞ ǝʍ op ˙suoısnןɔuoɔ ʎuɐ uǝǝs ʇou ʇnq 'sıɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ƃuıʞןɐʇ ǝןdoǝd ɹǝɥʇo ǝɯos pɐǝɹ ǝʌ,ı ¿uǝddɐɥ ʇɐɥʇ pıp ʍoɥ ˙ʇnoɔs ʎoq ʇsɹıɟ s,ɐɔıɹǝɯɐ ɟo ʇsoɥƃ ʎןʇuǝɹɐddɐ ǝɥʇ ʎq pǝddoʇs ʇǝƃ oʇ ʎןuo sn ɹoɟ uo ƃuıoƃ ʇoƃ ǝʌ,ǝʍ ʍǝıʌ ɐǝs-ǝɥʇ-ɹǝpun ǝɥʇ ʎoɾuǝ oʇ ʞןɐʍ ǝɔıu ɐ ɹoɟ oƃ ı ¿sıɥʇ sı uıɐɹʇ ɟo puıʞ ʇɐɥʍ

[ooc: translation for people who don't want to struggle to read upside down text!

what kind of train is this? i go for a nice walk to enjoy the under-the-sea view we've got going on for us only to get stopped by the apparently ghost of america's first boy scout. how did that happen? i've read some other people talking about this, but not seen any conclusions. do we know anything beyond they're creepy and cryptic?]

Aug. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Yesterday was a very good day
This train definitely has some good benefits

Think last night was the first time I've had a decent sleep since getting here.

[Filtered to Loki]

So, I've been doing some thinking and talking with Joand I figure given we're stuck on this silver bullet, we might as well try to get along. Yay/nay?

Aug. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

[Avengers Filter + Pepper and Dr. Foster]

I just saw one of these ghosts. It looked like Ste Captain Rogers.

[No Subject]

I think I just saw a ghost! At least I think it was a ghost. I've never heard of ghosts having tattoos before.

It didn't say anything. It just kind of hovered there and looked at me before disappearing but it was kind of cool to see!

Aug. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

I have a very important meeting in about ten minutes that I can't miss.  Why am I suddenly on a train?

Aug. 12th, 2012


[No Subject]

Where am I?

.......Am I dead? Was the curse broken?



[No Subject]

This is Tony Stark. I have a handcuff problem. Anyone on board have anything that can cut through a very serious set of handcuffs or possibly pick a lock?