
Posts Tagged: '%7Bemmett+brown'

Dec. 15th, 2011



[No Subject]

Hello. My name is Dr. Emmett Brown. I am a scientist, specializing in TIME TRAVEL.

It has come to my attention that there may be many unwilling passengers on this train from different points in the TIME and SPACE CONTINUUM. I would like to emphasize how IMPORTANT it is that no one shares TOO MUCH information about THE FUTURE. Though it may be tempting, doing so might COMPROMISE THE SPACE-TIME FABRIC. Until I can learn more about the technology that keeps this train moving, it's best to play it on the safe side.

That being said, clearly we will have to orchestrate a SUPPLY RUN should we discover a way to get the train to stop or should the train stop automatically. PLEASE. WHEN GATHERING SUPPLIES KEEP INTERACTION TO OTHER PEOPLE IN SPACE-TIME AT A BARE MINIMUM. ALL OF EXISTENCE COULD DEPEND UPON IT.



[No Subject]
