
Posts Tagged: '%7Bjohn+watson'

Aug. 26th, 2012



Failed Private to Sherlock & /word replacement/.

You have to come and join me in the chance car. Bring /lube/.

Aug. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

Ghosts. Now that is rather new.

It's a shame the they can't seem to converse, not at all like the castle ghosts. The young boy I met was only able to say one thing, he couldn't even tell me his name.

I do wonder how they've found the train, it can't simply be they've taken all this time to show themselves?

Aug. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

What the I'm pretty sure I just saw a fucking ghost. And no, I don't mean a ghost like those we have as passengers, I mean a floating about, see-through sort of ghost. Maybe I just need to get some more sleep. Maybe I've finally cracked.

Remember the little girl victim during the murder spree? It looked like her. I think I'm going mental.

Aug. 16th, 2012


[No Subject]

To all,

I am currently on the brink of conducting an experiment that may or may not benefit a few of you. But I will require some assistance. Those of you who suffer from a blood-lust, I would be most grateful for a sample of your DNA and a few details about your origins. And the chance to use you as a guinea-pig. Just for a little while. It probably won't harm you in any way. Doctor Watson will vouch that I can be very gentle when necessary.

Any questions, comments, or volunteers sign up below.



Aug. 12th, 2012


Filtered to the doctors

Hey, I was told that I should probably talk to you guys about a thing I need. I have a serum that I need to take and right now I have some to last me a bit, but I'm going to run out at some point. From what I'm told you get sent back when the train decides to send you back, which brings up a bit of a problem for me. I wasn't sure if any of you were up for trying to figure out what's in the serum for me? I have no idea and I know that isn't much help, but I really do need it. Or people on this train will die when I go off the serum. I'm happy to spare a bottle if someone is up for trying to figure out what's in it or trying to make a new one.



Private to Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock )

Aug. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

[Filtered to John Watson] )

[No Subject]

My body hates me right now. :(

[filtered; medical staff]

So um...is there anything I should be doing for prenatal care? I've been reading some books from the library car, but since we're in different circumstances being stuck here...

[filtered; Damon]

While you're out there punching zombies, can you search for some...baby things? Like pills for prenatal care, stuff like that. Oh, and painkillers.

Aug. 3rd, 2012



Voice post

[His voice is soft, raspy, as if he his trying to keep consciousness as he speaks]

I am...surrounded...

There are...dozens of them, in the trees, in the bushes. I am injured; I know not how badly, but my strength wanes. Many of them are destroyed as well, but more keep coming...I do not know how much longer I can fight...my vision blurs and the dizziness at times overcomes me...

I will not give up, but they are stronger than I am, and I am vastly outnumbered. Please, those of you safe on the train, stay where you are. Do not send forth medics to rescue me, as you will simply put yourselves in harm's way...

[There is a soft pause, a raspy breath]

Please, tell Snow that I fell loving her...and that not even death can separate us forever.



[No Subject]

Blah blah the importance of conveying information blah blah.

There are a dozen flamethrowers in the baggage car. Some very large guns that would knock me over if I tried to use them, and holy water.

No, not really holy water. I just thought that'd be funny. I mean, unless water from a church faucet is holy. Is it?

We've also made a rough map of the area, and marked the locations of the places we found weapons within reasonable distance for anyone inclined to have an adventure of their own. The map is in the front kitchen, and should stay in the front kitchen. Make a copy if you're walking out or use the coordinates on it if you're apparating.

IT IS NOT FUN OUTSIDE. I just wanted that out there, in case anyone had any delusions it was.

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

Right, here's the plan.

Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.

.... Too soon?

Jul. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay, so....I'm not falling down drunk anymore. I'll just...forget about them

What've I missed? Hi new people.

Jul. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't know what else to say. George did like to involve the netwo

But in regard to all the speculation as to why train this exists and exactly why we're chosen to appear, or stay, or go. I think I can safely say it goes well beyond simply being sadistic. That's putting it lightly.

Perhaps we're supposed not to take it personally when so many people are affected at the same time? How benevolent.

Jul. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Marian is gone. How can she just be All her things are gone. I don't understand this train.

I need a drink

Jul. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

This is incredible! I'm human - only one heart! I always wondered how it would feel, and now I get to experience it first hand. How exciting!

Jul. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

There's a slight possibility I may have accidentally drugged John with some of my homemade confectionery.

Nothing too serious, right, John? He's just having a little trouble with truth avoidance. Aren't you, love?

You can ask him anything and he'll answer it. It's wonderful! Hopefully it'll only last twenty minutes like all the others.

But he's sitting here pouting. You should ask him something to keep him entertained!!

This is brilliant. I'm so clever sometimes.



[No Subject]

[Filtered to all doctors]

i need to discuss a rather private matter with one of you. immediately.

[Filtered to all downworlders; vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches, wizards, warlocks, ghosts... and demons.]

as much as it loathes me to speak to any of you, i am sure one of you has the resources or abilities to obtain a substance for me. your reward will be that i won't kill you and that is a gift if you ever had one. i am willing to bargain.

Jul. 6th, 2012



Voice Post

[A soft hush and a click before the sound of Jim's voice begins quietly] )

[a sigh] More candy or not more candy? So hard to choose.

[Private to Sherlock Holmes]

We're due for our second date, you and I.

[Private to Harley Quinn]

I'm sorry I missed the beard. I'd love to see you try more.

[Private to John Watson]

Our mutual friend implied I may have been indelicate in our last conversation. I can only offer my sincere apologies. Friends?

Jul. 5th, 2012


[No Subject]

This is brilliant! I have a chart of the sweets and what some of them do and I'm going to start dissecting them to find out their components as soon as I have a rough idea of the correlation between the types of confectionary and the effect- if there is none then it's a free for all experiment and I haven't had this much fun in ages!

Jul. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

For those who knew them, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff are both gone.

Anyone needs me, I'll be getting drunk. Somewhere. I hate this