
Posts Tagged: 'amy+pond'

Nov. 20th, 2012



[No Subject]

So hey. In case you guys missed a memo or whatever, the rescue train's supposed to be here tomorrow. For the people going home. At least that's what the guys in the office seem to think.

I will actually miss some of you

We'll be there to see you off. I mean, I think we should all be there. Since it'll be the last time some of us will see each other. Ever.

Also, I want to see if they tear apart the train. Because that would make my fucking year.

Nov. 16th, 2012




Oiy, just because a person doesn't generally wear her wedding dress more than once does not make it okay for someone to take it.

Has anyone seen a wedding dress? Because, seriously, it's a wedding dress. You can't miss it.

Nov. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

The quiet here is ridiculous. I feel like running up the aisle banging pots and pans just so it sounds more crowded.

Nov. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

There is a definite stillness on board these days. The train has gone through another purge and the echo unmistakeable now. Not to mention its current scheme of making passengers younger.

Nov. 6th, 2012




This isn't exactly how I expected to spend my honeymoon but I guess it could be worse.

So, are we in space and has anyone, by some chance, seen an Egyptian goddess?

Oct. 3rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Thanks, train, but I really could have done without the wreath of laurels growing out of my head.  I'm not a centurion anymore.

Sep. 25th, 2012



[No Subject]

thank christ. I hereby swear to never wank in zero gravity again. and advise you all to wait it out, no matter how horny you believe yourself to be, i repeat, it is not worth it.

That is all.

Sep. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

I can't believe she's gone. Again. How many times do I have to loose her? At least I told her how I feel - and heard the words I needed.

Sep. 13th, 2012


[No Subject]

If anyone happens to find a lost cricket somewhere on the train can you let me know?


Sep. 12th, 2012



[No Subject]

I feel like going shopping. Does anyone want to come with me?

Sep. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

Anyone else hoping for a nice, normal stop?

[Doctor + Companions = Team TARDIS]
Do you think the TARDIS' translation circuit will work for us there?  I haven't had a stop anywhere that the natives didn't already speak English, so I haven't been able to test it.  It'd make Shanghai a whole lot easier if it worked.

[Amy Pond]
So.  Hello.  Shanghai.  We're going exploring, aren't we?

Sep. 8th, 2012



[No Subject]

I fucking hate this shit train.

Did anyone else sing twice?

Sep. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

I have to say that I'm kinda pleased with the whole dark cave thing! It's always good to know that your friends, and loved ones, aren't going to burst into flames accidentally.



[No Subject]

Bad enough I have to deal with the whole being trapped on a train, but now a cave? It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the no idea how long we will be here cause that has me starting to feel like I'm trapped. I don't do well when I feel trapped and closed in.

Aug. 31st, 2012



[No Subject]

This place lacks stability. My brain already lacks stability. Too much more of this and I might start thinking things.

Aug. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

I feel a tad bit left out in not receiving a baby.

I'm sure if I had to wake up to the crying, I'd change my mind, though.

[Private to Nathan]

I saw that Claire got left one. Do you two need help?

Aug. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

Everyone seems so comfortable with killing.

I don't like it.

[No Subject]

..Okay, what is this train, and what universe am I in?

Aug. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

I should not be surprised that the word of the Valar is not to be trusted, nor that they would sink to such depths to keep the Ñoldor in thrall.

Show yourselves! The son of Finwë fears not your strength or your fury!



[No Subject]


1. Cardio
2. The Double Tap
3. Beware of Bathrooms
4. Wear Seat Belts

And maybe take a cricket bat just in case.

Yes, I'm aware I'm mixing my zombielore. Deal with it. ;)