
Posts Tagged: '%7Bpiper'

Jul. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

I have this strange feeling that I've been here before...and I don't think I was dreaming.

Jul. 7th, 2012



[No Subject]

My dog got his paws on a candy. If that wasn't bad enough he turned green. Almost a radioactive green.

[Private to Grey]

Thanks for talking me into going to prom last night. I had fun.

[Private to Carys]

I enjoyed the dance.

Jul. 5th, 2012



[No Subject]

A runaway train. How did I get here? I didn't board a train. This train has to turn around. Take me back. I have to go back to Mystic Falls.

Jul. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]

I have a tail.




[No Subject]

Fuck. You. Thomas.

And since no one has said it yet: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.

Jun. 30th, 2012


[No Subject]

Okay, so life on the train, it isn't to bad. I got my girl, and my sister isn't breathing down my neck at every turn.

Only thing I really miss is my brother my car. Train cars just aren't the same as doing 120 with the top down, and Chicago in my rearview.

Jun. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

So hey. Was anyone aware that ... spells bounce off the open air car? I thought it'd be fun to see if I could charm some color into the area, and the spell bounced back at me. Did we know this and no one announced it, or is this new?

This first person who says anything about the green streaks in my hair gets hexed senseless

Jun. 26th, 2012



[No Subject]

The train has been suspiciously quiet lately. Has it gone this long without doing something before?



[No Subject]

To all those interested in donating blood.

Right. Seeing as this isn’t going away any time soon and likely, there is still interest and debate about the giving of blood for vampire use. After all it’s not like we can stop you.

Regardless of what I actually believe the sane response is If people are going to do this, there needs to be an actual system in place, not a random sign-up sheet like some bloody after-school football team with people wanting to bleed themselves weekly. This is about an individual’s health, hygiene, avoiding harm and avoiding creating a collective of anaemic passengers hellbent on fulfilling some supernatural erotic fantasy about feeding a vampire. Which I’m sure this should primarily be about. Er. Patient health that is ..not the erotic fantasy thing. Anyway.

The safest and most health conscious way is to treat this as something rather like Red Cross donations. Hah This venture would be handled entirely by the train’s medical staff. Dr Tam, Dr Grey and Dr Banner have already discussed this to some extent.

Please let us know below and possibly within the next few days the measures will be in place to collect donations.

Continued )

Jun. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay, no offense- but what is wrong with you people?

A time-traveling train? A time-traveling, sentient train? A time-traveling sentient train traveling through a world that has no color??

And everyone is just- okay with this?!

Why aren't we working together to try and find a way to escape? Why are there children planning a prom?! These things aren't real, they can't be real- why are we accepting them and going about life as normal?

It can't be what it looks like. And there has to be a way off. If we're just smart enough to find it.

-Dr. Quinzel

Jun. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Oh, blast.

This isn't the ministry, is it?

Well...at least I'm not splinched.

And here I thought I could actually do magic now...

Jun. 15th, 2012


[No Subject]

First I get kidnapped by a train on top of everything else and now people don't even remember anything. What the fuck is going on? Is this one of those train fucking with me type of things I was told about?



[No Subject]

I'm not sure why I'm on a train?

Hello? I don't understand what's happening here.




[No Subject]

So, in case anyone else hasn't been hit (Lily and I are the only ones I know of so far), the train's game for this reality is memory loss. I lost three or four months (the last thing I remember is the New York stop) and Lily thinks she's sixteen and that was a fun convers

So if I met you after New York and now have no idea who you are? Sorry. It's the train, not me.

[No Subject]

Who is king of this realm?

I demand an audience with him.

[No Subject]

Where the fuck am I? This doesn’t look like the abandoned prison in Louisiana that I was at.

First my baby gets shot at and ends up being unable to get fixed, then I get taken by some sick fucks who are messing with shit they shouldn’t be messing with, and so much more. What else is going to happen to me? These last few days have been like hell with everything going on and now I’m somewhere with no fucking clue how I got here. If this is some sick joke then I don’t get it at all.