
Posts Tagged: '%7Bsookie+stackhouse'

Sep. 19th, 2012



[No Subject]

Filtered to Tara Thornton

Hey, you wanna go shopping and hang out some? I need a few clothes, and it's always more fun having someone to share it with.

Sep. 11th, 2012


[No Subject]

So happy for another stop! I really could use some time to stretch my legs even if I got off in the last world as well.

Sep. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

So hey, PSA and all that.

I know we don't know when this son of a bitch is going to stop, but the witches and wizards from my world have been practicing a translation spell. Anyone interested when we do stop, track one of us down and we'll cast it on you. We're offering no promises on how well it'll work, or how long it'll stick, and if you're impervious to magic ... well, don't bother =D It probably won't work on you.

If you want a demonstration beforehand, I know there are a few of us willing to wave our wands around for you to see.

Sep. 7th, 2012


Filtered away from Bill Compton

I'm gonna be punished for this but I caution you all to stay away from Bill Compton. Or at the very least be careful. He isn't as charming and friendly as ya'll might think. Oh, and if any of ya'll see a woman named Tara, let me know. She needs lookin' after.

Sep. 2nd, 2012



Video Post - originally made by Sookie about Eric, but accidentally uploaded.

Lyrics and music by Ugly Kid Joe

Sookie lets rip )

Sep. 1st, 2012



[No Subject]

I have to say that I'm kinda pleased with the whole dark cave thing! It's always good to know that your friends, and loved ones, aren't going to burst into flames accidentally.



[No Subject]

Bad enough I have to deal with the whole being trapped on a train, but now a cave? It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the no idea how long we will be here cause that has me starting to feel like I'm trapped. I don't do well when I feel trapped and closed in.

Aug. 28th, 2012



[No Subject]

I don't have time for this shit. Where the hell am I?

Aug. 25th, 2012


Failed Filter to Eric Northman, /word replacement/

Hey Eric.

Can we meet up? I miss /topping/ you.

Aug. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]


So the train won't room me with my husband (too easy, right?) and instead it rooms me with a vampire and some human tramp named Sookie.


So I'm guessing the empty rooms are up for grabs?

Aug. 15th, 2012



[No Subject]

Which one of you mundanes or Downworlders found it necessary to kick in my door? If you wanted my company, you just had to ask. I wouldn't have given it to you, most likely, but you could have tried. I would have applauded your effort.

Aug. 13th, 2012



Private to Eric Northman

Did you know Bill was here? He seems... wrong.

He also says you and he are to be put to death - I'm scared for you!

Aug. 11th, 2012



[No Subject]

It has been way too long since I've dealt with a baby, but I must say I picked it back up rather quickly. I didn't think I would remember much considering I wasn't around much for my own daughter. I guess even when only watching a friend's baby it does come back slowly and proving helpful with this baby I have.

Aug. 6th, 2012



[No Subject]

I am most certainly not amused.

Aug. 2nd, 2012



[No Subject]


How boring.



[No Subject]

Seriously? Zombies? I've seen a lot of crazy stuff in my time, but this...

I'm Sookie, by the way, and I'm new here. If anyone can point the way back home, now would be a real good time to do it!

Jul. 15th, 2012


Private to Eric Northman, Pam Ravenscroft, and Sookie Stackhouse

Private to Eric, Pam and Sookie )



[No Subject]

Why does the train never take MY ability?

I'd be all for not being able to hear every nasty thing that goes through people's minds for awhile.

Although, maybe not right now. . .if I'd end up with something even HARDER to control.

Jul. 13th, 2012



[No Subject]

Private to Rose Tyler )



[No Subject]

[Filtered to all doctors]

i need to discuss a rather private matter with one of you. immediately.

[Filtered to all downworlders; vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches, wizards, warlocks, ghosts... and demons.]

as much as it loathes me to speak to any of you, i am sure one of you has the resources or abilities to obtain a substance for me. your reward will be that i won't kill you and that is a gift if you ever had one. i am willing to bargain.