
Posts Tagged: '%7Bnora+gainesborough'

Sep. 16th, 2012


Private to Eric Northman

Brother. We need to talk.

Sep. 7th, 2012


Private to Bill Compton

Your progeny posted on the network that people should stay away from you.

I do not know if you received her message but I thought I should bring your attention to it.

Filtered away from Bill Compton

I'm gonna be punished for this but I caution you all to stay away from Bill Compton. Or at the very least be careful. He isn't as charming and friendly as ya'll might think. Oh, and if any of ya'll see a woman named Tara, let me know. She needs lookin' after.

Sep. 3rd, 2012


[No Subject]

Where am I? I'm not in my room.


Brother? Eric??

Why did Lilith bring me here? There must be a reason why she brought me here.

Praise Lilith.