Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2011 Reveals! 
8th January 2012 12:00
This year's fantastic collection of pieces is a bit different than our previous ones in terms of characters and pairings and so forth. In case anyone missed them, the 2011 stats are in this post.

Before we get to the big reveal, we're going to take just a moment to extend some very heartfelt thank yous. Once again, Kinky Kristmas was a smashing success, and none of it could have been possible without you.

- Thank you to everyone, both members and watchers, who read, viewed, commented, and recced throughout December. We're all here for the interaction with like-minded fans, so without people like you, there'd be no Kinky Kristmas or Daily Deviant or HP fandom at all. I think most of us have noticed that there's been a bit of a drop off in commenting across fandom over the last year or two. Nonetheless, this year's KK generated more than 1,200 comments on its 70 pieces, and we've had enough recs to have 37 pieces (one more than last year!) listed in the Daily Snitch!! We truly cannot thank you all enough.

- Second, huge thanks to the members and watchers who contributed fic and art to this year's event. You all clearly put your collective best foot forward, as the response proves. A standing ovation to you all.

- Last, but certainly not least, huge heaps of gratitude and virtual chocolate to those who contributed pinch hits or extra pieces this year: [info]celandineb, [info]dexstarr, [info]its_art, [info]kinky_kneazle, [info]lilmisblack, [info]ships_harry, [info]thegildedmagpie, and [info]tripperfunster.

We're positively thrilled with the results of this year's celebration, and we hope you had a fantastic time reading and viewing. This fandom and the brilliant and talented individuals who comprise it are amazing. ♥

Now, without further delay...

Art by Daily Deviant Members:

Lesson in Heiroglyphics (Tonks/Luna) by [info]its_art
Stag Night (James/Sirius) by [info]wallflowergirl
You and me always (Bill/Draco/Charlie) by [info]ships_harry
Love Thyself (Moody) by [info]tripperfunster
Persuasion (Pansy/Draco/Hermione) by [info]thilia
Drinking Games (Sirius/Bill) by [info]ariadneelda
Bete Noire (Sirius/Severus) by [info]vividzephyr
These aren't your usual Christmas Crackers… (Neville/Ginny) by [info]its_art
Challenge Accepted (Snape/McGonagall) by [info]akatnamedeaster
My Pretty Pet (Godric/Salazar) by [info]venturous
Hate is… (Sirius/Severus) by [info]ghot
My Strange Addiction (Bill/Lavender) by [info]doveypoo
One Down, Six To Go (Arthur/Bill) by [info]thilia
Seeker (McGonagall/Hooch) by [info]twilightsorcery

Fic by Daily Deviant Members:

Table (and Bed) for Three (Harry/Hermione/Neville) by [info]ldymusyc
Silver Bells (Charlie/Draco) by [info]gypsyflame
At Practice (Sirius/Severus) by [info]celandineb
Anointing Day (Moaning Myrtle/Grey Lady/Nearly Headless Nick) by [info]tjs_whatnot
Just One Night (Harry/Draco/Charlie) by [info]torino10154
The Problem With Malfoy (Harry/George/Draco) by [info]elfflame
Brothers in Arms (Dean/Kingsley) by [info]kabal42
The Holly, the Ivy and the Red Red Rose (Snape/Rosa Sadista) by [info]inamac
Cinnamon and Chocolate (and Sex) (Lavender/Seamus) by [info]silvernatasha
Shredding the Rules (Snape/Harry) by [info]alisanne
How to Stop Sibling Rivalry (Teddy/James Sirius/Albus Severus) by [info]kinky_kneazle
Photographic Inspiration (Harry/Draco/Ron) by [info]celandineb
Repeat Offenders (Sprout/McGonagall/Pince + Neville) by [info]thegildedmagpie
Torn (Teddy/James, Harry/Teddy) by [info]torino10154
Dudley Dursley and the Fucking Thereof (Millicent/Dudley) by [info]eeyore9990
Complicated (Severus/Remus) by [info]sabethea
Raising the Bar (Kingsley/Sirius) by [info]leela_cat
The Stray (Snape/Ron) by [info]kinky_kneazle
7 (Snape/Harry) by [info]centaury_squill
Four Part Harmony (George/Lee, Lavender/Parvati) by [info]rilla_licious
Never Pure and Rarely Simple (Pomona/Hooch, Pomona/Narcissa, suggestions of Pomona/Bellatrix) by [info]woldy
With Cat-Like Tread (Severus/Minerva) by [info]purplefluffycat
Muscle Men (Kingsley/Charlie) by [info]snegurochka_lee
Snitches and Boxes and Brooms, Oh my! (Harry/Severus) by [info]hogwartshoney
Diverted (Percy/Pansy/Draco) by [info]florahart
????? (Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy/Minerva McGonagall/Tom Riddle, Jr/Nagini) by [info]kelly_chambliss
A life in dreams (Remus/Sirius) by [info]lilmisblack
Turnabout (Sprout/McGonagall) by [info]songquake
The Elements of a Fair Trade (Harry/Draco, Ron/Pansy, Harry/Pansy, Ron/Draco) by [info]mindabbles
Silver and Gold (Dean/Luna) by [info]ozma_katiebell
I've been an awful good girl (Neville/Lavender) by [info]luvscharlie
Mermaid's Suede (Charlie/Neville) by [info]coffee_n_cocoa
A Toy at Christmas (Barty Jr.-as-Moody/Draco) by [info]thegildedmagpie
Earth-bound (Sprout/Luna) by [info]pre_raphaelite1
Of Alcohol and Resolutions (James/Sirius) by [info]lilmisblack
Accidents Will Happen (James Sirius/Albus Severus) by [info]entrenous88
The Twelve Dates of Christmas (or A Dirty Dozen) (Bill/Tonks, Bill/various) by [info]ragdoll

Art by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Sweet Vengeance (Severus/Neville) by [info]prayer_at_night

Fic by Daily Deviant Watchers:

Dallying With Dark Wizards (Snape/Lockhart) by [info]islandsmoke
Old Habits Are the Sweetest (Ron/Harry/Hermione) by [info]amand_r
Black Queen, Dark Pawn (Bellatrix/Snape) by [info]pale_moonlite
Attempting Romance (Snape/Harry) by [info]lilyseyes
Sometimes a Fantasy (Draco/Hermione) by [info]tryslora
Scent (Ron/Remus) [info]da_angel729
The Encounter (Severus/Regulus) by [info]bonfoi
Parchment Wasn't Meant For This, But We're Doing It Anyway (Hermione/Luna) by [info]rebecca_selene
Sanctuary (Harry/Draco/Bill) by [info]lokifan
Taking Charge (Harry/Draco/Blaise) by [info]alafaye
The Lonely Ones (George/Luna) by [info]lunalovepotter
Let It Snow (Remus/Sirius) by [info]flaminia_x
Of Daydream Draughts and Standing Stones (Draco/George, Draco/Severus) by [info]uniquepov
Where Hippos Meet Snakes and Dragons (Harry/Charlie) by [info]nimrod_9
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait (Narcissa/Pansy) by [info]dexstarr
Recall (Hermione/Scorpius) by [info]workofstone
Free Love (Bill/Arthur) by [info]bendleshnitz1
Sweet Distraction (Harry/Pansy) by [info]scarletladyy
8th January 2012 17:44
Great fest, as always, Ro. A tip of the hat to you.
8th January 2012 17:49
Thanks for letting me play again this year! I always love this fest!
8th January 2012 18:04
This was such a great fest! :) Thank you for hosting it and letting me take part again :)
8th January 2012 18:09
Thanks so much for putting this together, & thanks again to twilightsorcery and rebecca_selene for my gifts.
8th January 2012 18:18
Great fest, everyone!
8th January 2012 18:48
Great fest! ♥
8th January 2012 18:55
Thanks again for another terrific fest, and especially to [info]its_art for my gorgeous art! ♥
8th January 2012 19:30
This was a great fest :) I had a lot of fun taking part, so thank you!

BOGGLED by [info]woldy's fic (I actually haven't read it yet, but darkfic?); totally called [info]gypsyflame's; and enthusiastically friending [info]gildedmagpie!
8th January 2012 19:30
[info]thegildedmagpie, even. *sigh*
8th January 2012 19:51
Wooo, awesome job, everyone! ♥
8th January 2012 20:09
Thank you! I had a fantastic time :) Thanks for letting me participate
8th January 2012 20:13
Thank you once again, Tryslora and Thilia! Wonderful gifts for me, indeed. XD

And thank you modlies for another year of fun. Still so much to catch up.
8th January 2012 20:28
Thank you Lilyseyes and Scarletladyy for my fabulous gifts and great job, mods!
8th January 2012 20:52
Lovely Mods Rock Massively. (Why can I not leave any comment on ANY DD post without worrying about all the ways it could be taken???) Thank you, guys :)

Also, another BIG thank you to [info]its_art and [info]vividzephyr for doing what I could never ever ever do and making me fantabulous artiness!

Oh, and quite clearly I need to stalk [info]lilmisblack, since I recced both hir pieces in one post without knowing they were written by the same person :)
8th January 2012 21:07
THANK YOU to the mods for doing this, and for allowing me to join in. I had a wonderful time!
8th January 2012 21:54
Thank you for a great fest, mods and everyone! I enjoyed it so very much. :) And thank you to [info]leela_cat for a wonderful gift!
8th January 2012 23:10
Thanks for all your hard work! *smooches*
8th January 2012 23:26
Thank you again mods for reminding me why this is such a great community of writers, artists, readers and viewers! So much variety, everything welcomed and embraced and you guys just quietly, individually and collectively with some sort of modly super power bringing it all together so flawlessly.

9th January 2012 00:56
Thank you so much, Rowan, and other mods, for organizing KK again! A tremendous amount of work, it is, and greatly appreciated!

PurpleFluffyCat x
9th January 2012 02:21
Excellent fest -- thank you, Rowan, and thanks to [info]songquake and [info]thegildedmagpie for my fine gifts.

I can't tell you how pleased I was to see so much of Minerva and Pomona this year.
9th January 2012 02:52
I'm still catching up on my reading, but I had a great time taking part.
9th January 2012 04:42 - Thank you, but...
Some of the fics by watchers don't have live links, mine included. Did I do something wrong?
9th January 2012 05:22 - Re: Thank you, but...
Hmm. They look fine to me... But IJ is doing some really wonky stuff right now. I'll take another look at it once IJ seems to be working properly again.
9th January 2012 15:45 - Re: Thank you, but...
I was thinking that I might have clicked, but the screen just didn't refresh. I may have been half-asleep, too.

I know I got to the story when I clicked the link on the pre-reveals page. So...it could just be me and the internet at odds.

By the way...

Thank you mods for letting me play in your sandbox. It was wonderful to be part of what I consider a great comm, and a fantastic tradition. Writing Severus/Regulus was a good stretch of my creative muscles, too.

I'm glad my gift was so well-received as well. I was worried, but it seems for naught.
9th January 2012 07:59
Thanks for a fantastic fest all around! ♥
10th January 2012 10:30
Amazing fest as always, guys! Thank you so much for letting me write two fics, and thank you to [info]ldymusyc for my amazing gift!!!

And can I just say that DD/KK readers are amongst the most awesome commenters there are. So many thoughtful, insightful and downright wonderful comments that I saw left on all the works. It makes this fest a real pleasure to write for.
10th January 2012 21:59
Fab as always!! Thanks for hosting!
14th January 2012 22:25
Thank you so much for letting me play. I had a wonderful time.
16th January 2012 01:03
Thank you for running such a fun fest! I had a great time. :D
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