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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+clark+kent'

Feb. 22nd, 2023



Network: Ikaris

I hate to add bad news to bad news, but I just saw Clark and Karli get pulled into a portal from across the street. Unfortunately, I wasn't fast enough to keep either of them from it.

This is maddening.

Jan. 30th, 2023



Shouldn't the heroes be speaking up with some kinda fix for this portal thing right around now? Seems like it's been going on for a while.

Jan. 21st, 2023




Anyone missing a rabbit? Like a big white fluffy one the size of a small dog?

Jan. 16th, 2023



Netpost: Thor

I thought we were free in New Asgard, but the red portals have started showing up here.

You busy tonight?



netpost; castiel

One isn't like the other. It's curious yet concerning.

Jan. 12th, 2023



Network: Karli Morgenthau

Just watched some bloke get sucked into one of those red portal things. Walking down the street in Riga, minding my business, and the guy was a few meters ahead of me. Portal opened up right in front of him. He was gone from one step to the next. Don't think anyone else noticed, and nothing happened when I got close to the area.

Not sure this is an isolated incident. Or only happening to us portal-types. Might be around us, though...

There's a disquieting thought.

Jan. 8th, 2023



Netpost; Clark Kent

I have been wrestling with this decision for a few days now, and I don’t know if it’ll be any help, my sharing this.

But in my universe we saw a red light engulf worlds right before they were erased entirely from existence. It was an antimatter wave. I do hope that these portals are not a forerunner to the wave arriving in this world. Though when Tony disappeared during the summer of 2018, it did sound as if something similar could be lurking out there, between universes.

Jan. 5th, 2023



Netpost: Yelena Belova

I do not like the sound of these Red Portals, though I refuse to hide at home. I have to go out, and have to take Fannie out for her exercise.

I am beside myself over the disappearance of Clint.

Our realtor says that our offer has been accepted. The house will be ours.

Please tell me you are all right.

Dec. 28th, 2022



Netpost: Thena

The house has suddenly become very empty.

Dec. 27th, 2022



Netpost: Barry Allen

Nightmares last night about losing everyone. Woke up this morning, and the only person I wanted to talk to was Caitlin

Getting to the end of the year. I'll be glad when the days start growing noticably longer again.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



Netpost: Sabrina Spellman

So, I'd say "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," but I've always sympathized with the Wicked Witch more than Dorothy.

Also, I'm not from Kansas.

So, hello! I'm Sabrina. The really cute portal guard told me that I was here before, and I left my house behind. Anyone want to help me out finding it? And is my bedroom still free?

Dec. 18th, 2022



Network; Clark Kent

Anybody else hoping for snow for Christmas? Or is it just Krypto and I?

The decorations you gave me last year look lovely on the tree. If you’d like to join us for Christmas dinner, you and Rogue are more than welcome.

Nov. 20th, 2022



DMs from Clark Kent

[Kara and J'onn]
I'm planning to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for Thursday. Both of you are invited, though if you'd prefer to join in the larger celebration I won't be offended at all.

I know Thanksgiving is a very American thing, but you are more than welcome to join me for dinner on Thursday. I don't know if there are any big community gatherings planned. But I felt like a smaller Thanksgiving this year might be nice. Kara and J'onn are invited and I'm inviting Tim, Dick and Wally too, as I know Tim in particular has trouble with large crowds.

[The Bat kids and Wally]
If you don't have any Thanksgiving plans of your own, would you like to join me on Thursday? I know larger gatherings can be overwhelming, especially when you have super hearing. Dick, feel free to bring one of those marshmallow topped pies of yours. I'll be sure to make Mac & Cheese as well as the usual offerings.

Nov. 15th, 2022



Netpost; Ray Palmer

[Arrowverse, Facility Staff, Hargreeves Fam]

There are huge amounts of Portal activity in Sokovia. Plus seismic spikes. Some of the portal energy signatures track with those of Cisco's creation.

The Waverider and ATOM are continuing to monitor and hopefully can pinpoint an exact location.

Is an extraction plan in progress?

Nov. 3rd, 2022



Netpost; Dick Grayson

x-posted from IG @ 5:40pm )

Oct. 20th, 2022



As much as I love October and Halloween, randomly seeing my dad is a whirlwhind of emotions. I miss him and I'm mad at him for not being here and I'm mad at the people who took him from us. It sucks.

Oct. 16th, 2022



Network: Cisco Ramon

Setting up the projector for the mass Halloween movies I'm waiting on Barry to pick for everyones use. :p Hurry up friend, make your list. Pressures on.

...But maybe don't do what I did and decide to listen to them while monitoring the portal from a security camera..Ringu has a whole new feel now.

[Security and Clint+ super secret hero type team]
Pointed the satellites in the direction of that location..there's nothing there.

His device pings right off the Adriatic sea

[and a text to Ben]
So. Do you realize it's been a full year together now?

Oct. 13th, 2022



Network: Ikaris

Just as more of my family is taken, I see one member I never thought I would.

These hauntings seem unnecessarily cruel.

Oct. 11th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

Conversing with loved ones long since gone isn't as unusual to me as it should be. But to have the opportunity to talk to my human father again was incredible. I missed him so much, and his guidance and wisdom. I just wish Jason could have been here to meet him.

Sep. 26th, 2022



These...flashes. Are they real?



netpost; wally west

I know I kinda maybe brought it on myself by suggesting to go swimming after the wedding. Which, by the way, was awesome and so purple and full of all those good feels and love. Congrats on getting hitched, my dudes.

ANYWAY... I sort of lost my shoes. They aren't important but they are a favorite pair. Did anyone happen to pick them up?

Sep. 25th, 2022



Network: Karli Morgenthau

Got one of those "future flash" things just now.

Can't say it paints a very pretty picture.

Cut for Falcon and Winter Soldier spoilers )

Sep. 6th, 2022



Network: Jemma Simmons

Nothing will prepare you for the joy of a child reunited with her toys. I imagine it's secondary to her inevitable reunion with her best friend, and thirdly to her parents' relief at finally being back.

So, at the risk of having someone lob something at me, what did I miss?

Aug. 27th, 2022



Network: Quentin Coldwater

Sorta random question, but did this planet used to have something huge buried in it that's since been replaced by an object of the same weight and mass?

Aug. 21st, 2022



Filter; arrowverse , ray, kara, zari, barry (etc), ben, five, klaus, diego.

So..I was thinking of hosting a dinner or something if people are into it? And dates that people are available are also helpful.

[ooc note: If you're some kinda arrowverse consider yourself invited)

Aug. 20th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

WW2 aside, I think I’ll miss 1943. Or at least I’ll miss the friends I made. Just as I missed my friends here while I was away.

I’m sorry if my absence caused any concern. Both myself and Krypto are back from our time and multiverse travels. For once I’m not entirely convinced that the portal was to blame for our sudden dispersal to different times and places. But I’m sure the science and magic teams are investigating.

Jul. 29th, 2022



Holy Toledo, Batman. We're not in National City anymore.

Hi, I'm Kara Danvers. Longtime resident, journalist, and protector of National City. I was having game night with my family moments ago and now... well... here I am. Catco was in the middle of airing a pretty significant interview between our CEO Cat Grant and myself.

In a nutshell, for a long time I was trying to live two separate lives. My social life and my super secret Super life. I took a big leap revealing my identity to the world because Cat Grant is too good with persuasion, so I might as well continue on that train. I'm also known as Supergirl. I have super powers, including super strength, speed, hearing. I can fly. There's a lot more, but I'll leave it at that for now.

I'm always happy to lend a hand, so if I'm needed anywhere specific, I'm your girl.

Jul. 21st, 2022



Network: Karli Morgenthau

If you're reading this, it means I've finally survived my 3-day time loop, and I'm safely on the other side. I asked FRIDAY to send this message off only if I was still alive and breathing after 7:30 PM on 21 July. (Very glad she didn't ask questions.)

Can pretty much guarantee that I won't be replying until tomorrow, as I'm most likely currently facedown on my couch with a worried pooch cuddled in beside me, and have no intention of moving until sometime after noon.

This bloody time nonsense.

Jul. 18th, 2022



Netpost: Hannah Lewis

We can send netposts all the way back to earth? I didn't know that! How does that even work?

Anyway, space is amazing. Seeing Saturn up close on the way out was incredible.

On the other hand, nobody told me that cabin fever was a thing in space. In retrospect, it makes sense. You're cooped up in a relatively limited space (unless it's a truly ginormous ship) and it's not like you can step outside for a breath of fresh air if it gets to be too much.

Still, it's worth it. Space! I'm in space! And alien planets!

ETA: Also, Clark is right. Artificial gravity is...weird. It feels like I'm wearing those magnetic boots from The Expanse...but all over.

Jul. 8th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

I forgot how unusual artificial gravity felt. Not having been aboard a spacecraft or station in over a year. Travelling sub light takes forever, so I expect we’ll be away for most of the month.

Karli, I hope Krypto is behaving himself. I think his cricket ball is under the couch in my place. If you were looking for it.

Jul. 6th, 2022



Ow. My ears.

So...this is the first time I've watched fireworks since I got my powers. Including superhearing.

OMG. So loud! Now I understand why the quiet room for the dogs....

Jun. 16th, 2022



Netpost: Peter Quill

So Colonel Rhodes has asked me to head up a mission to space.  Vormir, specifically.  The Nova Corps -- basically space cops for those of you not from around here -- have sent out a distress message because there's massive temporal anomalies radiating out from there.  Which is probably the reason time around here's been all weird.

Here's who's signed up to go so far:

1) Gideon
2) Sylvia Tilly
3) Wanda Maximoff
4) Laura Kinney
5) Bucky Barnes

Plus me, and maybe Gamora.  Which is just about what my ship can hold.

But I know we've got a couple other ships and it might be a good idea to take one of the people with the flying and the punching and the eye beams?  Don't know what we'll find out there.  And maybe some more science folks?

So basically, looking for volunteers and logistics.

Jun. 13th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

Well, now I know what a commercial airliner feels like. I’ve never actually eaten whilst flying, but if I’d waited until I got home the food would have gone cold.

Is there any indication what is causing the temporal anomalies? The Time Stone, perhaps? Or shouldn’t we be too concerned beyond ‘the portal did it’?

May. 22nd, 2022



Netpost: Thena

Does anyone have any meditation techniques they'd like to share? It's something I've been doing and exploring more so recently, and I'm curious something called 'lucid dreaming'.

Also on a side note, for those of you that have a higher metabolism and tolerance to alcohol, I still have some bottles of Odin's secret brew left. And anyone who would like to try to replicate it is welcome to try.

May. 15th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

Well, I remembered to wear my mask when I went flying yesterday. Cisco’s work is very good. Not that anyone would have seen me.

[Sharon Carter]
Karli is in medical. She was shot. I only just got to her in time.

She said her cover wasn’t blown and it wasn’t her fault. The blame is entirely yours for sending her there.

May. 12th, 2022



network: Tim Wayne

Who needs Nespresso when you have an AI robot. PONG is learning to make dangerously caffeinated and good coffee if I do say so myself.

Needs a little work on his coffee art though...for a robot not bad.

I have regarding the security coding.

May. 1st, 2022



netpost: Cisco Ramon

It appears that with this new announcement...we're going to need suit upgrades for many, and soon. So come see me. Master Tailor here. Specialize in suits, and accessories.

This isn't something I charge for, so don't be shy.

I have something for you.

Apr. 24th, 2022



Netpost: Is This Thing On?

Hello, everyone.

Hannah Lewis here. So a week ago, give or take a couple of days, I was living an ordinary life in New York City. Just not this New York City, I guess. Another New York in another universe.

And this New York City--this whole world, really, from what I've read and been told so far--is so full of superfolk* that you can't swing a dead cat without hitting one. Not that I would do that.

Uh, moving on. So my world had exactly ONE super-powered person in it, until a week ago. When there were briefly two. Now that I'm here, I guess they're back down to one again.

Anyhow, I just wanted to, I dunno, announce my arrival. It seems like the polite thing to do. I've been assigned to room 1-A in the Avenger Facility for now. So feel free to stop by and say hello. It's always good to meet the neighbors.

*I'm not sure what they are really supposed to be called. Superhumans? Metahumans? Mutants? Or Aliens, I guess, in some cases?

Apr. 17th, 2022



Netpost: Cath

I cannot put into words how relieved I am to be home in this reality. To the Asgardians who kept Sally's up and running: thank you. I appreciate you more than I can say. So many things I cannot say, I suppose.

I wonder if after a few days I shall find the words.

Apr. 15th, 2022



Medical Alert

If you are among the returned and have not yet been brought or come to Medical under your own power, we request you come by for a check-up at your earliest convenience.

Thank you, and welcome back.

[Fitz] )

(OOC: Please pretend this was posted earlier in the day, maybe about mid-morning)

Apr. 8th, 2022



DM ➡️ Col. Rhodes

I thought I should update you on the outcome of our search for HYDRA. When we got to the supposed base of operations for their portal team, we found absolutely nothing. The entire facility has vanished. No sign of HYDRA, or their portal. Clint and Dick are still following up some loose ends, though they are few. It’s unclear whether the base was totally destroyed, sucked through the portal, or something else entirely. But Clint is intent on finding out.

In other news, the satellite we were having trouble with is no longer in a problematic orbit.

Apr. 1st, 2022



Netpost: Col. James Rhodes

I wish I could do these announcements under better circumstances.  But I'm sure you've all seen the news or noticed fewer faces around here, so I'll play it straight.

Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Happy Hogan have all disappeared, and Tony's disappearance was very public.  I expect the excrement will be hitting the fan about that very soon.  I've already had more than a few talks with the President that I really didn't want to have to take.  So far, I've been able to placate here by assuring her we're looking into it.

More importantly, several members of our community here and in Little Wakanda and New Asgard have also disappeared, but without the associated PONG trigger.  Sergeant Barnes, Sam Wilson, and other fixtures are among the missing. 

Rest assured... we are doing everything we can to locate them and bring them back here.  In the meantime, we may need to make some adjustments to security and the science and medical teams, as they've all lost people.

I truly wish I had better news.  I wish that I could tell you that everything was going to be all right.  They actually teach you that, in officer's school.  How to lie to the people under your command so they'll follow orders, even if those orders are going to get them killed.  But I won't do that to all of you.  You deserve better than that.

We will do all we can.  But if anyone has any spare prayers or favors with the man upstairs, now's the time.

Mar. 29th, 2022



Network: Clint Barton

So, is anyone else's social media blowing up about Tony disappearing on stage at a tech conference in Minsk? Is Zari slacking on telling all of us about this, or what?

Update: seeing some chatter on here about Pepper and Happy going missing, too.


Sound off, if you're here? Please?

Mar. 26th, 2022



netpost: ororo munroe

It's not often a strange plant manages to grow in my garden. Now that I know of the danger I may take to them with some very thick leather gloves to see if I can get some cuttings.

Mar. 20th, 2022



Netpost: Steve Rogers

[Private to Steve's Bachelor Party]
Thanks for coming out and celebrating with me. I appreciate your being there, keeping me company, sharing stories of old times, and making new ones.

It's certainly been an interesting ride. I'm looking forward to settling down for a bit.

Mar. 19th, 2022



Dear Subconscious:

I have atoned for the lives I took during my two stints with the League of Assassins. Why are you giving me non-stop nightmares again? It's been years since I've been plagued with these dreams.

No Love,

It seems I'm not alone though. Did someone cast a spell that wonky or something?

Mar. 15th, 2022



Netpost: Jimmy Woo (early morning)

Well... so much for sleep.

Dreamt I was back in Westview. That creepy witch lady was calling me a pawn.

Sounds like I'm not the only one this kind of thing's been happening to.

Mar. 10th, 2022



Voicepost; Clark Kent


I am Krypto. I am a canine from the planet Krypton. Your portal is not like anything I have smelled before and it sounds off-key, but I like being here. There are lots of things to see.

My Kryptonian is Kal, I was charged to keep him company when he was a small baby. He is fully grown now, but I still keep him company. My Kal is very busy with the farm today, and has left his device with me while he sees to the bovine herd, they do not like canines, so I stay away. But I am restless and I wish to make new friends, while I can talk. We can play fetch or we can run or we can take a walk. I can run very fast and fly even faster so no matter how far you throw a ball, or high you throw a frisbee, I will catch it.

Mar. 11th, 2022



netpost: laura kinney

If a cat wearing a red collar walks into your apartment and starts criticising the furnishings please tell her to mind her business and go home. Apparently Pan is a snob, which is funny for a stray from rural Serbia. She usually sticks around the embassy but I've seen her tracker show up in New Asgard or the facility a few times.

Mar. 8th, 2022



Netpost: Thena

I had to take a visit to the portal room today. Security said there was an iguana looking for me, or rather una iguana de apoyo emocional. Her words, not theirs. She speaks Spanish. She'd been in the portal room for a few days, but just started talking now and wanted me to come get her. I met her in Peru but she didn't talk then.