Multiverse of Madness Network


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Posts Tagged: '%7Einactive:+tandy+bowen'

Aug. 3rd, 2023



Netpost: Miles Morales

I'm officially an adult!!!

Jul. 26th, 2023



Netpost; Steve Harrington

I don't understand Tinder.

How is Miami close by?

Would anyone in New Asgard, the Facility or Consulate like to go on a date?

Apr. 5th, 2023



Netpost: Miles Morales

The Red Portal whiplash is bad; the fact it's taking my friends is worse.


So I know I said we needed to stick together, but we really need to now.

Feb. 28th, 2023



My spider-senses are agitating me with this Red Portal stuff. That or I'm still not used to the house being haunted. It might be both. And now there's a cat that sneaks up on me.


Feel like doing something and avoid getting sucked into another portal?

Feb. 18th, 2023



[After unsuccessfully attempting to teleport home three times]
Well. Fuck.

Feb. 9th, 2023



I've talked to security.

Read the email a couple times.

So, what you're telling me is that I ain't attending a funeral tomorrow on account of being kidnapped from N'Orleans. Great.

Jan. 30th, 2023



Netpost; Peter Three

Sooooooooo, I just saw a car go through a portal. A WHOLE CAR. With people inside. I really hope there are roads where they went, because it was not a 4x4.

[🕸️Miles and Peter]
Are you both still here? And are you both okay?
I’m almost always spidey-tingling at the moment, which is weird as heck.

Would it be alright if I camped out in your spare room? I need to know I’m close enough to web you to safety if one of these pops up and dares to try taking you.

Jan. 20th, 2023



Filter to Mortuary Residents

Everyone is still here, right?

This portal thing is freaking me out.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



Netpost: Sabrina Spellman

So, I'd say "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," but I've always sympathized with the Wicked Witch more than Dorothy.

Also, I'm not from Kansas.

So, hello! I'm Sabrina. The really cute portal guard told me that I was here before, and I left my house behind. Anyone want to help me out finding it? And is my bedroom still free?

Dec. 11th, 2022



If anyone's looking for me I'll... well I'll just be back later.

Nov. 30th, 2022



It's hard to believe it's already nearly Christmas again, especially after all the weird time and dimensional travel that happened this year.

Sep. 27th, 2022



Now accepting suggestions for an epic Halloween bash at Threshold.

Sep. 26th, 2022



netpost; wally west

I know I kinda maybe brought it on myself by suggesting to go swimming after the wedding. Which, by the way, was awesome and so purple and full of all those good feels and love. Congrats on getting hitched, my dudes.

ANYWAY... I sort of lost my shoes. They aren't important but they are a favorite pair. Did anyone happen to pick them up?

Aug. 26th, 2022



Netpost: Miles Morales

... I missed my own birthday. I only just realized. I blame being sent to Middle Earth for months (since I technically had my birthday there? Maybe). And I'd only just got back from Wakanda on my actual birthday. Well anyway: 17 now!

Aug. 23rd, 2022



Netpost; Steve Harrington

so hey, i'm gonna need my bat back.

you future people probably have laser guns so you don't need it anyway.

weird portal shows up, a guy starts swinging, you know?

Aug. 20th, 2022



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

Tolkien lied. Elves are dicks.


No offense, Dick.

Jul. 14th, 2022



Network: Nico Minoru

I don't want to say things are quiet, because clearly that's just inviting tragedy, but half of us are in space while the other are dealing with time stupidness. I saw where someone was doing a beach thing, but does anyone want to invade the city for the weekend? Possibly a whole week?

[Peter Parker (MCU]

Tim's b-day is in five days. What are we doing to celebrate/surprise/embarrass the hell out of him but in a nice way?

Jun. 25th, 2022



Coven House Residents

Dinner in an hour.

Spaghetti and the awesome bolognese sauce I made.

Miles taste-tested and approved.

Jun. 20th, 2022



netpost; courtney whitmore

Four days. I can taste summer, though it'll be strange not having so many people my own age around for the holidays.

Maybe I'll learn to surf at New Asgard beach. Would anyone else be interested?

Apr. 22nd, 2022



[Coven House Residents]
Do any of you mind if Miles moves in here?

Apr. 17th, 2022



Never taking a hot water for granted again. Well, probably a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't take for granted again. I'm going to sleep for forever since apparently I gained a few months back...


How are you feeling?

Mar. 11th, 2022



The range is gone..and PONG is gone. Both are..concerning.

So, how many of you are left?

I've disabled all info I can on my side on PONG regarding our location...but...that tiny robot knows a lot.

Mar. 4th, 2022



netpost; courtney whitmore

Why do teenaged boys have to be Like. That. ?

Is it genetic? Hard wired into their chromosomes? Ugh.

Feb. 27th, 2022



Network: Kaldur'ahm

In an effort to give back to the community that has welcomed me so graciously despite my unorthodox entry, I would like to offer martial training to anyone interested. I have taken the liberty of asking Mrs. Potts-Stark for a space, and she has graciously added a two hour block of time to the yoga room schedule, Monday through Saturday, from 6-8 PM.

If this is an inconvenient time for anyone who might also wish to use the space, please let me know, and I will make other arrangements. All skill levels are welcome.

Feb. 18th, 2022



Netpost: Miles Morales

So, I have my learner's permit, but I'm wondering if that doesn't count here because I got it when I was home? My Dad wanted me to get it (and was teaching me) because he thinks I might still want to be a cop one day so I'd need my license obviously (because I still haven't told him that I'm Spider-Man because it's kind of awkward considering he's PDNY).

But now that I'm here, and like not in Brooklyn, being able to drive so seem to make more sense when I can't get around on my own or it's like longer distances I'm worried about running out of webbing... probably should talk to Peter(s) about that. Also, I thought it might be just an idea of something to do so I don't get bored-.

And, I don't want to bug people to drive me places, like if I need to go get spray paint or something.

Feb. 13th, 2022



Netpost: Leonard McCoy


Damnit. Well, I can't blame Jim for this one.

Tricorder works at least. Do you still use scalpels?

Feb. 12th, 2022



Netposts of Sadness/etc.

[OOC: Compiling Netposts into one post so that it won't clutter up the community. If you're interested in commenting to any of these characters, feel free to comment off of their comment on this post.]

Feb. 2nd, 2022



Netpost: Harry Dresden

Goddammit.  First it was Constantine, then Strange, then Wanda, then Regina, now Wong...

Please don't tell me I'm the last remaining magical adult around here.

Anyway, I know we've had a lot of supernatural people coming through lately.  I'm Harry Dresden, Wizard, Warden of the White Council, Private Detective, Burger King.  I'm from a couple universes over, left turn at the puppet dimension and if you see a bunch of damn dirty apes, you've gone too far.

There's a Coven for some of the magic teenagers, I'm the fun magical uncle. 

But now, I honestly am starting to get a little bit worried about the state of magic in this universe, and I know Laura was too.  We've lost at least two major magical practitioners, including the Sorcerer Supreme.

We should... probably be checking on some of that.   I wanted a road trip out to check what this universe's Chicago was like anyway, so...  magic road trip?

Jan. 23rd, 2022



So, this is way cooler than any phone I've ever owned! Cool tech, appreciate it.

Also this place is a lot. And, if I knew that I was going to be staying over in a different dimension, I would have packed something. Can anyone hook me up with a new outfit or something, please?

Should I even be asking that to the general population or be asking someone specific?

Sorry, read the early comment about this being a lot.

Jan. 22nd, 2022



Can't focus on things and
it's fine


...Didn't realize it was the weekend already. Well there you go.

[secret Teen group filter]
Going to spend today looking for a bigger space for us to use for training. Something we don't need to be so quiet about. Suggestions? I've been thinking we use the old facility. Any other ideas will be considered though.

Jan. 19th, 2022



You know what I could really use a movie night. Anyone care to join me?

Jan. 10th, 2022



Netpost: Hank Pym



What's the damn point?!

Jan. 9th, 2022



netpost: aracely penalba

Do people from here ever disappear without coming back?

The portal gave me my swear jar. It's $1 for every bad word.

Jan. 8th, 2022



Network: Nico Minoru

Last month it was a call from my sister. This month I found my dad's glasses in my dresser.

Okay, portal, we get it. You're a cut for language ). You can stop now.

[Coven + Wong]

Funny story, I have a couple of pages of the Darkhold in my possession.

Dec. 22nd, 2021



teen group plus guardians of the teen group

[ooc: Guardians I believe are Kate, Dick, Babs, Kara, Clark?? anyone else I'm missing?]

So, I'm thinking we'll need a training schedule..things keep changing I know, but if Russia showed me anything it showed me that we need to step it up. So starting after Christmas holiday I've drafted said schedule.

[training schedule attachment date marked post Christmas. New Years ]

Dec. 20th, 2021




I'd never really seen a lot of snow before, and now I think I can honestly say I'm pretty much okay with not seeing it again.

Dec. 18th, 2021



Teen super secret group

You saw Clint. Meet at the light house. We're going in. I'll be getting one of the larger jets.



Network: Clint Barton

Dunno if anyone's seen Clark's post, but I'm organizing a search and rescue op. Any help would be appreciated, even unofficially, since the silence from the Powers-That-Be seem to indicate this won't be an Avengers Matter.

[Secret Squad]

We're mobilizing out of the Lighthouse. I know we've only been training for a short while, but this is what it's all for.

[Team Science/Mainframe]

Any ideas what we might be walking into?

Dec. 15th, 2021



poste de réseau; bucky barnes

Fils de pute.

[ooc. posted Wednesday 15th - 3 French Hens]



Got caught up in adding features to PONG. Haven't felt inspired in a while...haven't felt anything in a while really it's nice to feel that again.



The quiet of the early mornings bring clarity and a time for meditation and centering. In the midst of the chaos, I have found a small pocket of calm in the early mornings for training. I would like to offer this time to any who might be interested. I find non-powered katas and spars give focus for the day.

[Coven members, Mr. Conant, Ms. Bowen, additional Magic Users in need of Training; Affiliated Adults (to keep those adults in the loop)]
I was hoping to discuss a time for magical combat training. Spell casting is key, but the practical application is just as important. The ability to think on your feet, to know what you can do and to do it at a moment's notice can save your life.

We would start small, based upon the level of each individual. Please let me know if you would be interested.



The Portal really is playing a game of some sort, isn't it? I woke up to find the mobile phone I'd left in my desk at UNIT on my nightstand. The one that the Doctor fiddled with with universal roaming, can call anywhere in the universe. Suppose we ought to test it, it still works... Honestly wondered if I'd see it again.

[Spellman House Residents, Coven Members]
So I don't know what the lot of you are thinking about as far as the hols are concerned, but I've been mulling it over. I know I've not been around as much a I might have liked, given staffing in Medical, but I was hoping that you all might let me do something special for the holidays.

I'd like to cook a proper Christmas dinner like my mum does. We don't have to have it on Christmas. Honestly, with all the insanity that's been happening lately, I might prefer to have it happen a few days before, but I'd like to be able to share this with you.



Netpost: Stephanie Brown

I miss dating. I haven't been on one since I showed up here. Granted, dating is a little difficult when you don't know if you or the person you're seeing is going to be sent back by the portal or not.

Still, it would at least be nice to get out a little bit more. I feel like I've become a bit of a homebody. Which honestly, really isn't like me.

God, the idea of making a Tinder profile is just insane. What would I even put? "19, loves waffles, superheroing, may or may not get randomly sent home by a portal with a mind of its own"?

Maybe I won't date. There's nothing wrong with staying home with Netflix and ice cream.

Dec. 12th, 2021



Netpost: John Walker

I got a button. It doesn't say not to press it and I really want to press it but I'm not sure if I'm willing to risk it. Should I do it?



So apparently I own a sailboat now? I have no idea what to do with it. I don't know how to sail or fish or do anything related to the water aside from eating crawfish.

So....thanks to whatever goose lay the golden egg?

Dec. 9th, 2021



I'm actually kind of amused that all the guys were dancing yesterday. Today it's our turn I guess. Who knew that all those ballet lessons would actually be useful outside agility training.

More importantly: I'm assuming that it's normal for items to just show up randomly around here? Reason I'm asking:

I just woke up to the full series of Wendy the Werewolf Stalker on my nightstand. That includes seasons that haven't been filmed yet! We're only in season 4! And Luella is apparently a regular after season 5. Which means I apparently become a series regular?! HOLY CRAP!



Network: Marcus Deckler

I never thought I'd say this, but I hate dancing. My legs hurt. Please say it's over now.

Dec. 8th, 2021



Netpost; Clark Kent

Fun fact: I float when I attempt a pirouette. The sheep were highly amused.

I'm sorry about Alex and Lena returning home. Would you like some company? Or is there anything else I can do?

Dec. 7th, 2021



Network: Nico Minoru

Okay, so please forgive me, because I know everything else sucks today, but is no one going to talk about the birdpocalypse that happened today in New Asgard?

This: cute as hell.

Whatever was going on over there was nightmare fuel. All I wanted was some damn coffee and a pastry. Hope everyone/thing is okay over there now.

Nov. 29th, 2021



Hey, I'm Tandy. Moved in yesterday. I know Nico and Karolina.