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Posts Tagged: '%7Einactive:+bruce+banner'

May. 22nd, 2023



Four days, we were there. Four.

And we get here and find out we lost almost four months? Bruce, that wine stain is never coming out of the floor.

Are we any closer to solving this red portal situation?

Jan. 30th, 2023



Red Portal Alert

A Red Portal Event has been detected for:

  • Bruce Banner
  • Susan Storm

(This is an automated alert, and replies are not monitored. For any concerns, please contact a member of Security or the Administrative staff directly.)

Jan. 23rd, 2023



Network: Derek Hale

[Filtered to Everyone on the Network, but Not a Public Post]

I've received another report of a recent disappearance, but one that wasn't corroborated until today. Some SI employees saw a couple get pulled into a red portal in the diner down the road a few miles on Friday. The Stark Industries' security team couldn't get the CCTV pulled until today and confirmed it was Frank Castle and Karen Page.

Tony suggested we activate the GPS tracker embedded in all our data pads. Since this is the first I've ever heard about anything like this existing on our devices, I wanted to turn that decision over to those who might be interested in having it turned on. I can send you the directions to do so. Tony also told me that he has a backdoor update that can completely delete the program and frag the hardware, if you feel this is too invasive.

In the spirit of full transparency, I'm still debating what I want to do.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me and/or any of the Security/Administration staff.

As always, be safe out there.

Jan. 21st, 2023



For those of you unaware, my brother is among the missing. Any matters regarding Asgardian affairs need to be directed to me.

Jan. 18th, 2023



If anyone has seen Margo, please let me know ASAP. Quentin and I haven't seen her since Monday afternoon.


Please tell me you've found her.

Dec. 4th, 2022



[Private to Natasha]
I need a woman's advice about something.

[Private to Sue]
What do you want to do for the holidays?

Dec. 1st, 2022



Netpost: Thor

I like the woman on the television who judges cases of others. I was able to relax and watch several episodes. The way that the legal system works on Midgard is quite different from Asgard.

Nov. 6th, 2022



Is it too early to start discussing Thanksgiving plans?

Oct. 19th, 2022



Network: Jemma Simmons

Apologies to one and all for the screams coming from my office. No need for alarm, I was simply surprised by my own spectral visitor. All is well now.

Cut for AOS Spoilers [and potential show triggers] )

Sep. 6th, 2022



Network: Jemma Simmons

Nothing will prepare you for the joy of a child reunited with her toys. I imagine it's secondary to her inevitable reunion with her best friend, and thirdly to her parents' relief at finally being back.

So, at the risk of having someone lob something at me, what did I miss?

Sep. 2nd, 2022



Netpost; Leonard McCoy

Flu shots have been ordered for the middle of the month. Anyone without enhanced healing, metabolism or resilience should come get one.

This is a very germ ridden century.

Clinic times to follow. Please bear with us as we continue to work around a huge absence from our team.

Aug. 23rd, 2022



This is so different from Amestris. The technology is much more advanced than back home. We had simple telephones and trains. I would venture to say that automail was perhaps the most advanced technology we had. This is... impressive, to say the least. Personalized databases isn't something you would have seen in Amestris. It’s a comfort Black Hayate is here. At least something is familiar.

Aug. 20th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

WW2 aside, I think I’ll miss 1943. Or at least I’ll miss the friends I made. Just as I missed my friends here while I was away.

I’m sorry if my absence caused any concern. Both myself and Krypto are back from our time and multiverse travels. For once I’m not entirely convinced that the portal was to blame for our sudden dispersal to different times and places. But I’m sure the science and magic teams are investigating.

Jul. 26th, 2022



Good to be back on Earth.

Did I miss anything interesting?

Jul. 8th, 2022



Netpost; Clark Kent

I forgot how unusual artificial gravity felt. Not having been aboard a spacecraft or station in over a year. Travelling sub light takes forever, so I expect we’ll be away for most of the month.

Karli, I hope Krypto is behaving himself. I think his cricket ball is under the couch in my place. If you were looking for it.

Jun. 16th, 2022



Netpost: Peter Quill

So Colonel Rhodes has asked me to head up a mission to space.  Vormir, specifically.  The Nova Corps -- basically space cops for those of you not from around here -- have sent out a distress message because there's massive temporal anomalies radiating out from there.  Which is probably the reason time around here's been all weird.

Here's who's signed up to go so far:

1) Gideon
2) Sylvia Tilly
3) Wanda Maximoff
4) Laura Kinney
5) Bucky Barnes

Plus me, and maybe Gamora.  Which is just about what my ship can hold.

But I know we've got a couple other ships and it might be a good idea to take one of the people with the flying and the punching and the eye beams?  Don't know what we'll find out there.  And maybe some more science folks?

So basically, looking for volunteers and logistics.

Jun. 3rd, 2022



Netpost: Sif

This is... I have battled my way across the Nine Realms, but.... but a long island has not been on the list. I am the Lady Sif of Asgard.

Apologies to the Midgardian I punched, this doesn't appear to be quite the combat situation I had thought.


Shall I report to the palace? Is there a palace?

May. 13th, 2022



Network: Simon Lewis

This place just got way less cool.

[Medical Staff]

I need to talk to someone regarding my singular dietary needs.

Just in case.

May. 10th, 2022



Network: Jemma Simmons

I can't tell if today was eleven years long or did I blink and then it was tea time. Oh, that wacky relativity.

This is also just a friendly reminder to let everyone know that your medical records are strictly confidential and will never be shared without your express written consent. I don't care if the Queen herself marched in with her army of corgis and demanded them, they wouldn't leave our very well encrypted databases.

That's all! Thanks for keeping things q-word around here.

Apr. 18th, 2022



Network: Cisco Ramon

Finally gained baack some motion in my hands. Sorry for the radio silence. Took a minute. They still ache but apparently until the frost bite dissipates entirely they're going to. I never had strong feelings towards winter, but currently it can go fuck itself. If I never see snow again it'll be too soon.

So...what say you to a warm place to vacation soon? When you're feeling up to it.

Thinking about taking Ben someplace warm..Narnia was..a lot.

Apr. 10th, 2022



[OOC: About 15 minutes after this.]

Has anyone seen Jemma? She's not in medical. No one here has seen her. She's not answering my messages.

[Added a few minutes later]

Can someone in security pull the footage from medical around the time stamp of Jemma's net post?

Apr. 1st, 2022



Netpost: Henry Foss

I'm working on it. Crunching the data. I haven't been able to find anything that might hint at where our people have been taken, and the Science Team has been crippled by so many people having gone missing.

I'll be living on coffee for the next... however long this takes.

Mar. 16th, 2022



Netpost: Steve Rogers

10 days.

Life is certainly a funny thing, isn't it?

Mar. 14th, 2022



Well... this is... something.

I think most of you know me already. Bruce Banner. A very nice young woman named Sara explained the whole alternate universe/time travel thing.

Someone tell me where I can be useful.

Sep. 25th, 2021



Oh no... America. She wasn't mine... but it still stings a little. We could have been friends, I think.

Someone want to go get extra scoops of ice cream?



Network: Ben Hargreeves

Hi, I'm Ben.

I've actually been here for a while, so I already know a lot of you. (ha-ha, get it? Ben Here. I'm not funny, sorry)

I'm Klaus and Five's brother, and I came through with Klaus, but no one could see me. Still not sure what changed. Could be the house coming through. But now I have fingers and opposable thumbs that can actually hold a data pad and send out this message. Yay!

A few things:

Tony )

Team Science )

Wanda and Vision )

Pepper )

May )

Klaus and Five )

Laura )

Fellow Portalees )

((OOC Note: the above are not actual filters, I just didn't want to clutter up the comm with a long post.))

Sep. 22nd, 2021



Filter: Avengers + Friends

I hate this. I hate this so much.

The break was nice and all, but I guess it's probably time for me to try and figure out why my big green buddy doesn't want to come out and play. If we've got a threat knocking on our door, it's not going to be this me that stops it.

Not entirely sure where to start, I'm used to the opposite problem.



[Avengers, Mobius, Kid Loki]

Are the rumors of the Alioth attacking worlds true? Dark clouds, destroying-- eating-- everything in sight?

I will enchant it.

Sep. 20th, 2021



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Thank you to everyone for your support over the last month. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

You better wear something nice to go to the museum. Borrow some of Tony's cologne.

[FILTER: Her kids]

I love you. Whatever you're feeling is perfectly valid.

Sep. 19th, 2021



Science team

I'm actually going to not go to Sabrina's place whenever it happens... Taking myself off that assignment. Other things need doing.



[OOC: Backdated to 09/18/2021, sometime after this post.] house is here. I don't know how it showed up, but it's here.

[Filtered To The Coven]

Sorry about running off like that this morning. But hey, my house is here now, so we have a place to practice now, though? I'll be moving in but Madison, Laura, Nico, Diana, if you want to move in, you can. We have plenty of extra bedrooms. My only condition is that my aunts' and Ambrose's bedrooms are off-limits. And my bedroom, obviously. Anything else is free game.

Dr. Strange, do you think we could maybe set up some sort of link between the Mortuary and the Sanctum, in case there's an emergency?

[Filtered To Martha Jones]

So, my house showed up.

I know it's a weird request, but would you maybe be interested in moving in. I know we're all capable of handling ourselves, but it'd be nice having an actual adult around in case we need anything. Plus, I trust you, and I know Dr. Strange does, too. Also, it feels weird asking him or Harry to move in, because a fully grown man living with a bunch of teenage girls doesn't always set the best impression.

You don't have to babysit us. And I understand if you don't want to move in with a bunch of teenage girls.

[Filtered To Peter Parker]

Hey. So, my house showed up. The Spellman Mortuary. I'll be moving in, if you want to see it.

Also, not asking if you want to move in, but if you want like, a place to crash on the weekends, you can. It's just outside New Asgard, so we can explore there now, too.

[Filtered To The Science Team]

I'm guessing that you're all probably going to want to investigate how an entire house showed up here. I don't mind you looking, provided that you ask me first before just coming over with a bunch of equipment and investigating. Though I know this is huge, it's still my home, and I would like my boundaries respected, please. Also, the house is old, and enchanted, so you really don't want to go poking around where you shouldn't be, as you don't want to, you know, get accidentally cursed or something.

Sep. 18th, 2021



NETWORK: May Parker

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

Now you need to take a few days off. Get some proper sleep. I'm taking you to the Museum of Natural History next weekend. I need to stop by my apartment to get some books for Ava too.

Sep. 15th, 2021



I feel like I could stretch out on the floor in the lab and sleep. Need more coffee.

Ooo, and a chocolate croissant.

[Dr. M. Vostokoff]

I have been working with Bucky on his brain for some time now. He is having some difficulties, and since you are the cause of them, I am reaching out to you for your insight.

I have a handful of brain scans from before my work with him, and after, and would like for you to take a look as well so that I can decide the next course of action.




[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

FRIDAY said you were working so I thought I'd leave this here for when you are free. Can we talk?

Sep. 13th, 2021



Netpost: Cath

[[ooc: This is Cath's Bonus Reward]]

Has someone been to the bakery?

Something was left behind for me to find.



No one told me we were naming our equipment and I'm concerned I'm doing this all wrong.

I need ideas. And no crazy abbreviations without Tony here



[OOC Note: Activity Reward]

[Filtered to Stephen Strange and Harry Dresden]

It would seem that I have found myself in the possession of the Darkhold once again. When I came out of the shower this morning, it was on my nightstand. I am not sure how it came to be here, but I thought you two should be the first to know. For now, I would like to not to include the girls in this.

Stephen, I am not sure if you have heard of the Darkhold in your study of the mystic arts, but Harry, the Darkhold is also known as the Book Of The Damned. When I first discovered it, it was in the possession of Agatha Harkness, who had been hunting me, as there's a whole chapter to devoted to the Scarlet Witch, me, in there. I was studying it myself before I wound up here.

While I am protective of it, I think for the time being, Stephen, it would be safest at the Sanctum, if I would be able to secure it there. I know you or Wong wouldn't let it fall into the wrong hands.

[Filtered to the Avengers]

I found the Darkhold this morning. For those of you not familiar with it, it is also known of the Book Of Damned, and contains some of the most powerful magic known to man, inculding, an entire chapter on me, the Scarlet Witch.

While I can assure you that it is absolutely safe in my hands, I have asked Stephen if for the time being, I can leave it at the Sanctum. I trust that him and Wong will not let it fall into the wrong hands.

If anyone has any questions, or wants to look at it, I request that they do not do it without me there. The Darkhold can be dangerous for those who aren't familiar with magic.

[Filter to Vision and Viv]

Family dinner and movie night? I know that either of you don't require food, but I would like for us to spend an evening together, especially since we have Viv back with us now.

Aug. 31st, 2021



[Science Team]

This isn't working. We're all over tired and we're not going to do him any good if we're barely sleeping and forgetting to eat.

We need to set a rotating schedule. Something similar to how hospitals do rotations for their staffing, maybe, I don't know. But I'm making six hours of sleep and two solid meals a day a requirement now. No, a pack of Pop Tarts does not count as a meal. And at least one shower, guys, we're not heathens here. Is it too late to just get one installed in Nope, not that

[Added Filter to Darcy]

And that includes you, Ms. Lewis.

[Filtered to May]

Thank you. For just...everything, you know? And for looking out for Doreen. I didn't exactly mean to drop out of existence on her.

Aug. 30th, 2021



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Hello, all.

Kara graciously took care of my Stark Industries duties for the week so I can concentrate on things at the compound. I will be in my office during regular business hours, but I do ask that you send me a message before joining me since my children may be there at any time.

I arranged catered meals for everyone at the compound until further notice. I appreciate those sending food, but I don't want anyone to burn out.

Birthday celebrations will continue as normal. Everything, in fact, will continue as normal. My husband is not dead so please do not act as if-

[Steve, Bruce]

I have a PR statement ready to go for when the public undoubtedly finds out about Tony. It is one of hope, not finality. I will not hear of it otherwise. Also, I would appreciate being included in any plans concerning my husband going forward.


Thank you for keeping up morale.

[Her kids]

I love you. Come watch a movie in my office with me. Kara left hot chocolate.

Aug. 27th, 2021



Network: Torunn Thorsdóttir

Hello. I got the run down, but let me know if I miss anything.

§ My brother is here.
§ My brother's parents are here, but they are not from our reality.
§ My adoptive dad is here, but he won't know me.
§ My dad is here, but he won't know me either.
§ I have an uncle, an aunt, and a grandmother.
§ Bruce Banner is here, but he is not the Hulk. Oh, and he won't know me either.
§ There is a theme with the whole not knowing me thing.

My only demand is that I live near James.

See ya around,
Torunn Thorsdóttir

Aug. 26th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

Before rumors start to fly, yes we're planning for something on Saturday. Kind of a surprise. If things go well, it could help us get people who want to go home, home. Fingers crossed.

And if you don't want to go home, you're welcome to stay. But I assume many of you would prefer not to randomly be sucked back into the portal against your will.

[Pepper Stark]

I love you.

Also, I have a question.

[Morgan Stark]

I love you.

And I have a favor to ask.


I'm about to be really stupid.

[Portal Team and OG Avengers]

The plan is for 8am Saturday. We'll send a drone in first and then an unmanned suit. If things look clear, I go first. I know we talked about Bruce or someone else, but I know the technology better than any of you and if things do go to hell, I'm the one most likely to get back.

Not saying then will. Worst case.



This is the longest I have stayed in one place.

What does one do when they aren't running?

I have found that I like tacos.

Aug. 25th, 2021



Squirrel girl, reporting for duty!!!

but omg this is so much better than hero watch. I'm super impressed.

I wish Double M and the others were here.

They aren't right? No Patriot or Quake or America or anyone?


Aug. 18th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

Thanks for the well wishes about the wedding. We love you all.

We'll invite everybody to the next one.


When are you free to talk?

[Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Clint Barton]

Family get-together this weekend?

Aug. 17th, 2021



Note to self: take better notes this time around in case you get sucked through a cross dimensional portal and spat back out with zero memory of ever conducting any of this research.

On the plus side, I think I'm finally caught up with what I had figured out previously. On the minus side, I think I forgot dinner. And lunch. Also maybe breakfast.


Aug. 15th, 2021



Network: May Parker

I had a wonderful time in Vegas. The ceremony was beautiful. I'm so happy for you, Pepper and Tony.

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

I had a nice time talking to you especially. I think I would have been a bit lonelier without you given the guest list.



I have two announcements to make:

The first being that as of a couple of weeks ago, Vision and I are officially engaged. We just wanted to enjoy the time as a newly engaged couple to ourselves before letting others know. We do not have a set date, but are looking to get married in October, as we would like to be officially married as soon as possible.

The second announcement ties into this as well, Vision and I are planning to move to New Asgard by the end of the month. We will both still be active around the compound to help, but we wish to have more of a space to ourselves, and Thor has graciously offered to allow us to move.

[Filtered to Natasha and Monica]

I would be honored if you would both be my co-maids of honor.

[Filtered to the Avengers and Nick Fury]

As for the matter of this...other me killing Thanos, I want it known that I stated to Carol that I am not pleased that I was not informed right away, and had to learn second hand. It also hurts me to know that there were also discussions of me getting a handler like I am some sort of child.

I am aware that my powers frighten the governments of the world. However, I am personally tired of constantly worrying about people being afraid of me or not. I would also like to not disclose this information, as personally, as far as I am concerned, no one needs to know that Thanos died at the hands of some other version of me.

Furthermore, I would like to be included in any future conversations related to this matter from the beginning please. I understand that people were afraid of upsetting me, but I can assure you, I am an adult, and am more than capable of handling big news developments such as this.

It should also be said that just because some other version of me decided to apparently go back in time and murder Thanos, it does not mean that I would make the decisions.

I was angry at first, when I found out, I will admit. But now, I think I am more disappointed than anything else. I am, however, willing to discuss it, if there is anything further to discuss.

Aug. 13th, 2021



Network: Carol Danvers

[Stark, Steve, Thor, Natasha, Bruce, Barton, Sam, Vision, Darcy, Pepper, and Wanda (added later)]

Thanos is dead. Fury helped confirm it.

According to Fury and what we're seeing all signs point to some other version of Wanda.

We're bringing back some debris to analyze and additional readings. Fury better provides what he knows as well since he's finally decided to come out and play.

I don't know Wanda as well as some of you. I'm not sure how she'll handle this, so it might be a good idea to break it to her gently. That's why I'm only including who I am on this filter. Hopefully, you guys can figure out who gets to tell her.

It's probably also a good idea to keep this under wraps until we know how. Everyone on the ship is aware, but I'm swearing them to keep tight-lipped until you all decide what to do. I think it's really up to Wanda if we need this to go public. I read about Lagos. If the governments of the world find out Wanda has the power to completely eradicate one of the more powerful beings in the universe from existence, I don't think they'll take it lightly.

For the record, I'm not happy about any of this.

[K. Bacon Crew]

Thanks for your help out there. Sorry, the mission didn't go as smoothly as it could have, but we made a good team.

Remember what we talked about and please don't tell anyone about Wanda's connection to this until you hear differently.


I've heard you were already updated on this. For the record, I didn't want to hide anything from you, I just wanted someone to break it to you more gently. This is something that is urgent- I trust Fury will keep his secrecy, but if this gets out I want to protect you and everyone else.

Aug. 6th, 2021



Network: Pepper Potts

[FILTER: Tony, Morgan, Rhodey, Natasha, Bruce, Darcy, May, Tim, Peter Parker, James Rogers]

Tony and I secured a small Vegas chapel for August 14th. We'd really like it if you were our witnesses.

Please note this is not a secret or a slight to anyone who isn't invited. We just wanted it to be close family only.

Aug. 4th, 2021



Netpost: Cath

It was such a lovely day in the park today that I fell asleep on a picnic blanket and... now I'm pink and in considerable pain. I'm very cross with the sun right now. What does one do when one is suffering a sunburn in this world? I've never had a sunburn this uncomfortable before.