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Jan. 22nd, 2022



Netpost: Val de Fontaine

A little poll...if you could live forever at a price, would you?

Terribly cliché question, I'm aware, but I've been picking up my penthouse since that earthquake and I could use some entertainment.

[ Deleted ] Or a distraction. Everyone I try to get close to here disappears back through that damn portal. I should have been more prepared for this.



Netpost: Peter Parker

I got distracted tonight watching documentaries about dinosaurs. Like a five year old. Dinosaurs are really cool. It's pretty late, and I'm pretty tired, but I thought I'd share my love for dinosaurs.

Now I want to go to the Museum of Natural History.

Jan. 21st, 2022



netpost: laura kinney

[Friends & Coven (except Wanda)]
How do you get to know someone you already know?

Jan. 17th, 2022



I thought part of not being in California meant fewer earthquakes.

Or is that normal around here?

Dec. 27th, 2021



Christmas was hard without my dad, but I did enjoy it.

Dec. 26th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney (boxing day)

[Coven, friends]
Apparently Prague is amazing on New Years Eve. We should go. And shopping sometime this week, I can bring my credit card.

Dec. 21st, 2021



Netpost: Peter Parker

When it rains it pours. We've got landslides in Russia, Christmas coming up, and registration is due in a few days?

So now I'm planning out what classes I'm going to take starting in January. I didn't finish last semester, but the academic counselor says that I can retake those classes to replace the grades on my transcript.

I just have to decide whether I want to go with a light load, or take a heavier load and try to gain some of that time back.

Lots to think about when I'm preoccupied with ... y'know. Everything else.

Dec. 7th, 2021



Network: Nico Minoru

Okay, so please forgive me, because I know everything else sucks today, but is no one going to talk about the birdpocalypse that happened today in New Asgard?

This: cute as hell.

Whatever was going on over there was nightmare fuel. All I wanted was some damn coffee and a pastry. Hope everyone/thing is okay over there now.

Dec. 1st, 2021



This will be my first Christmas without my mom....not really sure how to handle that.

Nov. 29th, 2021



Hey, I'm Tandy. Moved in yesterday. I know Nico and Karolina.



When you're having trouble with online schooling and need to get a guardian's signature on the paperwork to transfer in person full time, but are debating learning Sanskrit... for research purposes.

[Mr. Dresden]

[Ms. Mills]
I'm sorry I haven't been more welcoming like Sabrina and Nico, Ms. Mills. I should have reached out sooner to say hello.



netpost: laura kinney

It's fine. I'm fine. I think I just want to get back to researching the stones and other objects of power. I wish Stephen's library was here, but I did think that since the entrance to the chaos realm is in the same place, maybe I could try to see if any of the other things I know about exist here too.

Nov. 19th, 2021



network: laura kinney

I will be out of the country.

Nov. 8th, 2021



You know I shouldn't really watch cooking I have the munchies.

Nov. 1st, 2021



[Coven, Harry, Adam, Peter]
Mirror dimension-ing. Just to be safe. Be back later.

Oct. 26th, 2021



[Coven EXCEPT SABRINA, Peter, Adam, Stephen, Martha; May, Derek]
So, like Sabrina said, her birthday is coming up. Harry's too. So I've been thinking for about a month about throwing them a birthday party during the day. Maybe make it a surprise lunch thing at the house because we have the masquerade that night.

Peter, maybe you can distract her and take her out while we decorate the house - with some extra magical pizazz - and we can bring in pizza or something, get a cake from the bakery and we can call you to bring her back.

Not sure about Harry? Maybe we bring him in on this and surprise him with a cake of his own?

18 is big. And she deserves to have a good one, especially with everything that's happened this year. So, what do you guys think? Any ideas?

ADDITION: Nico's idea of Brunch is genius. Just saying.

Oct. 18th, 2021



Network: Dean Winchester

Son of a bitch!! Cas is gone again. AGAIN. This is fucking horseshit. Fuck this fucking bullshit place!

I hate this.

Fix this shit, ASAP. Tell me whoever you need stabbed or whatever needs destroyed or whatever needs to happen to end this. If that's what needs to be done, do it. Or I'll do it. Just point me in the right direction.

Is my world even still where I left it? Does anybody at all know about it??

Oct. 13th, 2021



Candy corn shouldn't be a thing that's allowed to be eaten by humans. Or licorice. Worst Halloween candies ever. I may have done a bit of candy shopping early.

Oct. 7th, 2021



Netpost: Steve Rogers

I've gotten a lot of questions over the last couple of days about what happened to me while I was gone. Here's a timeline of what I think happened.

[cut for length: public post] )

Let me know if you have any questions. I'll do my best to answer them.

Sep. 23rd, 2021



Okay this is entirely too strange. Why do I miss Faye? I mean the others I get, but Faye...

Sep. 20th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney

[Coven + Tony]
I'm collecting all the books I can find that have information on Mephichthon, or the Elder Gods in general. A dark cloud does sound like what I saw when my father tried to start the ritual but I never got the impression he wanted to destroy everything completely. Maybe one of his halves would without the other one there but I'm not sure if Elder Gods even have souls that would be combined like everyone else's. And to be going through the whole multiverse like that it might need to be something even bigger. I know there's a giant spider demon that eats souls and uses them to spin new worlds, it's why Requiem folded the universe in half to make us more attractive, so there's probably other interdimensional monsters as well.

[added later - assume anything unfiltered is on the first filter]
[Morgan Stark]
Sabrina's asking the rest of us if we want to move into her house to have a place for the coven together. I know I have feelings about it but I can't figure out what they are or even if they're good or bad. It's annoying. Madison said it sounded like a sorority which I think means she thinks it's too friendly and not very grown up. The first part is just normal Madison but I think I'm the oldest of us five and it does feel like I don't get taken as seriously here as I did at home and also don't have as much of a mentoring relationship with the older members as the others do, apart from Nico who just got here. I'm just sort of in the middle. I don't know if I want to go and join the Avengers or anything but I don't really want to encourage people to think of me as a little girl who needs supervising either. Maybe I'm just over thinking it because the only time I've ever had to decide where to live was when they opened the apartments here and it wouldn't matter at all whether I stay in my own place or move in with the others but if I really thought that I probably wouldn't be having so much trouble figuring it out.

Am I being stupid?

Do you have problems like that with your parents?

Sep. 19th, 2021



[OOC: Backdated to 09/18/2021, sometime after this post.] house is here. I don't know how it showed up, but it's here.

[Filtered To The Coven]

Sorry about running off like that this morning. But hey, my house is here now, so we have a place to practice now, though? I'll be moving in but Madison, Laura, Nico, Diana, if you want to move in, you can. We have plenty of extra bedrooms. My only condition is that my aunts' and Ambrose's bedrooms are off-limits. And my bedroom, obviously. Anything else is free game.

Dr. Strange, do you think we could maybe set up some sort of link between the Mortuary and the Sanctum, in case there's an emergency?

[Filtered To Martha Jones]

So, my house showed up.

I know it's a weird request, but would you maybe be interested in moving in. I know we're all capable of handling ourselves, but it'd be nice having an actual adult around in case we need anything. Plus, I trust you, and I know Dr. Strange does, too. Also, it feels weird asking him or Harry to move in, because a fully grown man living with a bunch of teenage girls doesn't always set the best impression.

You don't have to babysit us. And I understand if you don't want to move in with a bunch of teenage girls.

[Filtered To Peter Parker]

Hey. So, my house showed up. The Spellman Mortuary. I'll be moving in, if you want to see it.

Also, not asking if you want to move in, but if you want like, a place to crash on the weekends, you can. It's just outside New Asgard, so we can explore there now, too.

[Filtered To The Science Team]

I'm guessing that you're all probably going to want to investigate how an entire house showed up here. I don't mind you looking, provided that you ask me first before just coming over with a bunch of equipment and investigating. Though I know this is huge, it's still my home, and I would like my boundaries respected, please. Also, the house is old, and enchanted, so you really don't want to go poking around where you shouldn't be, as you don't want to, you know, get accidentally cursed or something.

Sep. 15th, 2021



We're back.

I'm going to be taking some more time off Portal Security for now while I focus on another project.

Heard I missed a pretty good baseball game.


How's the fort?


How's the Walker situation? Anything new?


I'm making an appointment with Shuri and Melina.

Dug something interesting up in Ohio.

I'm going to let Natasha explain.


Are still doing okay?

[Added Later: Natasha]

Heard you reached out to talk to Steve.

Are you going to tell him?

Sep. 10th, 2021



Network: Carol Danvers

Hey Everyone,

With Bucky taking some personal time, I'm stepping up to oversee tomorrow's big game! Check out the current line up to see your team. Let me know if you still want to play.

The game will start at noon on the main lawn. No powers are to be used, okay? Where's the fun in that? We'll be providing equipment. Rogers team will wear blue, my team's in red.

[Added later that night, filtered to Avengers on this post and Christine]

Not to alarm anyone, but was Barnes released from medical officially? Because I just saw him take off toward the garage.

Sep. 9th, 2021



Network: Miles Morales

Does anyone know why the gym's been locked down all morning? I asked FRIDAY but all I get is "that is confidential".


Is there a surprise party I don't know about?

Sep. 6th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes

Okay, that's it.

Baseball this weekend. I'm forming teams. We need 9 players each. I already got Carol, Miles, Mantis, and the new girl signed up. Who's in?

Teams are Carol's and Steve's. Let me know who you want to play for!

The Teams So Far

I'm gonna host a baseball training Thursday afternoon. If you want to practice or want to learn the game, meet me outside by the track then.


Checking in.


I do this a lot, I know. But we need to talk when you're free.


Okay, maybe your girl isn't so bad.


You should join. Steve or Carol's team?

[scary Coven Girls]

Wanna play baseball?

Sep. 3rd, 2021



Ambrose is gone.


So...with Ambrose being gone, I decided to do some grief spellcasting.

I'd like you all to meet Salem. He's my familiar. Apparently, summoning spells can still work if it's something like a familiar that's linked to you.

He's mostly harmless, just really protective of me.



Thinking about starting up some archery classes, if anyone might be interested. (Never fear, assorted moms and dads and uncles and aunts and all -types therein, I'll use foam everything.)

[Kate, Dick, Melissa, Clark, Helena, Dylan, America, Daisy, Sam (Winchester), Dean, Castiel, Derek, Bobby, J'onn, Five, Yelena, Klaus, Ivy, and Carmen] )

[Kate, Dick, Melissa, Helena, America, Dylan, Sam (Winchester), Dean, Castiel, Derek, Bobby, Five, Yelena, Klaus] )

[Daisy, Barbara, Olivia, Shuri] )

[Team Magic, without Strange] )

[The OG Avengers, plus Sam and Bucky-Unsent] )

[Nat] )

[Pepper] )

Aug. 30th, 2021




[info]momadness_net ready for that talk?



netpost: laura kinney

[Full Coven]
The chaos realm connects to this world in the same place as it does in mine, but there wasn't anything there. Just a few isolated little huts further down the mountain. It doesn't look like anyone's tried to take advantage of it.

My magic reacted to it though. I put down sigils to keep everything closed and it still went straight through me. I didn't want to leave the area with more than I'm used to controlling so I channeled it and... it created the castle. The whole thing, I think.

Also a little bit might have gone into a stray cat.

How do you feel about cats?

Aug. 28th, 2021



This PONG system is always accurate, right? No one can slip away without it notifying us?

[Friends + Coven (yes Dresden, that includes you)]

Consider this a roll call. Check in, let me know you're actually still here.

Aug. 27th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney

[Coven (including Ambrose and Stephen)]
I think there might be a new magic person.

[Eastern Europeans]
I'm going home on Monday. Starting in the Balkans but I might go further up the Urals as well. Does anyone want anything brought back? Transport and distance aren't an issue.

Aug. 26th, 2021



[Coven, Stephen, Adam, May]
Mirror Dimensioning. Stephen, if I'm not back by morning, please come get me.



Is there somewhere for a guy to go to clear his head?

Don't want to blow and break something or hurt someone.! Got way too much going on in my head

Aug. 23rd, 2021



Well since I know I didn't do this...anyone?

Aug. 21st, 2021



I guess I can cross universe hopping off of my bucket list now.



Well this certainly isn't Beacon Hills....what a way to start out my Senior year....

Aug. 20th, 2021



I can't do this anymore....

[Private to Derek]

Derek, I have a suggestion. Since you don't remember the things I do, you're still an Alpha here....use your claws? You can see for yourself what I remember without having to take my word.

Aug. 18th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

Thanks for the well wishes about the wedding. We love you all.

We'll invite everybody to the next one.


When are you free to talk?

[Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Thor, and Clint Barton]

Family get-together this weekend?

Aug. 15th, 2021



How do you let go of your first kill?

Aug. 11th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes

I think I need another hobby. Something that isn't running, reading, or shooting at things.

Does anyone here play baseball?


How are the stars?


Two questions.

1. Why didn't you tell me you were gay before I made an idiot of myself trying to set you up?

2. Do you know any good therapists that are not you?

Aug. 8th, 2021



There has been a lot of glorious celebration and mead has been flowing.

This is just a reminder that we sell potions of minor healing (great for what you call a 'hanging over'), hydrating and beauty potions at Hawke's Potions in New Asgard. If you stock up you wont have to worry about how you'll feel or look the morning after!

Aug. 5th, 2021



Netpost: Peter Parker

That feeling when you're enjoying the last few weeks of freedom before college classes start up.

[Private: Aunt May]
Can we do this weekend? Saturday? Dinner with Sabrina? I know the 21+ adults will all be out at karaoke, and I'll probably be Lucky-sitting for Kate and Clint... but maybe before everyone goes out? Early dinner?

[Private: Sabrina]
Are you free Saturday for dinner with my Aunt May?

Aug. 2nd, 2021



netpost: ororo munroe

There will be seminars held on Tuesday afternoon in conference room A for those of you interested in attending school when it reopens who've never been before. High school at 2 and college at 4.

Aug. 1st, 2021



Well, I suppose the first thing to do is introduce myself, since it seems for the time being I am stuck.

Name's Argent. Sorry if I got a little gruff with anyone, but this is a lot to take in.....and there are some certain people I don't like being here without.

Jul. 25th, 2021



Yes, everyone rejoice or whatever, I'm back.

Well. Rejoice Christine is back. I couldn't give a shit less about me. I'll assume most didn't notice my absence and I liked it that way, let's keep that up.

Pick a day. I got you a sling ring. Your training starts this week.

I have a sling ring for you. You should be able to access the mirror dimension and safely work with your powers.

Jul. 19th, 2021



[Filtered to: Christine Palmer, Martha Jones, and the Coven Kids]

It has possibly been explained to me that I may need a break. I don't do breaks.

Donna Noble has proposed an idea that I feel merits further research and, in an attempt to 'take a break', I'm going to look into it.

I'm going to spend a few days in Kamar Taj, now that I know the odds of my running into myself are very slim. I need some time in the archives and away from....this.

You all are the only ones I'm bothering to answer messages from so if you need me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Don't go getting into trouble just because you miss me, it never works out for anyone.

Jul. 15th, 2021



Since we're apparently doing the coming clean thing, let's lay it all out.

A few of you seem to think we're all hiding something. So, go for it. Q&A. Ask away. If any of us has the answers, we'll give it. I honestly don't know what you think we know that you don't. If any of you had any idea what some of us here have sacrificed to keep this planet spinning, you'd wet yourselves.

You know what, that goes for you natives. You want to know something from my timeline, ask. I'll do what I can. But I don't promise happy endings for anyone and I will be answering those privately. I think Stark Jr. and I believe Ms. Maximoff are the only ones ahead of me timewise. I'd prefer not to "spoil" those who don't wish to be.

Jul. 14th, 2021



netpost: sam wilson

There's been a lot of talk happening over the last few days, not all of it public, so I wanted to go for full transparency about my status after Friday's visit. I'm including some recent history and context here - you can read more about it online if you haven't already, but people turning up from other worlds aren't usually going to know to look for the information so I'm laying out a brief summary to start you off.

A couple of years ago there was a proposal for an international treaty called the Sokovia Accords that would regulate how people like the Avengers or the various unaffiliated superhumans would be allowed to use their powers. In theory it was a reasonable idea and we might have been able to figure out something that everyone could agree on, except that during talks there was a terrorist attack on a UN debate and James Barnes was framed for it. Steve and I had been searching for him after he escaped from being held prisoner and we were able to find him during the aftermath, but through him we learned that the group that had held him, HYDRA, had created other super soldiers as well and the person who was really behind the UN bombing was on his way to take control of them. We were under extreme time pressure and when several other team members attempted to arrest us for not bringing Barnes in I made a sacrifice play to give them time to get to the location. A few others and I were held in an off-shore facility until Steve got us out and since then he and I had been running ops trying to locate and destroy alien technology that had been left behind during the Chitauri invasion while remaining in hiding. When the portals started opening we came back to the US knowing that we still had open warrants. Those are both decisions that I would absolutely make again if I was in the same position today.

It's good to have the chance to get our legal status settled, though. I sat down with the government's representatives today to discuss a few alternative scenarios and we have mutually agreed that the best thing for everyone is if I remain here full time. I've offered to be on hand to fly rescue missions when I can - the wings I have now are a lot better than the government's design and there's basically no one else left who can operate them anymore - but I'm not the only pararescue in the world. I'm needed here and this is going to remain my priority. I won't let the military's interests compromise my work with all of you and luckily when they listened to my arguments on the subject the government realised I was right.

On another note I'm going to put Inside Out on tonight, but for tomorrow I've managed to dig up an old sci fi 80s classic, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. It should be fun.

Jul. 11th, 2021



[Magic Users]

That was pretty intense. And I've been to hell and back. Literally.

Did anyone else's magic go a little haywire during that?

[Peter Parker]

Are you alright?