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Posts Tagged: '%7Einactive:+christine+palmer'

Sep. 25th, 2021




My brother is fucking alive.

Like his here. In the person.

and I know its all this magic shit

and I can wrap my head around it.

BUT BEN IS HERE. And Fuck. I want like a happy drink. But I cant.

I'm so fucking happy

Sep. 22nd, 2021



Filter: Avengers + Friends

I hate this. I hate this so much.

The break was nice and all, but I guess it's probably time for me to try and figure out why my big green buddy doesn't want to come out and play. If we've got a threat knocking on our door, it's not going to be this me that stops it.

Not entirely sure where to start, I'm used to the opposite problem.

Sep. 20th, 2021



NETWORK: May Parker

[FILTER: Friends except Bruce*]

Bruce and I are going to the Museum of Natural History this weekend. I haven't been to a proper museum in months! It has just been so busy here. I love helping, but I am excited to get back to the city for a bit. Anyway, I put together an outfit. What do you think? Do you think Bruce will like it?

Outfit this way.

[anyone she talks to really]

Sep. 16th, 2021



Network: Val de Fontaine

( $$ OOC Reward: Val's got access to her bank account $$ )

How much would I have to bribe pay someone to get my own private bathroom?
The whole 3rd floor of the facility doesn't need to wait on my hair and makeup routine, trust me.

Cute dog! I'm right across the hall.
I have your first check and an assignment.

I missed the game, but Team Danvers winning means I'm officially $40 richer.
And it's going right in the bank.

Sep. 15th, 2021



Netpost: Cath

[Private to Healers, Doctors, Magic Users, Science-type People]

I have some questions about hearts. Healing hearts.

Sep. 13th, 2021



Stephen )



23 days.... the first 30 is supposed to be the hardest. We'll see.

Started my job today... my first legitimate job in... ever.

Sep. 11th, 2021



Network: Jemma Simmons

Alya decided that, since today was a "special day", that we should make cookies for the occasion. We'll be bringing them to the game, as well as homemade pom-poms for all the spectators.

Spider-man or Captain America? I'll let you decide. (Please don't ask me about the chest, I really don't know.) )

When your Big Girl insists on doing the decorating herself... )

...this is the aftermath. )

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone immensely!

Sep. 10th, 2021



Network: Carol Danvers

Hey Everyone,

With Bucky taking some personal time, I'm stepping up to oversee tomorrow's big game! Check out the current line up to see your team. Let me know if you still want to play.

The game will start at noon on the main lawn. No powers are to be used, okay? Where's the fun in that? We'll be providing equipment. Rogers team will wear blue, my team's in red.

[Added later that night, filtered to Avengers on this post and Christine]

Not to alarm anyone, but was Barnes released from medical officially? Because I just saw him take off toward the garage.

Sep. 9th, 2021



[Portal Security]
I'm stepping back from Portal Security effective immediately.

No I'm not explaining anything. No I'm not giving a timeline for when I'll be back. I need a break.

I'm done. I'm stepping back from Portal Security. I'm finding something else to do. Doesn't matter what I try to do, I'm fucking outmatched. Home may have imploded and I have no idea where Zack is. Maybe it's time to just open that dojo and pull the caper. Get Tigress' costume out of my closet.

I know, I know: Sit down, do nothing, let my arm heal... I'm sorry. I know you worry. I don't want to make you worry.

So 6 to 8 weeks in this cast, right?

Nat )

Rey )

Aug. 28th, 2021



This PONG system is always accurate, right? No one can slip away without it notifying us?

[Friends + Coven (yes Dresden, that includes you)]

Consider this a roll call. Check in, let me know you're actually still here.

Aug. 26th, 2021



[Text: Stephen]

>> I think we need a new chart for the fridge...
>> It's been X day(s) that Christine hasn't throttled someone.

>> Look what you've done, Mister Magician. xo

Aug. 20th, 2021



If we could try and keep life-threatening medical emergencies at a minimum this weekend, I think I can speak for the entire medial team when I say, it would be appreciated.

Aug. 15th, 2021



Network: May Parker

I had a wonderful time in Vegas. The ceremony was beautiful. I'm so happy for you, Pepper and Tony.

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

I had a nice time talking to you especially. I think I would have been a bit lonelier without you given the guest list.



[Filtered away from Cass and AJ Wilson]

No! You're not telling me we got whisked away and it's 2018. I know what happens.

Me and my kids aren't doing this again! Once was too much. I won't let them live through those five years again. I can't. I won't.

[Added Later] My name's Sarah. I'm Sam Wilson's sister.

Aug. 14th, 2021



NetPost: Hank Pym

Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

There's a lab here, right? I assume someone here is trying to solve this with science?

[Scott Lang]

Have you talked to anyone from this time? Janet? Hope?



Netpost: Sharon Carter

Friday the 13th came and went yesterday. Whenever we have a Friday the 13th, it reminds me of pranks played on us when I was in college: There was a fella who lived in my dormitory who used to play horror movies on the screen in the commons. He would play elaborate pranks with his friends from the theater department, where they'd run screaming through the room covered in blood, or brandishing fake steak knives and other weapons. It was startling and terrifying, but also hilarious. Since then, I've never been able to watch a horror movie without a certain level of anxiety--waiting for the Freshman with the chainsaw to come crashing into the room.

Though, I think maybe I could give it a try. Does anyone have a favorite, recent, scary movie to recommend?

Aug. 15th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney

Can people who aren't students get access to books in university libraries or do I have to make myself a student ID or something?

Aug. 9th, 2021




You're not going off to space again, are you?

Aug. 7th, 2021



Network: Jemma Simmons

Hello, everyone!

My name is Jemma Simmons. I've been speaking with Daisy about what's been going around here and offered to help where I can. My daughter and I will be staying at The Lighthouse, but I'll be happy to come to the Facilities, New Asgard, or the Wakandan Consulate if needed once we're settled. My background is in biochemistry, and I also served as my team's field physician if any medical assistance would be helpful.

There are a few theories about our visitors I've had percolating, and I understand there's a science team already in place. Perhaps we could collaborate?

Aug. 3rd, 2021



Network: May Parker

[FILTER: Steve Rogers]

I'm glad we are still friends. How are you doing with everything with Natasha and James?

[FILTER: Friends except Steve]

Steve and I had a wonderful time together, but we decided it is best to stay friends. Still, I'm really glad I got my feet wet with such a wonderful person. I think I am ready to date more.



For those having just arrived, if you could please stop by Medical at your earliest convenience, we'd appreciate it. Nothing terrible, but we like to keep a check on everyone to make sure we can accommodate any medical needs.

I think it goes without saying that the folks who went on their space trip should stop in for a quick check as well. Just to be safe.

How are you and the baby doing? Are you running low on anything?

Jul. 29th, 2021



Since apparently we are actually making this an official thing now.

A note from Medical:
While medical is here to treat your wounds and your illnesses, we would request that everyone please refrain from stabbing, shooting, bludgeoning or otherwise harming one another intentionally in such a way that it requires the intervention of medical staff. We understand accidents, we understand that sometimes fights happen. Even training accidents can be understood, but other such injuries are to be avoided if at all possible. Thank you.

[Simon, Christine]
I cannot believe I actually just had to post this. But given what actually happened, yeah. It's needed.

Jul. 25th, 2021




Right then.

You have fancy technology here so I guess there's that. Don't suppose you've got tea? The real kind. With the leaves and what have you.



Yes, everyone rejoice or whatever, I'm back.

Well. Rejoice Christine is back. I couldn't give a shit less about me. I'll assume most didn't notice my absence and I liked it that way, let's keep that up.

Pick a day. I got you a sling ring. Your training starts this week.

I have a sling ring for you. You should be able to access the mirror dimension and safely work with your powers.

Jul. 19th, 2021



I have been informed by Doctor Internet that while it's not a good idea for me to practice archery with broken ribs, DARTS are okay.

So I challenge all y'all to a DARTS ... competition. Thing. Tournament! Who wants to play lose spectacularly to the master of DARTS?



[Filtered to: Christine Palmer, Martha Jones, and the Coven Kids]

It has possibly been explained to me that I may need a break. I don't do breaks.

Donna Noble has proposed an idea that I feel merits further research and, in an attempt to 'take a break', I'm going to look into it.

I'm going to spend a few days in Kamar Taj, now that I know the odds of my running into myself are very slim. I need some time in the archives and away from....this.

You all are the only ones I'm bothering to answer messages from so if you need me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Don't go getting into trouble just because you miss me, it never works out for anyone.

Jul. 15th, 2021



Netpost: Kate Bishop

Can my ribs be healed now? Like, really? I don't want to wait more weeks for this. ...bowling didn't help. Lifting those heavy bowling balls? Ugh. I wonder how long that set me back.

I'm going stir crazy. Remind me to never play with dinosaurs again. UGH.



Since we're apparently doing the coming clean thing, let's lay it all out.

A few of you seem to think we're all hiding something. So, go for it. Q&A. Ask away. If any of us has the answers, we'll give it. I honestly don't know what you think we know that you don't. If any of you had any idea what some of us here have sacrificed to keep this planet spinning, you'd wet yourselves.

You know what, that goes for you natives. You want to know something from my timeline, ask. I'll do what I can. But I don't promise happy endings for anyone and I will be answering those privately. I think Stark Jr. and I believe Ms. Maximoff are the only ones ahead of me timewise. I'd prefer not to "spoil" those who don't wish to be.

Jul. 14th, 2021



Netpost: Clint Barton

[Avengers Facility Medical Staff]

#1 - Hi. I'm Clint Barton, and I will be a regular customer.

#2 - Are you all good at sutures?

#3 - And cracked/broken bones?

#4 - How about sprains and concussions?

#5 - And let's not leave out various puncture/stab/bullet wounds?

#6 - I am danger prone individual.

#7 - Do you happen to have any hearing aids lying around?

Jul. 13th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark


So, it's come to my attention that there are people who think we are holding something back after the last visit. I get it. It's a lot. There's a lot going on.

I think Sam did a pretty good job summarizing it, but since there are some newcomers here that don't feel they know everything and don't know how to use Google or just ask me or anyone else, here. This is an entire history of the Avengers, what we know about the Power Stones, Thanos, and everything in between. It also explains the Sokovian Accords.

We've done this before. Several times. I've had meetings weeks ago about this, and I just don't have time to keep sitting everyone down and giving the rundown for this place. So it's now up to you. Read the attached files and please make yourself acquainted.

And if anyone wants to take over, by all means. Do it. I'm really, REALLY tired of trying to save people and I'm okay with retiring. You can have it all: the facility, the responsibility, all of it. Hell, you can deal with the president the next time she comes to town. And you can deal with the portals, too.

If you think you can do a better job, sign up below. Thanks.

Tony Stark




The Run Down )

Jul. 12th, 2021



I am sorry if I have worried anyone. It would appear the destruction of the Mind Stone had a heightened affect on me, due to my previous connection with it.

I am awake now, and I am feeling a little fatigued, but I am otherwise fine. I appreciate everyone's concern, and the doctors in medical for taking such good care of me.

I also apologize for the mess in the kitchen. The effects of the destruction of the Mind Stone, caused me to lose temporary control over my powers. I hope no one was hurt.

Jul. 3rd, 2021



Tell me to introduce myself and find some Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng pretending to be my husband.

Doc, if you're here too I need you to come look at Emma make sure this whole thing didn't rattle her up.

Jun. 25th, 2021



If anyone is still dragging their feet to have myself or Martha make sure you're still in one piece, I'll do you the favor of coming to you.

Medical isn't that scary, though. We don't bite. I don't, anyway. I can't speak for Martha.

Jun. 21st, 2021



I shouldn't have to say it, but please try not to permanently harm any of our new...residents. You have no idea when one thing will affect the course of current events and I think we've messed with this timeline quite enough for now. Obviously if it's their life or yours, do what you have to do, but, you know. Set phasers to stun?

[Christine, Martha]

Try not to get eaten, would you? It's very permanent and I don't have the rewind time option anymore.


I'm not sure how confident you're feeling in your abilities right now, but Stark is apparently eager for magical help if you're up to it.

Jun. 19th, 2021



Network: Mantis

I am very excited for tonight, but I realize that I do not understand these Earth grooming customs. Also, it is considered fun to have pieces of your body trimmed by a stranger?

Jun. 17th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes (MCU)

Looks like everyone's got a busy week planned ahead.

Sorry to be a party killer, but I was thinking, it might be a good idea to start training those who are guarding the portals to have some kind of formal training. It will help make things a little more consistent around here.

And I think Martha and Christine will appreciate it, too.

Since next week's kind of booked maybe we can do it the first week in July?

[Natasha Romanoff]

Are you going to that thing with Sharon?

[Bucky Barnes(616) Jimmy Barnes]

How's the car looking?

Jun. 11th, 2021



Network: Pepper Potts

I read that it is National Corn on the Cob Day and couldn't resist catering some from a local barbecue place I love. Head to the conference room for chicken, corn, and watermelon. Yes, I went with a summer theme.

Jun. 10th, 2021




I need your help

...Tell me how you do it. How did you go from living a life surrounded by tangible logic and science to this? Do you still have doubts? Are there things you still find hard to believe? Does it get easier?

Stephen, I met a man from 1890 after the meeting about the stones. The stones that I know you're going after. What if you can't find them? What if because of all this portal stuff, they're not here?

Jun. 9th, 2021




Due to recent events, and then again to even more recent events, we're making some changes to the security protocols around here. We will no longer be using biometrics to grant access to compound facilities. Effective immediately, or as immediately as we can get these things distributed, you will need a personally-assigned keycard or badge to gain entry. Lanyards or badge reels will be provided upon request or forced upon you if you fail to keep tabs on the keycard.

You may find that you no longer have access to certain areas of the compound, particularly the garage. We're not running a rental service here, but if you do need to borrow a ride, the car keys are available in a locked valet box by the door. Be respectful. Some of these cars are classics.



netpost: jenny

There was a small incident with the microwave today. But I fixed it, and now it won't start if there's metal inside! Apparently that's a bad thing.

Also if you put a glass of water in for thirty seconds it smells like hot pizza.

Jun. 8th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes (MCU)

It might not be such a bad idea to set up a few more ground rules since we're getting bigger especially about 'borrowing' anything.

This isn't the first time someone left with a car without asking.

We should probably also make sure anyone borrowing them can also drive.

Jun. 4th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

Group meeting tonight for anyone who wants to talk about the stones.




Be honest; was the rooming situation your idea or did I happen to get the short end of the stick?

Jun. 3rd, 2021



[Filter to Medical Folks]


My name is Monica Rambeau and it was suggested I reach out to talk to you about possibly running some tests.

Recently, I had a few encounters that manipulated my DNA and resulted in me having some new abilities.

Would anyone be able to assist?


Jun. 2nd, 2021



NETWORK: Christine Palmer

Are there any rules or regulations regarding the Med Bay? The few times I've been in there have been brief but I'd like to get a better look at some things. Get a lay of the land if we're expected to be here for a while.

May. 31st, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes

No sign of trouble.

Does anyone want to go to town? I need a hair cut space.


Hey. Checking in after Saturday.


How are you feeling?



[Filtered to Friends, if you think you are you probably are]

Try not to need me today. I'm torn between eight hours of meditation and a medically induced coma.

Or maybe just completely frat boy drunk.

The possibilities are endless.

May. 21st, 2021



NETWORK: Christine Palmer

[Pepper, Martha, Darcy, Donna T, Sharon]
Okay. The chatter on the network is overwhelming definitely something. Is it enough to maybe taken a few minutes to talk about normal things with the offered wine?

Who exactly is this Thanos?

May. 15th, 2021



I appreciate the explanation along with the room and board, but could I make a formal request to take a break with portals? I think I've seen enough to last a few lifetimes at this point.