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Posts Tagged: 'dc:+wally+west'

Feb. 26th, 2024



Netpost; Dick Grayson

Looks like Tim got his wish and was sent back home. Pong misses him, but I think Bare, Al and Haley are doing a good job at distracting him.

I don't think my time in this world has ever felt more temporary.

Feb. 24th, 2024



Netpost; Peter Three

I’m almost afraid to say it; but it seems pretty calm around here of late.

What’s the betting I just jinxed us all?

Jan. 5th, 2024



Network: Henry

Anyone make any New Years Resolutions? Seems kinda silly to be thinking about around here when no one knows what tomorrow's going to bring, but... well, to have a New Years without one seems like a wasted opportunity.

What do you think?

Nov. 5th, 2023



Netpost; Wally West

Today - November 5th - is National Love Your Red Hair Day!

In celebration, I'm going to run around and take selfies in random places. Feel free to jump in with me.

Oct. 25th, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

It happened again.

I went through a red portal with Si and Stiles, but the portal home flickered through different colors and I was too far behind.

They didn't make it back. It's only me and the car.

I think they were sent back to their own worlds.

Oct. 7th, 2023



Netpost; Wally West

That was... nope. Not even gonna go there.

Today is National Noodle Day. So naturally, I'm going to eat noodles all day.

Sep. 9th, 2023



Netpost; Captain Grayson

Now my ship has appeared, I find myself in need of a few extra hands. There’s treasure to be found and you will get a… reasonable share of the bounty.

Only the most tenacious scallywags need apply to join the Gotham Knight’s crew.

Aug. 9th, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

Has anyone else found themselves with a usually inanimate object as a sidekick?

My motorbike is very chatty all of a sudden and keeps following me and Haley around. I told it that I have security patrol, and it seemed to think it could handle that too, so if you see it in the portal room, or doing a perimeter sweep, uh… don’t worry?

Aug. 5th, 2023



Netpost; Peter Three

I’m officially moved in with Kaldur in New Asgard 😊 There aren’t many tall buildings out here but I can always head to the city to get my web slinging fix.

[Leadership types & Magnus]

Apologies if Kaldur has already messaged you about this. But while he and I were away through the red portal we got a tiny piece of information about them.

We met a sea goddess and she told us that the magic behind them was beyond her knowledge but the forces creating them aren’t friendly, they’re searching for a way home, ripping through realities until they do, but if that happens it’ll mean the end of our little community as we know it… we’ll be overrun and destroyed. I don’t usually spook easily but when a goddess issues a warning you have to take it to heart.

Long story short; we need to stop the portals and the beings behind them, which are probably the demons we’ve seen pop up. They’re unfriendly and powerful, right?

Jul. 17th, 2023



Netpost: Kelly Grayson

While it's definitely not as fancy as what we have in my time, this portal tech of yours is pretty impressive.

My name is Kelly Grayson. I'm a First Officer in the Planetary Union in my world. I'm no stranger to the time traveling thing, but the world hopping is a new one for me.

Jul. 7th, 2023



netpost; wally west

Kinda forgot my duty to the people in regards to informing you all of random holidays. Oops. My bad. Anyway, without further delay, today is...

😘 💏 😚 💋 International Kissing Day! 😘 💏 😚 💋

So pucker up everyone!

Jun. 11th, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

x-posted from IG @ 10:00am )

May. 13th, 2023



Netpost; Scott Lang

So, the Cassie of this world is doing great, so are the rest of the Antfam. Thanks, Barry for being my ride. Speedsters are the best way to travel, if anyone was wondering.

A Cheers marathon is a good way to spend all this free time, right?

May. 11th, 2023



I never actually thought I'd see a rat pulling a slice of pizza along steps.

And yet, I witnessed it when I left the library today.

The slice was as big as the rat.

May. 2nd, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

How much Rosé is too much Rosé? One bottle? Two?

Also how much Sex and the City is too much Sex and the City? Two seasons? Three?

I think I’m a Carrie.

Apr. 29th, 2023



netpost; wally west

Okay! So! I feel like it's now my personal mission to inform you all of random days and celebrations throughout the year.

Today is Independent Bookstore Day! So go out and find an independent bookstore and buy a book! Support the little person. Any recommendations for independent bookstores are most welcome.

It's also World Wish Day. International Dance Day. World Veterinary Day. International Astronomy Day. National Go Birding Day. National Zipper Day. And, the one that I think is my favorite, Save the Frogs Day.

Apr. 4th, 2023



netpost; wally west

Today is World Aquatic Animal Day! It's also Fish Fingers and Custard Day but let's not talk about that. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THE FISH! And all the other under the sea creatures too.

Kaldur!? Where are you at?

Mar. 11th, 2023



Netpost: Steve Rogers

Has someone compiled a list of the people from our community who have been sucked through Red Portals? And the ones who have returned? It might help our Science Crew if they could conduct some interviews--I know that Medical has been reaching out to those who have been returned.

Who all is still missing? Who's gone and come back, and where did you go?

Keeping a list. )

Mar. 1st, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

Hey, Everyone! Drinks and dancing at Threshold tonight?

Wally, Kaldur, Peter, Jace, Simon, Clint, Sam, I hope you'll be there.

Feb. 14th, 2023



netpost; wally west

WE'RE BACK!!! (Dick and I, that is)

And we didn't become fast food. Get it? Yes? No? Guess you had to be there.

Anyway... I'm hungry. Going to get pizza. Anyone want one?

Jan. 25th, 2023



Red Portal Alert

A Red Portal Event has been detected for:

  • Richard Grayson
  • Wallace West

(This is an automated alert, and replies are not monitored. For any concerns, please contact a member of Security or the Administrative staff directly.)

Jan. 24th, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

When we post on here is it accessible to people not on our network then? Like the general public?

I always assumed this was a private network. Oops.

Think we need to give Peter Three the shovel talk on Kaldur’s behalf?

Jan. 4th, 2023



Netpost: Barry Allen

I was with Evan and a red light burst in their apartment. They're gone. I don't--I wasn't fast enough to-

Any news on this thing? What it is, what's causing it??

Dec. 18th, 2022



Network; Clark Kent

Anybody else hoping for snow for Christmas? Or is it just Krypto and I?

The decorations you gave me last year look lovely on the tree. If you’d like to join us for Christmas dinner, you and Rogue are more than welcome.

Nov. 20th, 2022



DMs from Clark Kent

[Kara and J'onn]
I'm planning to cook a Thanksgiving dinner for Thursday. Both of you are invited, though if you'd prefer to join in the larger celebration I won't be offended at all.

I know Thanksgiving is a very American thing, but you are more than welcome to join me for dinner on Thursday. I don't know if there are any big community gatherings planned. But I felt like a smaller Thanksgiving this year might be nice. Kara and J'onn are invited and I'm inviting Tim, Dick and Wally too, as I know Tim in particular has trouble with large crowds.

[The Bat kids and Wally]
If you don't have any Thanksgiving plans of your own, would you like to join me on Thursday? I know larger gatherings can be overwhelming, especially when you have super hearing. Dick, feel free to bring one of those marshmallow topped pies of yours. I'll be sure to make Mac & Cheese as well as the usual offerings.

Nov. 6th, 2022



Is it too early to start discussing Thanksgiving plans?

Nov. 3rd, 2022



Netpost; Dick Grayson

x-posted from IG @ 5:40pm )

Oct. 3rd, 2022



netpost; wally west

[Dick Grayson]
You know those "future flashes" people were talking about? Which, side note, I thought the name was funny. Future Flash. Get it? Hilarious.

That is... until I got one. About three weeks ago.

I know. I should have said something sooner. But it didn't bother me. Much. It was quick. And I mean real quick, 'cause, you know. You and I were going to Costa Rica. Not sure what for. You were wearing the blue suit. I was in something more like Barry's. There was a three legged dog. And two kids.

Then that was it.

Does any of that sound familiar to you, Mr. Dude from the Future?

Sep. 26th, 2022



netpost; wally west

I know I kinda maybe brought it on myself by suggesting to go swimming after the wedding. Which, by the way, was awesome and so purple and full of all those good feels and love. Congrats on getting hitched, my dudes.

ANYWAY... I sort of lost my shoes. They aren't important but they are a favorite pair. Did anyone happen to pick them up?

Sep. 12th, 2022



netpost; wally west

Feeling kinda restless. Usually going for a run does the trick but that just isn't doing it for me today. Too much to think about. How can you miss people you haven't met? Maybe I'm hungry.

Sep. 11th, 2022



Why does the kitchen smell like a fish died, was resurrected, then died again and was smothered in fish sauce?

Alec )
Magnus )
Simon )

Aug. 28th, 2022



Had a pretty decent dish today. Everyone, take a look at the Icharus Flambé.

Aug. 3rd, 2022



netpost: wally west

Didn't think a little running race would end in hopping over to a new world... but here we are.

Also to whoever had the leftover pizza in the fridge? Thanks. I'll pay you back for it. And for the cookies. And the pretzels. Oh, and there's a loaf of bread missing and we're out of peanut butter. Sorry.

Jul. 20th, 2021



Babs, Tony, Pepper, Miles, Wally, Dick

Thank you, I don't really know what to say otherwise but..thank you for everything you did for my birthday. It means a lot. I nearly forgot myself. I had fun. I can't remember the last time I could actually say thatAnyway it meant a lot to me.

Jul. 15th, 2021



[Wally, Dick]
How would the two of you feel about Lasertag?

Tim's birthday's on the 19th and I may have gotten tickets on Sunday for us and his friend Miles. I meant to reach out sooner but... well, everything went pear shaped.

I was going to make the Alfred!cake he likes.

Jul. 14th, 2021



netpost; wally west

[Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon]
... so Barry left. That sucks.

I mean, I know he wasn't the one we know but still... ouch. He was a cool guy. I liked him.

Sorry about Alfred.

[Tim Drake-Wayne]
You okay, kid?

Jul. 8th, 2021



netpost; dick grayson

Al and Bare are settled in nicely and will be accepting visitors soon!

cut for pic )



netpost; wally west

Is there any cake left?

Or leftovers from the grill?

Jul. 3rd, 2021



[Text to Tim]
-I know you left the compound.
-I'm so sorry about Bruce.
-But please text me back and let us know you're okay.

[Dick, Wally]
Tim's gone dark. He left the compound. He was already on edge before because of everything and Conner's death. And now with Bruce being pulled back... I don't know what happened but he's gone. I'm trying to find him with the Mainframe system but he's good at covering his tracks.

Sorry to bother you so close to Steve's party, but I have a situation. I need to make an appointment for someone else and I'm not sure if it can wait, but it's become a bit more complicated.

Tim's gone dark. Think you could give me a hand trying to track him? Not sure we're going to have much luck, he knows how to cover his tracks but I have to try.

Jun. 22nd, 2021



Network: Tony Stark


Yesterday was difficult, to say the least. We're still cleaning up the mess, but please be careful and pitch in if you can. It's going to take some time for things to get back to normal.

I'm asking everyone to do what they can to help clean up and rebuild around here. We already have a few folks pitching in time and effort to repair the damage but we're going to definitely need a better security system for the portals in the future. For now, I shut them down again and we're routing people to a temporary location inside my lab. Portal duty will take place there until we can get the hanger back up and running.

Unfortunately, we also have people missing since the attack. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I hope they were blipped back. This includes Buffy Summers, Vanessa Ives, Ashoka Tano, Fancy Lee, Jinn, Peter Maximoff, and David Kostyk. If you know of anyone else missing, please report it immediately or if you know where they are, check-in with me.

Shuri's returned to Wakanda for personal reasons. T'Challa's still sticking around though to help clean up this mess.

Anyway, that's it for now,

Tony Stark

Jun. 21st, 2021



[Voice Channel from the Mainframe and Security]
This is Barbara in the Mainframe. As previously reported, the compound is right now under siege by dinosaurs that have come through the portal.

I need anyone not currently engaged with them, civilians or anyone locked down in quarters or other areas of the compound to respond and check in. Right now we have your locations on monitors but need to confirm you are with your comm and that your positions are accurate. If you need assistance, it will be sent.

Jun. 20th, 2021



I need...I don't know. Distractions. Anything really. This is all too much

Jun. 19th, 2021



Many thanks for the room and board and such, but I'd like to get in contact with Master Bruce if at all possible?



Not exactly the castle, but I guess it'll do. At least I know this wasn't Dad's Hades. He's a sucker for a good show after all.

Just so you know, I've already broken the running in the halls rule. You can't be that surprised by that, though. You really don't expect people to casually walk when they've just been magicked cross these dimensions, do you?

Jun. 16th, 2021



Network: Peter

Nice place. Kind of prefer Xavier's, it had charm. Grace. Twinkies. Before, you know. Kapow.

But as a place full of super-dudes crammed in like it's Space Camp, solid 8.5 out of ten. I like the whole shiny futuristic vibe.

Supposed to introduce myself. I'm Peter. Sup?

Jun. 9th, 2021




Due to recent events, and then again to even more recent events, we're making some changes to the security protocols around here. We will no longer be using biometrics to grant access to compound facilities. Effective immediately, or as immediately as we can get these things distributed, you will need a personally-assigned keycard or badge to gain entry. Lanyards or badge reels will be provided upon request or forced upon you if you fail to keep tabs on the keycard.

You may find that you no longer have access to certain areas of the compound, particularly the garage. We're not running a rental service here, but if you do need to borrow a ride, the car keys are available in a locked valet box by the door. Be respectful. Some of these cars are classics.

Jun. 8th, 2021



Network: Bucky Barnes (MCU)

It might not be such a bad idea to set up a few more ground rules since we're getting bigger especially about 'borrowing' anything.

This isn't the first time someone left with a car without asking.

We should probably also make sure anyone borrowing them can also drive.

May. 31st, 2021



a.k.a. kyle gordon

For those who were worried about the DNA issue, there's apparently a non-biometric linked card you can use now.



Network: Ethan Chandler

Can't say I care much for this technology. It's pretty flashy.

Future ain't what I thought it would be, either. Not bad. Just a lot more metal than I'm used to.

I'm Ethan, by the way. I just came through a "portal", or whatever you call it.

Any idea where a man can get a strong drink around here?

May. 27th, 2021



Network: Tim Drake-Wayne

There's not nearly enough coffee in the world for all this.