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Posts Tagged: '%7Einactive:+stephen+strange'

Mar. 29th, 2022



Network: Clint Barton

So, is anyone else's social media blowing up about Tony disappearing on stage at a tech conference in Minsk? Is Zari slacking on telling all of us about this, or what?

Update: seeing some chatter on here about Pepper and Happy going missing, too.


Sound off, if you're here? Please?

Mar. 26th, 2022



netpost: ororo munroe

It's not often a strange plant manages to grow in my garden. Now that I know of the danger I may take to them with some very thick leather gloves to see if I can get some cuttings.

Mar. 20th, 2022



Netpost: Steve Rogers

[Private to Steve's Bachelor Party]
Thanks for coming out and celebrating with me. I appreciate your being there, keeping me company, sharing stories of old times, and making new ones.

It's certainly been an interesting ride. I'm looking forward to settling down for a bit.

Mar. 14th, 2022



Well... this is... something.

I think most of you know me already. Bruce Banner. A very nice young woman named Sara explained the whole alternate universe/time travel thing.

Someone tell me where I can be useful.

Mar. 9th, 2022



How in the world did this interdimensional portal hijack a Krakoa portal?

Mar. 5th, 2022



📧 from

To: Tony Stark, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Cisco Ramon, Harry Dresden, Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, Clark Kent
cc: Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Subject: Bachelor Party

image cut )

Mar. 4th, 2022



Network: Zari Terazi

You are cordially invited... )

(OOC: A note is included with all physical copies of the invitation [if you want your character to have gotten one, consider it done!], but the network version also contains the below)

RSVP, Transportation and Accommodations can be made through me. (Zari Tarazi)

Mar. 2nd, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

[ooc: pretend this was earlier in the day when I was napping]

Happy Mardi Gras. There are pancakes in the kitchen at the facility. Like, a lot of pancakes.

Have we put together all the information on HYDRA we've been collecting since December? I want to go over it and see if anything jumps out at me.

Feb. 28th, 2022



Netpost - Dr Strange

The doctor is in.

I'm curious, what happened to this universe's original Stephen Strange?

Sep. 23rd, 2021



I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Is that strange? I mean yeah I miss some of my other friends, but this place is kind of peaceful....and then there's other things that have contributed to it.

Sep. 20th, 2021



Netpost: Kate Bishop

[ooc: Kate's bonus activity gift for September is here!]

Uh... guys? GUYS?? THIS IS NOT A DRILL. My car is here~!! I REPEAT: My car is here!!!

I had my keys in my room upstairs. They came through with me even though my car was still in my old world, and now? NOW I HAVE MY CAR!

Who's coming with me for a joyride???



Network: Pepper Potts-Stark

Thank you to everyone for your support over the last month. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

[FILTER: Bruce Banner]

You better wear something nice to go to the museum. Borrow some of Tony's cologne.

[FILTER: Her kids]

I love you. Whatever you're feeling is perfectly valid.

Sep. 19th, 2021



We've all been under enormous amounts of stress the last few months, and it doesn't seem as if it is going to get better in the long term. This means that it's even more important to be eating right, sleeping, taking breaks, seeing and talking to people outside your area of work.

If you need anyone to speak with, please contact Sam. We are here to support you, all of you and the last thing we want is for anyone to require medical intervention because they've been lax in this.

A few things. Firstly, I thought you'd want to know, I was asked to move in with your girls.

Secondly, after last night, I drank and it wasn't enough.

The end of all those universes...

Seems like that get together we were talking about just became a bit more urgent.



[OOC: Backdated to 09/18/2021, sometime after this post.] house is here. I don't know how it showed up, but it's here.

[Filtered To The Coven]

Sorry about running off like that this morning. But hey, my house is here now, so we have a place to practice now, though? I'll be moving in but Madison, Laura, Nico, Diana, if you want to move in, you can. We have plenty of extra bedrooms. My only condition is that my aunts' and Ambrose's bedrooms are off-limits. And my bedroom, obviously. Anything else is free game.

Dr. Strange, do you think we could maybe set up some sort of link between the Mortuary and the Sanctum, in case there's an emergency?

[Filtered To Martha Jones]

So, my house showed up.

I know it's a weird request, but would you maybe be interested in moving in. I know we're all capable of handling ourselves, but it'd be nice having an actual adult around in case we need anything. Plus, I trust you, and I know Dr. Strange does, too. Also, it feels weird asking him or Harry to move in, because a fully grown man living with a bunch of teenage girls doesn't always set the best impression.

You don't have to babysit us. And I understand if you don't want to move in with a bunch of teenage girls.

[Filtered To Peter Parker]

Hey. So, my house showed up. The Spellman Mortuary. I'll be moving in, if you want to see it.

Also, not asking if you want to move in, but if you want like, a place to crash on the weekends, you can. It's just outside New Asgard, so we can explore there now, too.

[Filtered To The Science Team]

I'm guessing that you're all probably going to want to investigate how an entire house showed up here. I don't mind you looking, provided that you ask me first before just coming over with a bunch of equipment and investigating. Though I know this is huge, it's still my home, and I would like my boundaries respected, please. Also, the house is old, and enchanted, so you really don't want to go poking around where you shouldn't be, as you don't want to, you know, get accidentally cursed or something.

Sep. 13th, 2021



Stephen )



[OOC Note: Activity Reward]

[Filtered to Stephen Strange and Harry Dresden]

It would seem that I have found myself in the possession of the Darkhold once again. When I came out of the shower this morning, it was on my nightstand. I am not sure how it came to be here, but I thought you two should be the first to know. For now, I would like to not to include the girls in this.

Stephen, I am not sure if you have heard of the Darkhold in your study of the mystic arts, but Harry, the Darkhold is also known as the Book Of The Damned. When I first discovered it, it was in the possession of Agatha Harkness, who had been hunting me, as there's a whole chapter to devoted to the Scarlet Witch, me, in there. I was studying it myself before I wound up here.

While I am protective of it, I think for the time being, Stephen, it would be safest at the Sanctum, if I would be able to secure it there. I know you or Wong wouldn't let it fall into the wrong hands.

[Filtered to the Avengers]

I found the Darkhold this morning. For those of you not familiar with it, it is also known of the Book Of Damned, and contains some of the most powerful magic known to man, inculding, an entire chapter on me, the Scarlet Witch.

While I can assure you that it is absolutely safe in my hands, I have asked Stephen if for the time being, I can leave it at the Sanctum. I trust that him and Wong will not let it fall into the wrong hands.

If anyone has any questions, or wants to look at it, I request that they do not do it without me there. The Darkhold can be dangerous for those who aren't familiar with magic.

[Filter to Vision and Viv]

Family dinner and movie night? I know that either of you don't require food, but I would like for us to spend an evening together, especially since we have Viv back with us now.

Aug. 30th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney

[Full Coven]
The chaos realm connects to this world in the same place as it does in mine, but there wasn't anything there. Just a few isolated little huts further down the mountain. It doesn't look like anyone's tried to take advantage of it.

My magic reacted to it though. I put down sigils to keep everything closed and it still went straight through me. I didn't want to leave the area with more than I'm used to controlling so I channeled it and... it created the castle. The whole thing, I think.

Also a little bit might have gone into a stray cat.

How do you feel about cats?

Aug. 28th, 2021



This PONG system is always accurate, right? No one can slip away without it notifying us?

[Friends + Coven (yes Dresden, that includes you)]

Consider this a roll call. Check in, let me know you're actually still here.

Aug. 27th, 2021



Ned's gone.

Aug. 26th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark

Before rumors start to fly, yes we're planning for something on Saturday. Kind of a surprise. If things go well, it could help us get people who want to go home, home. Fingers crossed.

And if you don't want to go home, you're welcome to stay. But I assume many of you would prefer not to randomly be sucked back into the portal against your will.

[Pepper Stark]

I love you.

Also, I have a question.

[Morgan Stark]

I love you.

And I have a favor to ask.


I'm about to be really stupid.

[Portal Team and OG Avengers]

The plan is for 8am Saturday. We'll send a drone in first and then an unmanned suit. If things look clear, I go first. I know we talked about Bruce or someone else, but I know the technology better than any of you and if things do go to hell, I'm the one most likely to get back.

Not saying then will. Worst case.

Aug. 27th, 2021



netpost: laura kinney

[Coven (including Ambrose and Stephen)]
I think there might be a new magic person.

[Eastern Europeans]
I'm going home on Monday. Starting in the Balkans but I might go further up the Urals as well. Does anyone want anything brought back? Transport and distance aren't an issue.

Aug. 26th, 2021



[Coven, Stephen, Adam, May]
Mirror Dimensioning. Stephen, if I'm not back by morning, please come get me.



Network: Nico Minoru

If anyone knows a Derek and/or Ivy Hale (married? siblings? don't know, don't care), they're fine. You can ask them yourselves when they wake up in 5-6 hours.

Incidentally, if anyone wants a finely crafted four poster bed made of black walnut, there's one in the portal room. You just have to wait for the aforementioned inhabitants to wake up.

Also, although I've been assured that this is not the case, if I find out all of this is some elaborate hoax manufactured by Morgan le Fay or my parents, I will burn everything to the ground.

Anyway, hi, I'm Nico.



Is there somewhere for a guy to go to clear his head?

Don't want to blow and break something or hurt someone.! Got way too much going on in my head



[Text: Stephen]

>> I think we need a new chart for the fridge...
>> It's been X day(s) that Christine hasn't throttled someone.

>> Look what you've done, Mister Magician. xo

Aug. 25th, 2021



Squirrel girl, reporting for duty!!!

but omg this is so much better than hero watch. I'm super impressed.

I wish Double M and the others were here.

They aren't right? No Patriot or Quake or America or anyone?




September's around the corner. Bloody hell...

Not sure I'm ready to turn 30.

I'm sorry it took me so long to write this. Between individuals with sharp implements stuck in themselves and everything else, it's been a bit hectic. Hope you've been settling in alright.

Aug. 23rd, 2021



Well since I know I didn't do this...anyone?

Aug. 14th, 2021



[Stephen Strange]

Mr. Strange, How does one move?

Typically one moves when they find a suitor, but I have not nor do I wish to live with the coven others any longer.



Tony Stark, Pepper Potts(-Stark?)

Oh no, you didn't invite me to your small intimate wedding, how could you, I'm so so offended.

I'm entirely teasing. For once. Congratulations, and enjoy your special day. I will attempt to not allow them to burn the place down while you're gone.



Network: Clint Barton

So, Mom and Dad are off getting hitched, Vegas-style.

Who wants "turn up" at the club for night #2 for some fun of our own?

Aug. 10th, 2021



Network: May Parker

Everyone wish my baby boy a happy 18th birthday! I love you, Pete.

Aug. 9th, 2021




You're not going off to space again, are you?

Aug. 3rd, 2021



Okay, so was nobody going to tell me they made two more Star Wars films and two spin-offs?  And there's a third one coming if I'm, God forbid, here next year?

[Filtered to Magic People]



For those having just arrived, if you could please stop by Medical at your earliest convenience, we'd appreciate it. Nothing terrible, but we like to keep a check on everyone to make sure we can accommodate any medical needs.

I think it goes without saying that the folks who went on their space trip should stop in for a quick check as well. Just to be safe.

How are you and the baby doing? Are you running low on anything?

Jul. 30th, 2021



Network: Wash Hoburn

Okay, I think I’m gettin’ the hang of this place, but I gotta ask: is it normal to just have people get up and fly around? Or...aliens? Has that been a thing here for awhile? And what’s with the guy with the portals? Like, how?

I don’t trust

I can’t be the only one freaking out.about this, right? Just a little?

Jul. 25th, 2021



Yes, everyone rejoice or whatever, I'm back.

Well. Rejoice Christine is back. I couldn't give a shit less about me. I'll assume most didn't notice my absence and I liked it that way, let's keep that up.

Pick a day. I got you a sling ring. Your training starts this week.

I have a sling ring for you. You should be able to access the mirror dimension and safely work with your powers.

Jul. 19th, 2021



[Filtered to: Christine Palmer, Martha Jones, and the Coven Kids]

It has possibly been explained to me that I may need a break. I don't do breaks.

Donna Noble has proposed an idea that I feel merits further research and, in an attempt to 'take a break', I'm going to look into it.

I'm going to spend a few days in Kamar Taj, now that I know the odds of my running into myself are very slim. I need some time in the archives and away from....this.

You all are the only ones I'm bothering to answer messages from so if you need me, please don't hesitate to reach out. Don't go getting into trouble just because you miss me, it never works out for anyone.

Jul. 18th, 2021



I'm fine. Thank you for your concern.

Thor, King of Asgard.

Jul. 16th, 2021



Network: Madison Montgomery

Stark is asking me to reach out to the newcomers and help them adjust or whatever.

So let's do this again since some of you are really slow.

My name is Madison Montgomery. I'm here to help you blend in. With the president's visit and all the other shit going down, I know Ororo and I are supposed to educate you on what's going on. Apparently, that's our "job".

So if anyone needs to go to town, or like the city or something, I can take you on a little tour and show you the sites or something.

And no, before you ask, this is not my crappy universe. But unlike a lot of you amateurs, I'm not looking for a way to go back to that hell-hole.



Voice post

Objects in space. In spaces they shouldn't be.

One to two, two to four, four to eight. And on and on an on and on and on.

Happy, sad, death, birth, war, peace.

Jul. 15th, 2021


Netpost: Christopher Pike

Just to clarify something - the Newcomers had a conversation a few days ago. We were concerned after the fraught visit of a President, and then a psychic shockwave hitting the galaxy. A few of us expressed frustration, some confusion, some others suspicion. No one called the Avengers out for being bad at their jobs, or saying we could do better, or that they somehow haven't given enough. No one suggested we march into HQ and start demanding answers, nobody wanted to start singing Les Mis and start a revolution.

The Newcomers can and should acknowledge all the help you've given us, and the good you've done for this world. Conversely, you need to acknowledge what we've been through - that we've been ripped from our homes, and dropped into a new reality with radically different rules, with no idea when or if we'll ever get back. We're strangers in a strange land, confronting technology, powers, species and forces that are alien to us.

We're doing our best - just like you are. Avengers, Asgardians, Wakandans, Natives, Newcomers - we're all people doing our best in increasingly bizarre and stressful circumstances. So why don't we turn down the heat a few notches and cut each other some slack. For instance - I tried to figure out a way to subtly suggest people go horseback riding to let off steam, because I just really want to go riding. I clearly failed. And I appreciate you all forgiving me for that.



Netpost: Kate Bishop

Can my ribs be healed now? Like, really? I don't want to wait more weeks for this. ...bowling didn't help. Lifting those heavy bowling balls? Ugh. I wonder how long that set me back.

I'm going stir crazy. Remind me to never play with dinosaurs again. UGH.



Since we're apparently doing the coming clean thing, let's lay it all out.

A few of you seem to think we're all hiding something. So, go for it. Q&A. Ask away. If any of us has the answers, we'll give it. I honestly don't know what you think we know that you don't. If any of you had any idea what some of us here have sacrificed to keep this planet spinning, you'd wet yourselves.

You know what, that goes for you natives. You want to know something from my timeline, ask. I'll do what I can. But I don't promise happy endings for anyone and I will be answering those privately. I think Stark Jr. and I believe Ms. Maximoff are the only ones ahead of me timewise. I'd prefer not to "spoil" those who don't wish to be.

Jul. 13th, 2021



Network: Tony Stark


So, it's come to my attention that there are people who think we are holding something back after the last visit. I get it. It's a lot. There's a lot going on.

I think Sam did a pretty good job summarizing it, but since there are some newcomers here that don't feel they know everything and don't know how to use Google or just ask me or anyone else, here. This is an entire history of the Avengers, what we know about the Power Stones, Thanos, and everything in between. It also explains the Sokovian Accords.

We've done this before. Several times. I've had meetings weeks ago about this, and I just don't have time to keep sitting everyone down and giving the rundown for this place. So it's now up to you. Read the attached files and please make yourself acquainted.

And if anyone wants to take over, by all means. Do it. I'm really, REALLY tired of trying to save people and I'm okay with retiring. You can have it all: the facility, the responsibility, all of it. Hell, you can deal with the president the next time she comes to town. And you can deal with the portals, too.

If you think you can do a better job, sign up below. Thanks.

Tony Stark




The Run Down )

Jul. 12th, 2021



I am sorry if I have worried anyone. It would appear the destruction of the Mind Stone had a heightened affect on me, due to my previous connection with it.

I am awake now, and I am feeling a little fatigued, but I am otherwise fine. I appreciate everyone's concern, and the doctors in medical for taking such good care of me.

I also apologize for the mess in the kitchen. The effects of the destruction of the Mind Stone, caused me to lose temporary control over my powers. I hope no one was hurt.



I am sad to report that my brother is currently unconscious. Any matters regarding Asgard should be discussed with me while my brother is recovering.

[Filtered to everyone involved in the discussions about the infinity stones, medical and scientific personal]

I see the rumour mill is already doing what it does best. Very entertaining. For the sake of clarity and progress, I can confirm that earlier in the evening, my brother destroyed the mind stone. Many voiced concern about this action. My voice was one of them. Thor did what he thought was necessary. We don't know the consequences that will arise from this. Fact is we have altered the status quo substantially, for better or for worse.

To go forward, you need to know what happened. Whatever investigations follow should be guided by the truth. I am, however, not responsible for the people in the compound. This is not information that should reach the ears of Midgardian nations. At least, not now. So pick those you tell wisely.

After an initial assessment by the scientists in Wakanda, I will bring home my brother's unconscious body. Our medical facilities are not yet running smoothly. I would request access to the facilities at the compound for our healers. Any assistance in the matter, will be appreciated.

Jul. 11th, 2021



Network: Vision

I knew there would be repercussions. I only hope everyone is as safe as can be at the moment. I am with Wanda.


Please answer if you can.



[Magic Users]

That was pretty intense. And I've been to hell and back. Literally.

Did anyone else's magic go a little haywire during that?

[Peter Parker]

Are you alright?

Network: Christopher Pike

god in heaven that was unpleasant

If you know first aid, we could use you out here. A lot of hurt and frightened people in need.