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Posts Tagged: '%7Einactive:+sam+wilson'

Aug. 8th, 2023



Network: Clint Barton

I've got birds following me everywhere and singing to me. It's so great.


Hey, so, Dylan's birthday is tomorrow, and I want to try to do something for him like you might celebrate on the Continent. I should've asked weeks ago, but... life, y'know? Also, I'd ask Jaskier, but I think you two would have a better idea of the things Dyl would enjoy doing.

Aug. 5th, 2023



Netpost; Scott Lang

So uh, I have a weird question. But it’s really important.

Do super soldiers hibernate? Is it a thing they do to protect their metabolism? Or heal?

I only ask because I found Sgt. Barnes out cold under an Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Which isn’t a usual napping spot.

Jul. 9th, 2023



Thinking about taking a weekend trip out for some hiking and swimming, maybe with some company. Probably not a huge group if we're gonna camp comfortably, but it'd be great to rope in a few people.

Any recommendations? Vernooy Falls Trail comes highly praised, but if there are others, throw them my way.

Lookin' at you. Sound like something Ellie might wanna do?

Hanging in there?

Jul. 1st, 2023



Security Message

Please be advised there is an emerging situation happening at the Lighthouse.

At 20:37, the seismic sensors registered a low level tremor consistent with a detonation located at the Lighthouse coordinates. The event repeated minutes later.

Eyewitnesses in the area have described an explosion that levels the Lighthouse, but couldn't get closer. They said a green flash of light accompanied every reset. I've sent a team to establish a perimeter and ask that no one goes near until we find out more. Tony is sending in people to make sure the public and the media stays out of this. Team Science, I'd love you to weigh in.

I'll keep everyone updated as I can. So far, we can't raise communications inside. If you've been living and/or working in the Lighthouse, please check in here, let us know you're okay.

Jun. 29th, 2023



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

So that was actually my first Pride. I think I still have glitter and paint in my hair even though I washed it.

[Sam, Steve, Clint]
What did you guys think of Ellie? Never thought I'd end up with a kid to look after, but here we are.

Jun. 1st, 2023



It's a relief to have warm weather again. I've been staying indoors too long.

I think I'm ready for that conversation with beverages now.


You're not around to see this, but you will some time. I hope it will be sooner than later. I came apart when I found you were gone. I hurt people and could have killed someone. I feel like any control I've managed to pull back over the last year is slipping away. I'm feeling isolated again. The last time that happened, with Gil in the desert, I lost who I was. I don't want to lose myself again when we have each other now. But mostly, I don't want to be gone when you come back. I don't want you to lose me, and be alone. I love you.

May. 16th, 2023



If anyone wants to partner up for morning runs or other outdoor activities, given security's message yesterday, I'm available. Too bad I can't bring the shield along. Same goes for non-outdoor activities if you just want to keep busy. I'm thinking of taking up a new hobby.

Clint and Dylan )
Bucky )
Thena )
Maria )

Mar. 11th, 2023



Netpost: Peter Quill

So I'm gonna take the Benatar and fly down to  Missouri for a few days. Do what Gamora started insisting I do after I first got here and look up my grandfather, see if any of my other family's still around.

Maybe even go see where my mom's buried.

Ever since Drax got red portal-ed, been like the damn thing's taken pretty much all the family I got. Rocket and Groot, Mantis, Gamora, now Drax.

So yeah, I'm gonna finally man up and go see him.

If Drax shows back up, or anybody from my team comes back out the portal, give me a call.



Netpost: Steve Rogers

Has someone compiled a list of the people from our community who have been sucked through Red Portals? And the ones who have returned? It might help our Science Crew if they could conduct some interviews--I know that Medical has been reaching out to those who have been returned.

Who all is still missing? Who's gone and come back, and where did you go?

Keeping a list. )

Mar. 10th, 2023



Network: Clint Barton

Happy birthday, Buck-Buck-Goose!

I got a batch of Asgardian mead waiting for you somewhere in the vents. Come find it.

(If anyone else finds it, NO, YOU DIDN'T. Keep your mitts off it.)

Mar. 1st, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

Hey, Everyone! Drinks and dancing at Threshold tonight?

Wally, Kaldur, Peter, Jace, Simon, Clint, Sam, I hope you'll be there.

Feb. 19th, 2023



Ok, I understand that this is some kind of parallel universe but it's still weird to get an email from Stark.

Maria Hill. Confused as hell.

Feb. 13th, 2023



Netpost; Dick Grayson

Tim isn't back yet? That sucks.

I still have the schedules and stuff for security from the last time Derek was away. If that helps in any way?

I'm available for hugs in the games room. Please form an orderly queue.

Feb. 11th, 2023



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

Compared to Gotham, this place is relatively easy going. It just sucks that the two people who know it aren't here to talk to about it.

Whoever was looking after PONG, he's found his way back to the garage. There's a lot for me to catch up on, so I'll keep him busy.

We came back, so odds are high that everyone else will too.

Dec. 19th, 2022



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

Whoever took my arm, Okoye and Shuri will kick your ass(es).

Everyone else, I’m not him. I just, have to use that arm until my new one is returned.

Alpine seems to like hanging out in the garage, so if you want to borrow a car you need to bring cat treats too.

Dec. 7th, 2022



Netpost: Sharon Carter

I hit the bottom of my "to read" pile. Any recommendations for new books?

Dec. 3rd, 2022



I have less than a month to plan the most epic New Year's Eve party possible.

Anyone have suggestions or requests?

[Private to Eliot & Quentin]
Don't worry, I'll make sure you two can sneak off somewhere to kiss at midnight.

Nov. 30th, 2022



Netpost: Sharon Carter

This holiday season I've joined with some of my Asgardian friends to decorate New Asgard with holiday lights and trees. If anyone wants to come and help, we'll be decorating on Saturday. I'll buy anyone who volunteers and joins us a coffee and pastry from Sally's.

Nov. 26th, 2022



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

Went to find some snow.

Found a cat. They’re following me.

Nov. 13th, 2022



Hi, I'm Karen, and the super grumpy guy you may sometimes see lurking around corners is Frank. This is probably the weirdest fucking thing that's happened to me in a long time, and I'm not really sure yet what to do about that.

Nov. 12th, 2022



netpost; castiel

I have read the conversations I had when I was here previously. It has provided some insight into what happens in this place. And a number of other feel-

I would have mentioned this sooner but my device was broken over Halloween. A gremlin threw it - as gremlins do. However, gremlins don't tend to disappear with a single touch. That was curious.

Nov. 6th, 2022



I hope everyone who came out to Threshold on Halloween had a good time.

Anyone else still finding random spots of glow in the dark body paint on them?

Oct. 31st, 2022



Two important questions:

- Who's handing out the full candy bars? (Asking for a friend)

- Where's the best grown-up party? (Asking for me)

Oct. 29th, 2022



Netpost: Barry Allen (backdated to Friday, 10/28)

Hey everyone! Come join the gang at the Facility for a horror movie marathon this weekend to celebrate Halloween. We'll go super traditional on Saturday, and then a little more contemporary (and sometimes funny) on Sunday.

Psycho (1960)
Halloween (1978)
Alien (1979)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The Fly (1986)

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Snakes on a Plane (2006)
Zombieland (2009)
Get Out (2017)
Hereditary (2018)

And we'll pick up with any fan favorites on Monday. Feel free to comment below with your vote!

Oct. 12th, 2022



This is a ride I never thought I'd take except I guess I already, but here I am.

Need a few to settle in and wrap my head around all this, but then I think I'd like an in-person conversation or five with a few of you. I have a feeling we've got a lot to discuss.

Jun. 24th, 2022



Thanks everyone who came to Threshold last night for Ashley's birthday. It was a blast.

We've got the following items in Lost & Found if anyone wants to claim them:

- leather wallet with cash (tell me the amount to verify it's yours)
- iPhone with this lockscreen photo
- a left Nike sneaker
- a purple lacy bra
- This t-shirt (which smells really good, fyi)
- several pairs of glasses/sunglasses
- a gold hoop earring

Hope everyone had a good time and that we'll see you soon!

[ooc: feel free to claim any of these items]

Jun. 11th, 2022



Netpost; Bucky Barnes

A Black VW convertible just appeared in the garage. One second there was an empty space in the lot, the next a Bug. Anyone own one of them back in your own world?

There was some weird stuff in the glove box and trunk.

Also… a hover bike? Which probably should be in the hangar.

Jun. 7th, 2022



Avengers, Science Team, Gamora, anyone else this applies to

So the sub-space communicator in the Benatar went nuts this morning.  Took a while for the computer to unscramble it, but it turned out to be a distress signal, from the Nova Corps.

They're detecting massive temporal anomalies.

From Vormir.

May. 27th, 2022



Network: Tim Wayne

Can't seem to focus on anything today. Keep trying to get through this case file I've been browsing, but no dice. I can't believe I actually miss Gotham a little and Usually it's all I want to do. There's not enough coffee to get through it. I may be on cup 3 before noon, oops.

May. 20th, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

I'm heading to DC this weekend. Not to storm the Capitol or anything, just catching up with a couple of people.

May. 14th, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

Five things:
Sleeping through the whole night
Dogs having dreams about running
Exercise endorphins
Waffles with fresh cut fruit

May. 6th, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

Between this and the bullshit they pulled with the shield in the future I feel like it's taking most of my effort just to keep it together right now. I'm so pissed off I'm getting mad at people I shouldn't be mad at. I keep dreaming about the Raft

Who's for drinks? I feel like we need to wash this week away.

May. 5th, 2022



Avengers, Friends & Family (if you think it's you, it is)

I never thought I'd be put in this position again, choosing between living life with you all or signing the Accords.

I can't sign. More to the point, I won't. Which means I probably need to find another place to live and fast. Unlike a lot of the new people here I'm likely to be recognised as being Stark-adjacent, at the very least.

If any of you know of a safe house I can lay low in, I'd appreciate the intel. It must be dog friendly.

You know where to find me and I'll always show up if you need me.

May. 2nd, 2022



Netpost: Col. James Rhodes

FRIDAY has assured me that this message will stay up for approximately twenty-four hours before disappearing.  If people need it, I'll fill them in on the details later, but I'm in no mood to leave a record for longer than that.

I'm going to assume by now you've all at least read the cliff notes version of the message security distributed to everyone.  I apologize for not addressing everyone sooner, but I was attempting to speak to the President, the U.N. security council, and anyone else who'd take my calls, as well as reading through the revised Accords documents they sent over.

Things are, in a nutshell, not good.

The events in Russian were, if not exactly accepted, at least understood.  The circumstances there granted us some small degree.  We have been allowed some leeway in the past, though in typical government fashion, they are being extremely circumspect as to what they actually know compared to what they're allowing us to believe they know.

Which is to say, "be careful."

The disappearances of Tony Stark and other people who are native to this universe without returning has them considerably spooked and more than every wanted to keep us on a short leash.  They fully intend to enforce the Accords.  Up to the point of violence if need be. 

So I cannot officially condone breaking the Accords.  In fact, on the record, I must insist that you do not. 

 Unofficially...  I fought for the Accords when they were first written.  I thought they were a good idea.  I'm a military man.  I believe in the chain of command.  I believe in orders.

But I also know that you cannot follow an unlawful order.  And while the Accords may be legal, they are no longer moral.  This is the result of panic and fear.

We are attempting legal and political recourse, but fight now, people are scared.  And scared people try to control.

If you plan on doing anything, please, exercise the utmost caution.  If you are caught... our official ability to help or protect you will be very limited. 

We've going to do our best to fight this.  But right now, we don't have a lot of friends. 



netpost: sam wilson

[Friends & Facility staff/Avengers]
From a close reading of that notice, it seems the government has unilaterally nullified my previous agreement with them. This is some bullshit.

Apr. 30th, 2022



Netpost: This is Some Bullshit

I just saw the security message about a new ruling from the UN about forcing "enhanced individuals" to sign the Sokovia Accords.

I know I'm new here, but...Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! Since when can the UN issue "rulings" that are enforceable in the USA? I thought (based on a few minutes of Googling, and IANAL) signing the Accords was optional?

Anyone know any good lawyers? That work cheap? Because I'm kinda broke just now.

Or any good tailors, ditto? I guess if I'm gonna continue flying around, I'm gonna need a mask. Maybe a costume? And a name to answer to other than my own.

Apr. 26th, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

I still have glitter in my clothes. They're not even the same clothes.

Apr. 25th, 2022



So... this is new. Hi, I'm Scott McCall. I just can't believe I'm saying this came through the portal.

Apr. 17th, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

Ah, fuck.

Sorry I'm late. I came via the future, it's one hell of a commute. And kind of a head trip even though I already knew what happened. I think I'm gonna take a couple of days to process, find a good bookie, buy some lottery tickets, give everyone some time for last minute birthday present shopping. (We're sticking with calendar dates, for the record, it's still my 40th.)

Who's got Percy?

Do you know who around here might have weed? I don't want to ask Klaus.

Mar. 16th, 2022



Netpost: Steve Rogers

10 days.

Life is certainly a funny thing, isn't it?

Mar. 15th, 2022



Netpost: Sharon Carter

24 hours in Quarantine and I'm going a little stir-crazy.

Here's the story: I was feeling different, so I had myself checked out. Turns out, my bloodwork is consistent with that of an Asgardian. No one knows how or why. Until we know more this seems to be the safest place for me to be. For everyone involved.

I never thought I'd miss my books as much as I do. And I hope if this lasts, that someone can go water my plants.

Mar. 13th, 2022



Well, at least being in an Avengers facility isn't new to me.

Sue Storm here - anyone I know around?

Mar. 8th, 2022



I've never seen Alya as elated as she was today when she came across a talking puppy on the way back from school. I don't think she knows yet that there are other talking animals...but let me know if anyone has a pet who'd like to play with an eager four-year-old. It might save us me us from having to get her one of her own....

I should be concerned that I don't find this whole thing nearly as strange as I should.



netpost: sam wilson

Uh. If anyone's looking for me in my office I'm not there because... it's missing. The whole room. Door to the quiet room's there, door to the office next door, big gap in between. Someone scientific or magical might want to look at that.

Mar. 5th, 2022



📧 from

To: Tony Stark, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James Rhodes, Cisco Ramon, Harry Dresden, Peter Parker, Stephen Strange, Clark Kent
cc: Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers
Subject: Bachelor Party

image cut )

Mar. 2nd, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

[ooc: pretend this was earlier in the day when I was napping]

Happy Mardi Gras. There are pancakes in the kitchen at the facility. Like, a lot of pancakes.

Have we put together all the information on HYDRA we've been collecting since December? I want to go over it and see if anything jumps out at me.

Feb. 28th, 2022



Netpost - Dr Strange

The doctor is in.

I'm curious, what happened to this universe's original Stephen Strange?

Feb. 21st, 2022



netpost: sam wilson

If I mention we never got around to that last karaoke night what are the chances of some new disaster popping up, do you think?

Feb. 16th, 2022



Network: Quentin Coldwater

Okay, so I don't mean to alarm anyone—which is pretty much guaranteed to do just that (sorry)—and maybe this is something the people of this world already know or maybe its normal for here, but...

And let me preface this by saying that no, I don't know how, and I really don't know why...

This world is broken.

There's something missing, something that's making it broken.

I can feel it like an ache at the back of my jaw. Figured it was just the residual backlash from what happened to me right before I got here, but it's not that. I can sense when things want to be whole, and your Earth has been kicking off those vibes since I got here.

Feb. 14th, 2022



Agent Romanoff, reporting for duty. What did I miss?