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Posts Tagged: 'marvel:+miles+morales'

Sep. 3rd, 2023



Network: Nico Minoru

I'm back.

I don't want to talk about it.

Except to say that Eliot's back and in Medical again. (sorry, Quentin)

And now I'm going to find an empty room and sleep for a couple of hours before I drag myself back to the Mortuary and deal with the fact that I've been gone for two months, while it's been nearly eight for me/us.

Aug. 16th, 2023



Netpost: Miguel O'Hara

Buildings don't just randomly appear, right? Ones attached to the ground, at least. Especially tall ones.


That wasn't there an hour ago.

[OoC: A very tall (at least 100 storeys) fairytale-type tower has appeared at the Avengers Compound, with ivy all up the outside of it, a little wooden door at the bottom, and a round room with a pointy roof right at the top. No idea what's at the top, happy to find out!]

Aug. 3rd, 2023



Netpost: Miles Morales

I'm officially an adult!!!

Aug. 2nd, 2023



Netpost: Miguel O'Hara

The tech here's a bit more advanced than I was expecting for this time period. Not quite antique.

Jul. 26th, 2023



Netpost; Steve Harrington

I don't understand Tinder.

How is Miami close by?

Would anyone in New Asgard, the Facility or Consulate like to go on a date?

Jul. 18th, 2023



Netpost: Lydia Martin

...okay, so my birthday is coming up. Five days from now I'm going to be a year older. Which is really strange, because I had a big gap in years, and I certainly feel a lot older than I am. Or, than I can figure out that I am?)

I'm hoping that people can take an hour or two away from whatever they're dilligently working on, and share a meal with me in celebration. Then I promise I we'll get right back to work.

Jul. 17th, 2023



Network: Simon Lewis

Okay, whoever said the red portals had calmed down and gone quiet seriously needs to stop tempting fate.

Jun. 24th, 2023



Netpost; Peter Parker

Hey Pride friends!

Look up for a specially suited Spidey (aka. Pridey or Bidey) swinging his way along the parade route. (Thanks, Tony.)

The Queens from Queens asked me along to join the fun and I couldn’t say no. I’m not their Spidey, but they adopted me anyway. Peter, Miles, they want to meet you guys too.

Jun. 12th, 2023



Netpost: Miles Morales

So technically I was finished last week but was too exhausted to post anything... but I'M DONE SELF STUDY!! All the tests are done! So officially done high school and it's summer vacation!!!

Jun. 11th, 2023



Netpost: Lydia Martin

I feel like I've been going nonstop for months. These red portals are a lot. I'm doing my best to be a good Science Team Intern, but sometimes I feel like dead weight I'm not making much of a difference.

I need to do something to turn my brain off. Video games? Anyone want to join me?

May. 28th, 2023



It's probably too early to say anything, but it's about time we had some good news around here, so I'm saying it anyway.

I'm developing an early warning system for the red portals.

I don't expect it will entirely prevent disappearances, as the energy signatures appear to only become readable within minutes of the portal appearing. The ultimate goal is to alert anyone within proximity of an emerging portal in hopes that they can evade it. So far the sensors have a limited range and have proven unstable even under lab conditions, but I think I've found the right balance of power and sensitivity and am building a new prototype now. Once complete, I'll be testing around the Lighthouse for ease of monitoring, and then distributing from there given appropriate circumstances and materials/ability to replicate. I originally wanted to make portable censors but the

It's going to take some time, but we will get to the other side of this.

[Cisco and Henry]

I wouldn't mind a second and third pair of eyes on these new schematics before I use up the last of this steel-polysiliconate I made.



Netpost: Miles Morales

In the home stretch! One more month of studying and tests etc. I can't believe I'm almost done my self study. I didn't think I'd be finishing High School on my own, or to get ready to graduate without my parents seeing me. Though, honestly, I probably got more school work done here since there was less crime fighting (but with a side trip to Middle Earth). Summer's going to be great though, waiting and getting ready for college.

May. 25th, 2023




We're gonna party SO HARD. Within reason, big bro. Obviously.

Apr. 14th, 2023



network: Tim Wayne

The droids are doing a harmony or something. One makes a noise, the others copy.

[Poe] Want to try this?

Sorry, I kinda fell off the face of the Earth for a minute...about my proposal...have a minute to meet soon?

Apr. 5th, 2023



Netpost: Miles Morales

The Red Portal whiplash is bad; the fact it's taking my friends is worse.


So I know I said we needed to stick together, but we really need to now.

Apr. 3rd, 2023



Netpost; Courtney Whitmore

People at school are talking non stop about Spring break and going away for the holidays. But if the weather warms up, I think the beach at New Asgard is better than most for surfing. Though that’s a big if, I guess. I plan on eating a lot of chocolate and wading through my assignments.

Are we doing anything for Stiles’ Birthday on the 8th? It’s the day after the full, but hopefully you won’t be super tired.

Mar. 19th, 2023



Netpost: Tim Wayne

It's really been two months?

Feb. 28th, 2023



My spider-senses are agitating me with this Red Portal stuff. That or I'm still not used to the house being haunted. It might be both. And now there's a cat that sneaks up on me.


Feel like doing something and avoid getting sucked into another portal?

Feb. 18th, 2023



[After unsuccessfully attempting to teleport home three times]
Well. Fuck.

Jan. 30th, 2023



Netpost; Peter Three

Sooooooooo, I just saw a car go through a portal. A WHOLE CAR. With people inside. I really hope there are roads where they went, because it was not a 4x4.

[🕸️Miles and Peter]
Are you both still here? And are you both okay?
I’m almost always spidey-tingling at the moment, which is weird as heck.

Would it be alright if I camped out in your spare room? I need to know I’m close enough to web you to safety if one of these pops up and dares to try taking you.

Jan. 20th, 2023



Filter to Mortuary Residents

Everyone is still here, right?

This portal thing is freaking me out.

Dec. 22nd, 2022



Netpost: Peter B. Parker

So had to check the calendar to see when it was happening this year and I haven't always been the most observant and all, but...

Well, between what was going on in my world... and Miles'.. and now everything here... feels like a time for faith more than ever.

So Happy Hanukkah everybody.

Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, shehecheyanu v-ki'y'manu v-higianu la-z'man ha-zeh



Netpost: Sabrina Spellman

So, I'd say "I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore," but I've always sympathized with the Wicked Witch more than Dorothy.

Also, I'm not from Kansas.

So, hello! I'm Sabrina. The really cute portal guard told me that I was here before, and I left my house behind. Anyone want to help me out finding it? And is my bedroom still free?

Dec. 11th, 2022



If anyone's looking for me I'll... well I'll just be back later.

Nov. 8th, 2022



Network: Clint Barton

So... if anyone is looking for a place that's not the Consulate or New Asgard and is willing to wait a couple of months while I finally get things fixed up better than I did before—

My Bed-Stuy building showed up in the old neighborhood in Brooklyn. I'm gonna do my best to keep it from dragging down the local property values, but I'm totally going to turn a lot of the space into low-income, rent controlled apartments.

Wish me luck....

Oct. 16th, 2022



Network: Kaldur'ahm

Hello, everyone. You would not believe the things I have seen during my travels. Dear friends, there are wonders untold in the depths of this world. Really remarkable. All I wish is for you to have a chance to see it someday.

Oct. 11th, 2022



[Locked to MCU Peter, Amazing Peter, and Miles]

Guess there's a lot of people seeing ghosts right now...  myself included.  God knows I've got plenty of them.

I lost Aunt May years ago... 

And there's a lot of people I couldn't save over the years. 

Gwen.  Her dad.  Harry.  Jean DeWolff.  Even some of my bad guys, like Kraven and Norman.

I saw Uncle Ben.

He... he doesn't blame me.

He's... he's proud of me.

Oct. 1st, 2022



Netpost: Barry Allen

'Tis the season for Halloween movies. Do we have a schedule up yet for what movies we're going to watch on which days? Because I'll bring the popcorn.

My vote's in for all the classics. Freddy Kruger, Mike Myers, Jason Vorhees, etc. etc.

Sep. 28th, 2022



Netpost: Miles Morales

Okay so... time for my future thing. I thought I just saw Gwen again! But she went back to her universe so that's not really possible. Except that I went to another universe entirely so it probably is possible??

Sep. 19th, 2022



[cut for No Way Home Spoilers?] )

Aug. 26th, 2022



Netpost: Miles Morales

... I missed my own birthday. I only just realized. I blame being sent to Middle Earth for months (since I technically had my birthday there? Maybe). And I'd only just got back from Wakanda on my actual birthday. Well anyway: 17 now!

Aug. 22nd, 2022



Network: Kaldur'ahm

I find I am still feeling unwell, and I believe it may be due to my staying on the surface for so long, as well as the recent trip through time. Forgive me, my friends, but I must return to the ocean for a while. I do not know when I will return, but I will make certain not to bring further scrutiny to our community.


Please forgive me.

I know you can take care of yourself and you are more than welcome to stay at the house, but I will understand if you wish to move in with another guardian. My time with you has reminded me of that which I spent with my teammates, and I have treasured it.

I am very sorry to leave you like this, but the sea is calling me. I can ignore it no longer.

Jul. 10th, 2022



So, a few minutes ago, I was definitely still in bed, sleeping in, because that's what I do.

It's like I blinked and I was part of the way to Sally's. I don't remember leaving the house.

Time thing?

Jun. 11th, 2022



Network: Kaldur'ahm

Did this go through?

[Edited to add]

Thank the seas. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get free form that loop. Five seconds may not seem like a long time, but it is an eternity if one is trapped in those same few seconds an incalculable number of times.

May. 31st, 2022



Netpost: Peter B. Parker

So, ah, trying to get my life more together. As long as I'm here, might as well, right? Not much better to do and believe me, wallowing in self-pity only gets you so far.

So, ah... I'm a photographer? And scienecy! So sciencey! Mostly biochem, little engineering. Never did quite finish that doctorate though... Oh! And I taught high school science for a while!

Anybody need any of that?

May. 1st, 2022



Netpost: Peter B. Parker

Well, at least I'm not glitching out this time around. That's a plus. Free room and board sounds pretty nice too these days. Pretty sure the room they assigned me is bigger than my apartment back home.

Pretty sure I heard someone say about the whole multiverse being in danger? Same old, same old, I guess.

And there's more Spider-Men here? Wow, it really is like nothing's changed.



Security Message

Please be advised of the attached ruling by the U.N. in regards to powered individuals.

The too long, didn't read version is this:

If you're caught by any media using your abilities in such a way that can lead back to your real identity, you'll be required to sign and abide by the Sokovia Accords. This is non-negotiable, especially after what happened with Tony Stark last month.

I'm sure some very smart people are doing their best to get this repealed, but until then, lay low. Or wear a goddamn mask.

[Attached: A Very Long Legal Document that is paraphrased above]

(OOC Note: This is sent as a direct message to every resident, making each comment effectively screened to Derek only. Feel free to react separately on the net.)

Apr. 24th, 2022



Medical Alert

If you are among the returned and have not yet been brought or come to Medical under your own power, we request you come by for a check-up at your earliest convenience.

Thank you, and welcome back.

[Fitz] )

Apr. 17th, 2022



Never taking a hot water for granted again. Well, probably a lot of stuff I probably shouldn't take for granted again. I'm going to sleep for forever since apparently I gained a few months back...


How are you feeling?



netpost; peter three

Two weeks? It didn’t feel that long. Anything weird happen here while we were gone?

Feeling better?

Mar. 18th, 2022



Netpost: Lydia Martin

I'm super thankful for the day off from the Science Lab today. Got positively no sleep last night. I kept having nightmare after nightmare, and no amount of coffee can make up for it. Don't look at me--the bags under my eyes are a fright.

Can all my friends check in? I'm still shaky from watching you all die in my dreams last night.

Mar. 6th, 2022



netpost: Miles Morales

My paints came through the portal! Now I just need to find somewhere to paint where I won't get in trouble with security.

[Private to Spideys]


Mar. 4th, 2022



netpost; courtney whitmore

Why do teenaged boys have to be Like. That. ?

Is it genetic? Hard wired into their chromosomes? Ugh.

Mar. 2nd, 2022



So, uhhhhhhhh

There might be a couple of roombas running around on a mission to battle each other until there's one left like Highlander.

They escaped.

If you see one, avoid the lasers or the the sharp knives. And, please don't destroy them? Returning them would be preferred.

Feb. 27th, 2022



Network: Kaldur'ahm

In an effort to give back to the community that has welcomed me so graciously despite my unorthodox entry, I would like to offer martial training to anyone interested. I have taken the liberty of asking Mrs. Potts-Stark for a space, and she has graciously added a two hour block of time to the yoga room schedule, Monday through Saturday, from 6-8 PM.

If this is an inconvenient time for anyone who might also wish to use the space, please let me know, and I will make other arrangements. All skill levels are welcome.

Feb. 20th, 2022


netpost: usagi tsukino

Am I doing this right? I hope so.

Hi! 😰 I'm Usagi.

Feb. 18th, 2022



Netpost: Miles Morales

So, I have my learner's permit, but I'm wondering if that doesn't count here because I got it when I was home? My Dad wanted me to get it (and was teaching me) because he thinks I might still want to be a cop one day so I'd need my license obviously (because I still haven't told him that I'm Spider-Man because it's kind of awkward considering he's PDNY).

But now that I'm here, and like not in Brooklyn, being able to drive so seem to make more sense when I can't get around on my own or it's like longer distances I'm worried about running out of webbing... probably should talk to Peter(s) about that. Also, I thought it might be just an idea of something to do so I don't get bored-.

And, I don't want to bug people to drive me places, like if I need to go get spray paint or something.

Feb. 11th, 2022



I went from four roommates to zero, and we're only 11 days into the month. I should get a jo How does portal security and joining that work?

Feb. 7th, 2022



Netpost: Barry Allen

I was just thinking about one of my friends from my world. I miss her terribly. I can't help but feel alone tonight, thinking of friends I'll never see again. Or may never see again. Makes it a fairly rough night tonight. I could certainly use a distraction.

Feb. 4th, 2022



Netpost: Lydia Martin

Is there someone with a car willing to give me a ride to the library tomorrow? I've got some books to return, and a few more things to pick up. Or if someone's willing to let me borrow a car, I could drive myself.

[Private: Stiles]
I know you're on a date tonight, so I don't want to interrupt, but make some time for me soon.

[Private: Jordan]
You talked to Allison.