
Posts Tagged: '%7Blady+marian'

Mar. 11th, 2012



Filtered away from Guy

I should feel better, I should feel more at ease. Why do I feel so ... horrible?



[No Subject]

So, lesson learned. Screwing around with dark witches wands results in injuries.

Whatever stories Simon and Sirius told about gallons of blood are exaggerations. It was like, pints, maybe.

Seriously, I'm fine. Lots of stitches and pain meds later, and I'm fine. And boy will I not be trying that again ever.

Mar. 10th, 2012



[No Subject]

All right. I am going off the train to play with Trixie's wand. That's not as kinky as it sounds.

If I don't come back, the wand killed me.

If an army of mad zombie cows charge the train, it was the wand's fault, not mine.

If the train hops realities while I'm out, just know that I will miss you all and think of you often as I learn how to live a life in the land of cow.

Private to Sirius
When I get back on, you're going to start teaching me how to be an animagus. Then we can see which comes first: a rescue or Jaime can be an animal.

Mar. 8th, 2012



failed filter to Marian

Be careful, Marian. There's a cowardly thief aboard this train. An outlaw I know all too well.

Mar. 5th, 2012



failed filter to Meg

I hope this doesn't offend you, to ask this... But I had someone recommend that I ask someone how to go about being shameless.

I'm not assuming that because you're a demon, that you would know... but I thought I'd ask mostly because you might find it amusing that I am completely clueless about it.

And might take pity on me. And give me a few pointers.

Mar. 1st, 2012



Private: Marian

I'm here, in case you haven't seen me since we started moving.

How're you doing?

Feb. 29th, 2012



[No Subject]

I think the train is getting ready to leave, I'm not exactly sure... Seeing as I've never been on one before this one... So it could be getting ready to vomit and I wouldn't know.

But if there's anyone left that hasn't got on the train, that doesn't wish to stay here in New York, you might want to get here as quickly as possible.


Oh and for those who haven't noticed.... Our rooms now have little loos in them. It's a good thing that Meg mentioned Bath and Body works earlier this week.


Thank you, the robe and the hair sticks are absolutely beautiful.


You know evil chocolates do come with payback, I hope.



[No Subject]

Two of the three shadows, that tormented me, have been brought onto the train. I should be happy, yet... I find myself longing for the third.

Every passing moment I plead to see his face, just once more. For just a moment. That would be enough, to tell him I'm sorry, to tell him that I loved him. To ask if he was proud of me. I should be happy that he's with my Mum. He loved her so much...

I'm fine most days. It's at night, when I'm alone. Staring up at the bottom of Peter's bunk... That the sorrow swallows me whole. Like a blanket that I can't escape.

Sorry for the melancholy moment, I... I think I'm starting to forget him. I shouldn't have looked at these pictures alone

Feb. 28th, 2012



Filtered away from Robin and Guy

So in 29 days, if we go by what today is... It will be Robin's birthday. I would like to do something grand, but I will need some help. Does anyone have any ideas?

And I'm not entirely sure which I want to celebrate it as, his 817th birthday, or his 27th.

Feb. 25th, 2012



Private to Marian

You have outdone yourself this time Marian, and left me without words.

Feb. 24th, 2012



[No Subject]

Oh my god, I love the violet stone. It's gorgeous. Thank you, luv. And maybe with the sword, I can fend off the harpies better next time.

Where you been then? I found a shop with rhinestones on almost everything, I thought you'd be there.

Feb. 23rd, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay I know I'm not crazy... Well... You all know what I mean.

The train is longer. And the door is back, and open.

Feb. 22nd, 2012



[No Subject]

What the...


I didn't...I don't remember...

What is this?





[No Subject]

Not cool, bitch train. Not cool.

Anyone spending time away from the train, it's locked us out. I mean, the door's completely gone. And it's just sitting there, all smug and locked and ... it doesn't care that I kicked it. I even tried breaking a win

So if you were going to come back for something on the train, today is not the day.

I wonder if it's going to take off and leave us all stranded here. Disturbing thought.

Feb. 21st, 2012



[No Subject]

This is terribly awfully awkward. But.. I am in the need of a little assistance. I would love anyone dearly if they brought me some clothes... And perhaps a towel.

Feb. 19th, 2012



Filtered to Logan

I don't want to disturb your tranquility, but what can you advise a woman like me, going to do to relieve some anger, frustration, and... betrayal?

Feb. 18th, 2012



[No Subject]

Private to Marian

Arrows are on my weapons list so do you and Robin use any kind especially?

Private to Dr.Grey

You guys need any help on the supply front?

Feb. 17th, 2012



[No Subject]

Do you plan to spend all your time shopping, Marian?

Feb. 16th, 2012



[No Subject]

I have made to England. And I only got a little wet. So there. I also cannot now recall why I did it other than to prove a point. 'cause that's how I am.

I am also thoroughly exhausted because it took like, twelve hops, and plan to have a nap before I come back.

Privated to Harry, Sirius, Severus, Lily, Luna, Hermione, and Ron

Not our England. No Diagon Alley where it should be. I haven't bounced up to where Hogwarts should be, but I think that'd be a wasted venture, anyway. It was worth a shot though, right?



Private: Marian

Hey kid

If you and yours need some cash, I came across some last night.